
Evil Chaotic World

QuiteHandy · Oriental
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Chapter 2: Sacrifice (Part 2)

Mystic Fairy took a deep breath and calmed herself down. Yes, there's no need to probe this woman's identity for now. She was incomprehensibly strong and that piece of information sufficed.

Ascertaining their goals takes priority. They wrecked her Nine Moon Sect but let her live, which means they must desire something from her.

Contrary to what one might think, Mystic Fairy wasn't just a talented cultivator or immaculate beauty but she was also very intelligent. It wasn't for the first time that she has been captured by an enemy. During her early stages of cultivation, she has encountered many life and death situation and she had overcame them by herself. It was only natural that she grew cunning and ruthless.

Furthermore, her beauty had bought endless trouble to herself. The number of men who coveted her beauty in Eastern Region were countless and there were bound to be some who took extreme steps. Yet she has lived till this day and there has yet to be a man who succeeded in touching her! She doesn't want that fact to change anytime soon.

"Tian'er, is she the one you've been looking for?" The masked woman questioned. Her tone was indescribably soft and almost bone-melting. Even the man felt his heart tremble for a moment.

Before the man who was known as Xuan Haotian could respond, the woman in tight black clothes stepped forward and went to one of her knees suddenly. Keeping her head down, she spoke to masked woman, "This lowly slave asks mighty Matriarch to reconsider her actions. What we are doing is unethical and unjust. We have already destroyed her Sect, torturing her further would only increase our Karmic Sins!"

Haotian, as always yawned out loud after listening to her garbage. Karmic Sins? If that mattered that why did he get another chance at life? Why does someone as evil as him gets to live again? Heavens doesn't care about good or evil, just or unjust, or sin or virtue. They are all the same in its eyes.

The masked woman didn't even glance at her. Her action was similar to the Haotian earlier. Within her mind, only Haotian, her son mattered. She didn't know what he wanted this woman they called Mystic Fair for and frankly, she didn't care.

"Gu Xing, you are dismissed. Get lost," Haotian commanded.

He didn't liked her from the moment he arrived in this world. Despite being so strong and surviving countless trials over her lifespan, she was still a rather righteous individual. If not for the fact that he had future plan for her, he might've already disposed her. She was truly irritating.

"What did you say?!" Gu Xing shot him a fierce look as a suffocating aura began effusing out of her, but it was suddenly snuffed out of the existence. All of it was shoved backed into her body by a mighty external force.

She instantly looked at the masked woman who stood motionlessly yet that sight caused her hair at ends to stand up sharply. Matriarch's cold gaze made her feel like she was like being bitten by thousand hornets. She began sweating profusely knowing she overstepped her boundaries. At the same time, she was reminded of Matriarch's monstrosity afresh.

"Matriarch, I apolo—"

"Did you not hear him? Get lost. Your punishment will be determined afterwards." Matriarch interrupted in even tone, yet they were as sharp as blades.

She wanted to respond but at the end she stayed silent. Swallowing the indignity and anger which was aimed solely at Haotian, she bowed and swiftly exited the room.

After she was gone, Matriarch sighed gloomily. Her threatening aura, which made Mystic Fair tremble in trepidation even though it wasn't directed at her, receded completely.

Haotian spoke, "Mother, I'll take care of things here. Why don't you go back?"

Mystic Fairy's honeyed eyes flashed. As expected, this masked woman who was referred to as Matriarch is this unearthly man's mother. And from the looks of it, she's very tolerant of his actions and demands.

Matriarch didn't question him. Caressing his cheeks softly with her jade hands, she said softly, "Alright. I'll leave things in your hands. I believe you can take care of it. But if you require some assistance, don't hesitate to call for me."

"Hum. You can rest assured."

Matriarch gave a fleeting glance to Mystic Fairy before departing.

Following that, Haotian shifted his focus back to Mystic Fairy and his eyes shined. He had seen his fair share of earth-shaking beauties these past three months since he transmigrated but those who could compare against her could be counted on one hand. He couldn't help but wonder how a backwater region like Eastern Region gave birth to such talent and beauty.

"Let's get those shackles unbuckled first and foremost. I had told them to treat you nicely but I suppose they have grown too impudent." As Haotian spoke, he waved his hands. Pure Spiritual Energy ejected out and the shackles broken down immediately.

Mystic Fairy was shocked, but not because of his benevolence. It was due to the density of his Spiritual Energy. He was… so weak. Even in her Nine Moon Sect, he could be nothing more than an Inner Disciple, yet he has such authority?

