

"Hi" I muttered as I walked into the living room. Mum sat on the couch her legs folded.

She stared at me, her eyes perusing looking for whatever. She nodded slightly at me, returning her attention to the TV.

I ignored the little knife that went through my heart. She didn't even asked about how I'd been seeing I'd spent the other night at Anna's.

She didn't kiss my head and tell me i look beautiful just like she does with Jessica.

I climbed the stairs going to my room. Oh baby, I missed you. A smile tugged on my lips as I fell on my bed. Anna's bed was cool but I loved mine.

I sighed. I dropped my bag on the nightstand drawer and undressed. I glanced down at the cloth that have brought me popularity just in a day.

After much persuasion from Anna, I agreed to go out with Daniel. Anna had said it would cause no harm and that it was just for fun.

I get the fact that Daniel was cute, but I wasn't interested. The last date I'd gone to was with —Reggie. It wasn't exactly a date because Bianca insisted on coming with us.

Speaking of Reggie, my body still tingled with awareness whenever I remembered his holding me close. I'd underrated the way he would feel, he was all hard and muscles and it didn't actually help that he was half naked.

I stood up, dropping every thought of Reggie away. I was gonna try to have fun tonight. First time in five years.

My eyes caught the only neighbors we had moving out, I moved closer to the window staring down at them. The 'For Lease' sign was already stuck in front of the apartment.

We didn't actually really relate with the Thompsons, but I liked their little son of three. If they were moving out, it only meant one thing —his dad has been transferred.

I undressed, moving into the bathroom. I had an hour until Anna gets here to get me ready for my date and another hour before Daniel comes around.

Before then, I could get a pretty good rest and mental prep to get myself ready. I was pretty and one of the hottest guy in school wanted to go out with me.


"For Christ sake Anna, I can't wear this" I frowned and she rolled her eyes.

"What's wrong with this?" she asked staring at the dress in her hand.

I raised a brow at her.

"Excuse me, that would make me look like a fucking whore" I said and she sneered at me. To her, I was being dramatic.

Since, she arrived an hour ago with the  shopping bag, we haven't agreed on what I was really going to wear.

Three wrong choices and no right ones, everything she suggested left little or nothing close to imagination. I wondered when she picked those dresses making me wonder if I was sleeping when she was buying them.

She rolled her eyes before sighing.

"This is the last one I'm going to pick, if you don't like it, then —" she trailed off, I knew what she was going to say even if she didn't complete it.

She dropped the red exposing gown and picked a black one. I looked at me, tapping my lips with my fingers.

Okay, at least I would feel kind of comfortable in this even though it ended at my thighs. I would be able to survive tonight.

"Well, that's much better" I muttered and she snorted mumbling something under her breath.

"We're picking your lenses up tomorrow" she announced and I nodded. That's right, even if I don't want to part with my glasses.

She stood up walking towards the window and pulling the curtains open, I discarded my pajamas and slipped the dress on.

Anna whistled lowly turning to face me, a smile on her face.

"Your Prince Charming is here" she announced winking at me, just as my heart jumped into my mouth.

I turned around and let her zip me up. I was still nervous. Why did I agree to do this at first?

"You look beautiful, just let me brush your hair a little bit" she said getting the brush.

"He's waiting" I murmured and she grinned at me.

"All guys wait Charlie, let him wait" I was quiet for the next 10 seconds.

I'm strong, I'm beautiful, I'm loved, I'm wanted — I drew in a deep breath as I slipped my heels on.

Anna had done a little makeup on my face, smoky eyes and lip gloss. I told her not to do more.

I walked out of my room, my knees trembled lightly. What if he sees me and cancels the date or better still tells me he's no longer interested. What if it's all Bianca's arrangement?

Mum and Jessie were saying something but on seeing me they hushed immediately.

Nervous wasn't what I'd use in describing what I felt, I was downright anxious now.

Mum stood up approaching me, I resisted the urge to bounce on my heels. I was 17, I would be 18 in two weeks, I could go on a date right?

"Awwn, you look sweet" she said a smile lighting her face. I smiled through my nerves. Mum actually complimented me.

"There's a young man outside, is he your date?" she asked and I nodded. Her smile was wide and I suspected something was off.

"You're moving on from Reggie" on saying that, the smile disappeared from my face.

I should have known something was up, she was happy I was going out because it means I was moving on from Reggie and that was —giving Jessica a chance.

My stomach fell and I heard And climbing down the stairs. She smiled at mum before pointing at the door.

"Don't keep him waiting —for too long" she added pushing me lightly towards the door.

I chuckled even though my heart was sinking fast. Mum said nothing more neither Jessie. I opened the door stepping out and shutting it behind me.

I saw Daniel leaning on his car, immediately he saw me he straightened taking quick strides to me, his hands behind his back.

His eyes glowed, I wondered how mine look.

"Ohmigod, you look beautiful" he said taking my hand, I smiled shyly. He was happy, I shouldn't spoil tonight for him because of what mum said even if I badly wanted to say it to her face that I haven't gotten over Reggie and he was the one acting differently towards me.

I swallowed nothing, letting Daniel lead me to his car.

"You look good yourself" I muttered and he flashed me a smile. He wasn't actually looking bad in a tuxedo, but it only made my nerves take flight. From where I stood I could see the shutters in my room open.

Someone was watching, probably Anna. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Can we get going?" I asked suddenly desperate to leave. He looked confused for a second before nodding repeatedly.

