

"I'm going to try talking to her, maybe then she'd be my date for Prom" a guy whom I know to be Jerry said and my teeth grinded against each other.

I knew who they were talking about, and I just wanted to turn around and rip their faces out.

I always have a spare shirt in my locker, that had been my saving grace today. Charlotte. I never once thought she'd do a thing like that but hello.. Five years was gone.

Instead of feeling angry at her and myself, I felt drawn. She'd managed to always draw my attention every single fucking time. She was like a mystery to me.

And now, every boy with a dick in this school wants her. I smirked. She wants me, I'm the only guy she wanted. There was always a spark in her eyes whenever she sees me.

Somehow the thought made me kind of proud, but I knew if she sets her mind on something she'd be able to do it. Just as she did before.

Thinking about what happened, every thing I was feeling shut down. Anger reared its head. She gets to live her life while he's dead, gone.

The bell rang, it was recess. I grabbed my jersey just like other players did. I removed my shirt slipping my jersey on, I caught a few guys staring at me.

I knew what they were looking at and I impulsively flexed my muscles. Leo walked towards me clasping my shoulders.

"You sure you could still play?" he asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, man, I've been taking trainings" I shrugged and he stared at me silently before nodding.

He always had my best interest at heart, he knew what I'd gone through. The party that changed my life was held at his house.

I still felt like there was something he knew and wasn't telling me. I'd asked for the footage of the party, he insisted that it was cleared and he couldn't get it back.

I believed him, but now not so much.

I walked out of the room, I used to be the best quarterback Summerfield had ever had. I hope the new one was what it.

Students already filled where we were having practices. They came for one reason and that was —me.

They cheered loudly as we walked in, some even pretended colliding with me just so they could see me. The bleachers were filled with students and I found myself searching —for her.

I couldn't tear my eyes away, she should be here. She always watched me play, this shouldn't be different.

I found her, hiding in between body of students. Her two friends sat at the side and there was an empty space next to her.

Who was it for? I looked away. I needed to concentrate if I'm to make a mark. If I'm to show them that I'm still built of substance.

The teams were being introduced, the captain was on my team. He was introduced as Stanley. He put his hand on my shoulder, his eyes smiling at me.

"With the both of us on this team, I believe we can make it work?" he asked and I gave him a brief nod, just as the whistle went off.

The ball was tossed up high the air and the players lunged at it. I was the shooting guard waiting for the ball to get to me.

The ball whizzed past me as the opponent bounced it going to our net.

I was distracted, i knew it and I know the reason why. Because of a dark headed, green eyed girl who was probably watching me with her fingers crossed.

Charlotte had her fingers crossed anytime I  have a game. She says it brings goodluck. My eyes darted to where I'd seen her sat before.

A guy was sitting in the space that used to be empty, he was trying to get her attention but she was solely focused on the game. From where she sat, I couldn't see her eyes but I felt them on me.

I smiled, nice to see I still have your attention Charl.

"Back to earth Reggie!" Stanley said bumping into my shoulder, my head whipped around fast enough just to see the other team coming with the ball.

I lunged at it lucky to get it, I bounced the ball twice before passing it to another of my teammate. I managed to get my mind into the game until the last minute.

My team had scored two goals against the other team. Despite the cheers and the claps on my back, my eyes went back to Charlotte.

She was smiling at something he said. I looked away gritting my teeth.

"You still have feelings for her" a voice said behind me. I didn't need someone to tell me, it was Leo. He was everywhere, every fucking where.

I walked out of the court dragging my jersey over my head, the girls whispered to themselves and the ones bold enough reached out to touch my abs, I flashed them a naughty smile.

"No, I don't" I denied. I know I was lying to myself but whatever you say to yourself is what you believe right?

Leo walked at my side and together we went to the boy's locker room. The feelings I'd taught I had for Charlotte were dead right?

"Reggie" I momentarily froze. Leo nodded briefly at me turning around and flashing Charlotte a little smile before heading into the locker room.

What does she have to say?

I turned around pulling up my fake facade, I flashed her a very fake smile forcing my eyes to settle on hers and not wander down her body.

She twinged her fingers together taking a step closer to me. She pushed her glasses up a bit before straightening her spine and staring at me.

"Uh, you played well back there" she muttered. Seriously? She followed me down here just to say this?

I nodded at her, there was something else. She wouldn't come after me just to tell me I played well.. I know.

Guilt flashed in her eyes and she intertwined her fingers together, rocking slowly on her heels.

"I'm sorry about uh— earlier, I really didn't mean to" she muttered and I raised a brow. She was apologizing for treating me just as I treated her?

Are you kidding me?

She looked around before removing her glasses folding it neatly and tucking it into the pocket of her pant. I watched her.

Charlotte had blurry vision without her glasses, that's why she always wore them. Most people defined her because of her glasses, but they never knew behind the glasses were the most precious greens.

She remembered I liked her better without her glasses. When we were younger, she'd piss me off and then take off her glasses to apologize.

She knew it was my weak spot and looking directly into her eyes had never been better.

It was still working, my heart was melting but my facade wasn't. Disappointment crossed her eyes and she tucked her hand into her pocket to get her glasses until someone bumped into her.

Her glasses left her hand crashing to the floor, a little shriek left her mouth as she staggered backwards.

Protectiveness overwhelmed me, and with quick strides, I reached her circling my arms around her waist and pressing her into my chest.

I glared at the girl who bumped into her, she wasn't looks sorry at all and I felt like she intentionally did it.

"What the fuck! Are you blind?" I asked, anger boiling inside me.

The girl rolled her eyes twirling her hair around her finger.

"Excuse me? She was standing in the way" she fired back and my teeth grinded together.

"No, she wasn't. You bumped into her" I said. We were drawing stares from the students passing. What would she be doing here even?

I was super conscious of the warm soft body pressed into my side. My fingers dug into her body, my heart ached.

I missed her, missed having her body pressed against mine. I missed everything.

A girl bent down and picked Charlotte's glasses handing it to her with a little shrug before walking away.

Charlotte fixed her glasses and I knew it was time to let go. My grip around her loosened just enough to let her step back.

"Why are you being all defending?" she asked and I sneered at her. Seriously? She'd open her mouth to say that.

I let Charlotte go completely stepping in front of the girl.

I sneered at her, frowning .

"You're at fault, you fucking apologize" I said. I know I looked threatening but who cares.

"Sorry, I was in the way" Charlotte muttered and I stared back at her in disbelief. She was apologizing?

The girl rolled her eyes.

"Better" she snickered before walking away. Drama over. I felt stupid. I was actually trying to defend her.

She raised her glasses and shrugged staring at the floor.

"I would just leave now" she said and I shook my head in disbelief. I just —

She turned around rushing out of the hallway leaving me feeling foolish and empty.

I shouldn't have touched her, I was okay not touching her for five years and now when I did, I wanted to feel her again but in a much different away.

Explore, kiss and taste, a different kind of feeling was building inside of me. And I knew it would mess up my head and plans.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

mepirimatcreators' thoughts