Nahla Naifeh and Anbar Sayed stood up from their chairs and headed for the teleportation platform. Nahla was the tier 5 mutant confirmed to be Talon's daughter. She could extend extremely sharp claws from her hands and feet. Her opponent Sayed, was a martial artist. Apart from his talent, there was nothing really special about him.
They were teleported onto the stage and the referee walked between them to check if they were in tip-top condition before starting the match and moving away from the competitors.
Nahla brought up her hands to her chest as her metal claws extended. She made sure to come barefooted this time as claws also extended from her feet. There was no longer any need to hide them.
Anbar brought his fists up and assumed a defensive stance. He knew the capabilities of his opponent and he honestly did not believe he would win the match but he had to at least try.