"Yes, of course" he opened the passenger side of the car and I stepped in giving a grateful smile.

He shut the door before walking to the other side. He started the car and soon we were on the highway.

He tried making small talks and my nerves eased slowly. He was quite funny.

"And.. Here we are" he declared bringing the car to a halt. I looked around, it was a French restaurant.

I turned to him, he smiled at me before climbing out of the car turning around and opening the door for me. It was actually a sweet gesture, but my heart wasn't contented.

We walked into the restaurant, looking at it, I know it was quite expensive. It was actually homely, the atmosphere quiet with 'Perfect by Ed Sheeran' humming in the atmosphere.

"I have a reservation by the window, I thought you would like to see their garden" Daniel muttered lacing his fingers through mine.

Garden? It sounded just like the perfect place to get a wedding proposal done.

"Can I get your ticket? If you don't have one I'm sorry, reservations are closed for tonight" the receptionist said as we stood by the counter.

I stared at the supposed window side, there was an empty table in front of a guy with a hoodie covering his face. I guess that was ours.

Daniel presented his ticket, the lady muttered something to him before nodding her head.

He led me towards the table, I suspected was ours. We walked past the guy with the hoodie and instantly my whole body went on alert mode.

I was rigid when I sat down, Daniel had his back to the guy while I could see him. His head hung low there was nothing except a bottle of water on his table, made him creepy.

There was only one person that I had such reaction to and for fuck sake, Reggie can't be here.

"You okay?" Daniel asked placing his hand on mine.

I shook my head blinking, dragging my eyes away from the 'guy'.

"Yeah, I'm good" I muttered looking outside the window. Truly, there was a garden out there and I spotted a few couples out there. It was beautiful.

"Uh, sorry I couldn't afford a reservation there" Daniel butted in and I returned my eyes to him.

"No, it's cool. I'm good here" I said my eyes darting back to the garden. Well, I would had really loved it more out there.

The guy behind raised his head, his lips curling into a smirk and mouthing the word 'liar'.

I froze immediately. I knew those lips. Jesus fucking Christ. I closed my eyes willing it wasn't who I thought it was.

Reggie? What would he be doing here at the same time I was?

Daniel cleared his throat noisily drawing my attention back to him.

"What would you like to order?" he asked and I opened my mouth.

"—Avocado chicken salad"

Daniel turned around to stare at Reggie, who nodded lightly before uncapping the bottle on his table and downing it.

I couldn't draw my eyes away from him even if I should. His Adam apple bobbling fascinated me.

"Excuse me" Daniel said and I closed my eyes. Why was he everywhere? Why couldn't he let me be?

I stood up hastily, causing a few eyes to fall on me. Daniel stared up at me and I flashed a fake smile.

"I'm gonna use the restroom, I'll be back" I muttered before hurrying away without waiting for him to say anything.

All the plans I had to enjoy tonight had been thrown away. There was no way I was going to pretend Reggie wasn't sitting opposite me, not when my body reacted to every thing he did.

Lucky for me, the washroom wasn't filled, it was empty. I placed both my hands on the counter and stared at myself in the mirror.

I looked different, very much different from the girl I'd come to know myself as. The one staring back at me looked pretty confident, of not of her eyes that gave her weakness away.

For the first time, I was going to admit I actually looked beautiful.

The door opened and I turned around, Reggie walked in shutting the door behind him. He had uncovered his head, leaving me staring at his eyes and then lips and then everywhere.

I should be feeling panic that I was alone in a female washroom with Reggie, instead all I felt was anticipation.

He leaned on the door crossing his arms in front of his chest. His eyes were hooded, like he was rethinking his decision.

"What are you doing here?" I asked instead of an answer he remained silent just watching me.

"You shouldn't be here" I said turning around and washing my hands. Anything to keep me busy from looking at him.

"Your date is waiting" he muttered, I stared at him from the mirror refusing to turn around. The way 'date' left his lips was obvious he had a problem with Daniel, of which wasn't my concern.

I shut the running tap before reaching for the hand towel that was neatly folded. I wasn't going to give him the reply he wanted so badly. What I do was none of his business.

His steps echoed through the room, I looked into the mirror and he was right behind me staring into my eyes. Okay, right now, I was no longer comfortable. I wanted to leave.

"I should get going" I muttered turning around and crashing into his hard chest. My heart was pounding wildly. I'd trained myself not to get into a close proximity with Reggie when we were still friends because he always affected my head. Guess, he never lost his touch.

"You're running" he stated, raising his hand to my hair.

I sucked in a breath. Stop touching me okay? We're not friends, we're nothing. Leave me the fuck alone!

I should had said that out loud but no, I didn't.

I tried side stepping him but he stood in my way. He leaned down, so our faces were close.

"You look miserable Charl" he whispered and it felt as if cold ice was poured on me, dousing any warmth that I once had.

His finger traced the outline of my face and even if I tried, I found myself leaning into his touch. He got to my lips and they parted against my will.

It seemed like he had me under a spell, I should be leaving but here I am, secretly enjoying his touch.

His lips were just an inch away from mine and I discovered, I badly wanted him to kiss me. Maybe the desperation showed on my face, he stepped back, a sneer on his face.

"You're willing to kiss me even when you're on a date with another man" he muttered and I held my breath.

"A little whore in disguise" he said harshly before walking out of the room slamming the door behind him.

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