Haotian wasn't worried that he essentially allowed the one who hated him the most to run free. Although her shackles were gone, all of her Spiritual Energy was still restrained. Presently, she was nothing more than a mortal with no cultivation.

Mystic Fairy also understood that and thus restrained her urge to lunge and rip his heart out in the most vicious manner.

"Who are you? And where am I?" She asked as she struggled to get up to her feet. A gloomy cold light soundlessly glimmered in her eyes.

"My apologies. With so much going on, I forgot to introduce myself." He looked at her with a smile, and introduced, "I am Xuan Haotian, the Young Master of Xuan Clan. As for where you are… you are in Central Region. Ah, you people from Eastern Region know it by Divine Region, Holy Land, Kunlan and such. We call it Central Region, you should remember it."

"Holy Land!?" Now, Mystic Fairy was genuinely shocked. But it did make sense! Only someone from Holy Land, no, Central Region would have might to decimate her Nine Moon Sect overnight.

The continent of Grand Yan was split into five regions: Eastern, Western, Northern, Southern and Central. And each region was separated from each other by Dark Magnetic Mist. In her Eastern Region, no one has been able to cross it for tens of thousands of years!

In fact, the very existence of world outside was a matter of severe discussion there. She never imagined that she'd exit out of Eastern Region and certainly not as a captive.

"Why would someone from Holy Land would commit such wickedness? And why have you held me captive?"

"Tsk. You sure have tons of questions." For a second, a snarl appeared on Haotian's face which receded as quickly as it came, replace by the calm smile once more.

"Seems like it'll be a long discussion. No matter, I've waited for three months, a little more wouldn't snuff life out of me." He picked up a chair from nearby and sat down.

"You are right, there's no particular reason why Xuan Clan, one of the Six Grand Clans should care about your measly Nine Moon Sect. The only reason for their destruction is you."

"Me!? What do you mean?!"

"We came with peaceful intentions. I just wanted them to give you to me and in return, I'll bestow them countless cultivation arts and powerful treasures.

"If they practiced those cultivation arts and utilised the treasures correctly, even becoming Eastern Region sole hegemony wouldn't be a difficult task yet… they had the gall to reject me and told me to fuck off. Truly, frogs at the bottom of well doesn't know how wide the sky is. They paid for their ignorance and impudence. Simple as that."

Mystic Fairy breathing turned uneven and her cold eyes were ablaze with fury and killing intent. He wanted her and they rejected, so he destroyed the whole clan?! Simple as that?!

Unruffled by her frightening gaze, Haotian continued nonchalantly, "I have sought you for a reason. And now you are going to fullfill it."

Under her questioning eyes, Haotian lifted his hands and slammed down against his stomach. Instantly, his expression grew pale as his Dantian broke into thousand small pieces. Blood began oozing out of his seven orifices right after. This sudden action took Mystic Fairy was complete surprise.

'What! Why did he destroy his cultivation?! Has he gone mad?'

It was only then she noticed him reciting something, his lips moved and a mysterious chant in a language unknown to her filled the surroundings. Along with that, purple mist began effusing out of him slowly. His purple eyes glowed brightly as he continued reciting Chaotic Samsara Art even when he felt like his whole body was splitting apart with pain and shock.

Mystic Fairy has no idea what was going on but the baleful purple mist that was filling the air gave her a foreboding of intense crisis. And shamefully enough, her underwear was wet. This purple mist in the air was messing with her mind; she was aroused.

But who is she? She is Mystic Fairy, the most talented cultivator of Eastern Region in past millenniums! She couldn't fall that easily! Shaking her head furiously, she regained her calm, and focused at the man in front of her.

Although she didn't what he was doing, this was the best chance she could get to escape from here. Taking her chance, she gathered her strength and lurched at him.

As expected from Mystic Fairy, she was very quick on her feet and reached him in an instant yet to her horror, the moment she was just a feet away, a sharp turbulent air smashed against her and like a broken kite, her figure flew away, crashing at the wall she was previously shackled against!

Numerous cuts appeared on her graceful figure and her snow white dress was quickly drenched in blood. She stood up with difficulty. Her eyes were filled with shock and alarm. She doesn't even known what just hit her! It surely wasn't him and there was no one nearby either. A thought entered her mind and she glanced down. The ground of the room was covered in mystical red marking.

'Defensive Formation!' She screamed inwardly. She has seen Defensive Formation in Nine Moon Sect but the level of this formation was way beyond what she could hope to defuse. Thus, she could only wait and watch as Haotian finished reciting the Chaotic Samsara Art.