
Exorcist of the American Nightmares

"Father Yorks, may I ask what is meant by scientific exorcism?" A large group of priests in divine robes at the bottom stared at the man on top of the high platform, their eyes fiery as they asked. Listening to the task released in his ears, the corners of Yorks' mouth rose slightly, and "What do you mean by scientific exorcism? My answer is that we have to utilize the characteristics of modern technology in conjunction with our traditional exorcism methods to exorcise demons ......" "We all know that the evil spirit hates our recitation of the Bible, so we can record our recitation and play it out through audio, tormenting it every day and making it physically ill ......" "The evil spirit hates holy water and holy water will cause it as much damage as fire, if it doesn't come out and does its little tricks to disgust people every day, then we can ask the homeowner's permission to use the showerhead to sweep through the house and irritate it every day, of course this will require a lot of holy water, so roll it up ...... " "If an evil spirit or demonic being descends, we'll just blast it to death with a gun, if the gun doesn't work, then a cannon, if the cannon doesn't work, then a nuke, if the nuke doesn't work, then just wait for it to die ......" "......" Perverts, witches, magic, vampires, werewolves, demons, killers, the main one is a scientific [physical] exorcism ...... ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Película
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252 Chs

Chapter 86: The Incident


Ed was driving an eight-seater SUV on the highway, with York reviewing the first page of the file.

The smooth driving skills and the stable car made it comfortable for him to read.

York's gaze slowly shifted across the pages.

The incident involving the Warren couple happened in Jersey City, New Jersey, roughly twenty miles from New York.

Unlike previous paranormal events, this wasn't just known to a few people but had garnered significant attention due to local TV coverage.

According to the TV report, their interest in this incident was piqued by a police report about a family of five and the subsequent local gossip.

As per the police report and local accounts, the Peggie family was experiencing a series of strange events.

Such as noises of people walking at night, lights turning on automatically, the TV suddenly switching on in the middle of the night, and other bizarre occurrences.

Crucially, when two officers responded to a call, they witnessed chairs in the kitchen moving on their own, sliding across the floor and crashing against the door.

York narrowed his eyes and read on. Initially, the police suspected that the Peggies staged these events. However, after failing to find any rational explanation, they had to concede that the phenomenon was beyond their understanding.

York showed no emotion; such antics were routine for malevolent spirits. They might scare ordinary people, but to him, they were mundane.

Skipping the interview, York focused on the Peggie family.

"Another single-parent family, a single mother…"

He shook his head, reminded of Morse's earlier remarks, and continued. Single-parent families seemed to be increasingly common.

With the TV station's involvement, a journalist quickly brought in a paranormal investigator to interview and investigate the Peggie family.

After their investigation, the so-called expert focused on the second daughter of the family, Janet Peggie.

Because the root of the events seemed to originate from her.

According to accounts from Janet and her older sister Margaret, who shared a room with her:

Janet would often appear in the living room in the middle of the night,

Occasionally emitting a harsh, guttural voice,

Or engaging in seemingly one-sided conversations with thin air, as if talking to someone invisible,

And even levitating, with toys and furniture flying around in her room…

Reading this, York raised an eyebrow. Normally, a spirit wouldn't have enough power to do all this, unless…

"Does this girl have psychic abilities?"

Staring at a photo of Janet levitating in the file, York set the interview documents down, glancing at Lorraine sitting beside him.

Lorraine was a psychic.

However, Lorraine, who had the psychic gift and the third eye, was now asleep, seemingly enjoying a restful sleep she hadn't had in a long time.

Ed, who had been keeping an eye on the situation, spoke up when he saw York turn to look at Lorraine.

"Father York, do you have any questions? You can ask me if you want."

"No," York shook his head. "I think this Janet might be a psychic like Lorraine."

Ed was multi-tasking, glancing at the rear-view mirror and the road ahead.

"Father, I think so too. You might want to look at the video footage they sent."


Hearing this, York looked at the tablet next to him, picked it up, and played the interview video.

As the screen changed, a new scene appeared.

The protagonists, Janet and her sister Margaret, who knew more about her situation, were sitting on a couch.

The reporter and the paranormal investigator sat across from them, beginning their interview.

After everyone was seated, the reporter looked at the sisters and asked, "What's it like living in a haunted house?"

Margaret: "It's hard to describe. We can't get used to it. Before all this started, we were just a normal family."

The reporter turned to Janet.

Janet: "Things got worse after Mr. Gross started communicating."

This statement left the reporter and the expert looking at each other in the video.

Watching this, York's mind clicked. Indeed, Janet had psychic abilities, just like Lorraine sleeping beside him.

Spirits and ordinary humans are separated by a barrier, only psychics can penetrate this barrier and communicate directly with spirits or malevolent entities.

Ordinary people, without specific rituals, find it hard to converse with spirits or ghosts as they exist in different dimensions.

The video continued.

Expert: "What do you mean by communication?"

Janet: "He asks questions, and I nod twice for yes, once for no..."


"Not a malevolent spirit, but a lingering, attached soul?" York concluded internally, forming another question.

"Is the nun setting a trap?"


When the reporter and the expert learned that Janet could communicate with what seemed to be a spirit, they tried to initiate contact.

"Would it respond if we try to communicate with it now?"

Janet: "I don't know if it wants to communicate with you."

Expert: "Let's try."

As these words came from the tablet, the bearded expert in the video began seeking conversation with the void.

"Is anyone there?"

"Does anyone want to come out and talk?"

But with these simple questions, Janet on the couch began to act increasingly strange, her body unnaturally twisting.

The expert, noticing this change, continued to seek dialogue.

"Is anyone there who wants to try talking with us?"

"No one?"


Janet suddenly let out a roar like a wild beast.

The room seemed to be engulfed in an electronic magnetic field, with the lights flickering on and off.

Caught off guard by this sudden turn, everyone stared at Janet, who was writhing on the couch, in stunned silence.

Only the expert remained somewhat composed, carefully addressing her.

"Janet? Are you okay?"

A guttural voice came from Janet's mouth.

"Don't call me Janet!!!"

York watched Janet in the video with pursed lips. He knew at that moment, whether a spirit or a malevolent entity, it had possessed the young girl...


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