
Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Harvard had been a well respected lawyer, but then he got killed by his girlfriend because he forgot to take out the garbage and she also had robbed a bank. Afterwards, he had a lot of time to think in the underworld before he got to meet King Yama - a beautiful women with the greatest mounds and body he'd ever seen on the ruler of the underworld. She invited him to take part in the phantom universe expansion pack, and because of his lot in life, she decided to give him a little bit of much needed help. He gets lucky enough to inherit the Evolving Ghost System, and journey into the new expanded universe! Inside, he will meet lots of beautiful women, complete quests from badass NPCS, and have fun joining a guild and terrorizing the new universe. There is nothing he cannot do with his new system! [Evolving Ghost System would like to give you a gift basket!] [All Host has to do is complete a simple Quest to receive it!]] 'Oh god, I hope it's more simple than killing 100,000 Ghost Slimes. My reputation is still ruined because of that!" Harvard nervously opened the prompt. "Oh no! Oh god! Here we go again!" *** Any votes are appreciated and will birth new chapters! Please add to the library as well if you wouldn't mind, and come back and expect daily updates if this story gets enough votes! Thank you for your largesse!

RazorIsSharp · Juegos
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110 Chs

Ghost Tower

[New System Quest: Ghosts in the Shadows]

[Before heading to Central City, there is a small ghost tower with tons of monsters. It seems that a pack of ruthless criminals have taken it over and are selling ghosts illegally on the black market. Silvia is looking for someone to stop them. Are you up to the task?]

[Reward: 150,000 experience, 10 attribute points, midnight ruler's dagger (upgradeable), and 1 skill point]

"Oh, I forgot, when I get a class, I get skill points," Harvard opened up his character sheet.


[Level 22]

[Exp: 5,000 / 25,000]

Class 1: Ultimate Midnight Ruler

[Vitality: 100]

[Strength: 75]

[Dexterity: 105]

[Agility: 270]

[Intelligence: 55]

[Attribute points available: 0]

[Skill Points 12]

[Class Skills: None]

[Other Skills : Morph, Stalk]

Harvard opened up the skill tree for the Ultimate Midnight Ruler and patiently waited. It took like ten minutes for some reason. He imagined a lot of ghosts had been sold on the blackmarket by now.

[Ultimate Midnight Ruler Class Tree]

[Ultimate Steal]

[Ultimate Poison Blade]

[Ghost Armor]

[Ultimate Stealth]

[Gap Pierce]

[Shadow agent]

[Midnight's Ruler]

[... 15 skills locked … Level too low!]

[input three skill points into one skill to unlock the next skill on the class tree. For instance, Ultimate Steal will turn into grand ultimate steal which will turn into supreme ultimate steal!]

'I-I don't get why I waited so long. Ugh, what's the most useful?'

Harvard looked over all the skills, and took a deep breath. He was pretty happy with the skill tree, but didn't know why he spent two weeks getting it.

'So, it's just like an assassin with some extra damage and a healing ability at night time. I wonder why everything has ultimate in front of its name?' Harvard decided to look at each skill closely. He opened up Ultimate Steal, Ultimate Poison Blade, Ultimate Stealth, and Gap Pierce.

[Ultimate Steal - much better than the normal steal. Increases hand dexterity by + 10 and has a chance of stunning target.]

'Wouldn't that be bad if they are in a group?' Harvard kept reading on.

[Ultimate Poison Blade - inflicts 20 percent poison damage to foes. Much better than the envenom of a normal assassin.]

'Not bad.'

[Ultimate Stealth - decreases your visibility by 35 percent instead of stealth's 30 percent. You can hardly be seen in the nighttime.]

'Seems like It's just modestly better than most other classes,' Harvard sighed and put a skill point into Ultimate Stealth. 'Oh well, in the long run it will matter, but last but not least!'

[Gap Pierce - increases piercing by 25% on all creatures, which means you can go through their armor! Increases damage you receive by 5 percent!]

'That-that's incredible! Wow, that means I can get through 25 percent of all armor! That's actually really good!'

Harvard put 1 skill point into Gap Pierce and then said screw it and opened up Midnight's Ruler. He hoped that the skill named after the class would also be good.

'Come on! Please be good!'

[Midnight Ruler - Absorb the darkness to fuel your prowess and might! Your damage will go up by 15 percent and your agility by 30 percent between 12 - 12:05 PM! For every skill point, the time will increase by one minute!]

'No! It's useless! What can I do in five minutes?' Harvard slammed his hand. "I knew it! I knew there was a reason this class was hidden! It's because it's garbage! I also don't know what happened to the mask? Is it still on my face?!'

Harvard decided to put two skill points into it anyway! 'Ugh, maybe it will be useful! Damn it! Why did I select this class?]

[13 skill points allocated!]

[You've learned Ultimate Steal, Ultimate Blade, Gap Pierce, Ultimate Poison Blade, and Midnight Ruler!]

[+10 Agility (Midnight Ruler bonus)]

"Well, at least there is a bonus," Harvard got off the bench in front of the candy store and looked down at the train schedule in his hands. "Ugh, I have 2 hours to stop those ghost poachers and then it's time to save May! To the Black Fist Tavern!"


Sylvia slapped a tied up man in the face, and then slapped him on the other side of the face!

"Tell me where she is! Where is my sister?"

"She-she got kidnapped! I think they took her to Central City! She pissed off someone at an auction okay. Ouch! Why are people always hitting me?" King Harvest had been on the leaderboard for weeks until he messed with Count Silvester.

For four weeks, he had to do menial chores before he finally earned 100,000 Lograms to pay for his release! However, a week later, after finally getting up to level 25, he got kidnapped! In broad daylight, in front of hundreds of players, a crazed NPC tied him up and dragged him into the tavern.

He just so happened to see her sister get kidnapped, so what?

"Who-who would dare kidnap my sister? Who is high enough in Central City to dare mess with Count Silvester? And his hot other daughter?"

"It was one of their royalty. I think a noble. I don't know! Come on! I'm telling you information! Can you let me go now!"

"Hi, sorry to interrupt," Harvard cleared his throat. "What's going on?"

"You have a new quest, and a new ally," Silvia kicked King Harvest in the stomach. "He lost his guild, he lost his girlfriend, and now he's yours to control! Take him to Central City and save my sister!"

"Ow! OW!" Harvard ignored it and saw a new quest appear.

[New Quest: Silvia's hot sister has been kidnapped!]

System information: [A noble of high rank deemed he needed a new wife so he stole one. Save her from the clutches of the most powerful family in all of Central City, Count Golden's Family!]

[Mission Difficulty: C-]

"Ugh, I-I don't have a choice do I?" Harvard accepted the quest. "However, is it me, or are a lot of people getting kidnapped."

"It's this new world. There is no real government yet besides for the NPCs. And ow! OW!" Harvest King got kicked again. "I'm just talking! Stop kicking me!"

Harvest King meant that since King Yama made the 1,500 planets, she only set up areas for NPCS to rule city by city. That meant once a ghost adventurer left a city, they'd no longer had to follow the rules. This also meant, however, that if a beautiful girl got kidnapped and taken to another said city, it technically wasn't a crime no longer. Basically, a lot of men had started kidnapped women, and now people just started to realize it.

"This is serious! Silvia, I have one quest I have to do, and then I'll help. King Harvest, want to tag along?"

"No, but she kicks so hard! I mean yes!" King Harvest's silver armor got dented after the fifth kick. "Yes! Please take me with you!"

"Please hurry and save her. She's too pretty to be left alone with a group of men," Silvia sighed and looked out the window. "Unfortunately, us NPCs are unable to travel 10 miles outside of the city boundaries. Are you listening Harvard?"

Silvia turned around and noticed Harvard left the room. She clapped and nodded her hands.

'You're already becoming more like father! I'm sure you're doing to do great."