
Everyday System

Mop woke up one day with a system. Let's see how he uses it.

DanceDance · Ciudad
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2 Chs

Hi Host!

Mop felt a strange cool sensation on his forehead when he had woken up. He turned his head around with a bit of confusion.

'When have I ever felt this refreshed from sleeping?' He felt as if he was filled with vitality. Even though he had just woken up he didn't feel like he had to wash his face with cool water to truly wake up from his tiredness.

Mop quickly got out of bed with this brand new energy, he went into his bathroom and quickly washed up. After brushing his teeth he looked looked at his reflection.


Mop moved some of his hair on his forehead to see a small green symbol. The symbol looked like a small plant. One that had barely germinated.

'What the hell is this!?' He thought. Quickly splashing water on his forehead and rubbing at it. But no matter how much he did it the symbol wouldn't disappear.

After seeing that it wasn't looking like it was going to be removed anytime soon Mop stopped his action and tried to think.

'Why do I have this?'

He was researching in his memories of the previous day hoping to find some sort of reason when a bright and childish voice seem to speak directly in his mind.

[Hi Host, have you finally woke up!]

"What the?" Mop couldn't help but verbally speak. He quickly looked around thinking someone had snuck into his apartment but when he looked around no one was their.

Somehow this made him slightly sad. But he quickly shook off that feeling and thought about that voice.

'Could I be I've finally lost it and now hearing things.' Although he knew that he was on the verge of losing his sanity with all the work he had recently been forced to do by his boss he was sure it hadn't reached that level, at least not yet.

[Don't worry your completely sane!]

That childish voice spoke again. It was brimmed with a cheerful tone. This time Mop really thought he had lost his sanity. Only insane people would get rescued that they weren't insane by their own hallucinations.

[Hello host allow me to ...]

The childish voice in his head seemed to speak again but Mop wasn't listening. He was thinking if he should get therapy or not.

'Is it too late for me, I'm I too crazy to gain help?' He thought. When suddenly his mind seemed to ache with a slight pain. Mop frowned as he felt that the pain seemed to be getting worse.

[Listen to me host!]

The childish voice spoke in his head which almost sounded like a tantrum. But the pain was affective as Mop finally thought back to this voice in his head.

"What are you?" He blurted out in curiosity.

[Ahem, I am your system host.]

The voice seemed to be a little less angry but still had a slight annoyance.

"System? What type of system, Windows?" Mop spoke with amusement.

[Hmph! If I wasn't a system I would have already physically slapped you for that bad joke.]

"Uh, so what are your functions." Mop changed the topic.

[I'm the Everyday System, here to help you with everyday life.]

"Oh sick! Give me 100 mill please!" Mop instantly asked. If he could just get money he wouldn't have to work for that sh*tty boss and could live the rest of his life without worry.

[Sorry but I can't do that. The system is here to help you with everyday life.]

"So what does help with everyday life mean?" Mop questioned.

[Here check it out.]

A screen appeared in front of Mop's vision. It was a light blue transparent box.

[Host: Mop Mavel] (Life Quality: 0)

[Health: 100%]

[Mastery Points: 0]

[Daily Points: 100]


"System what do these mean?" When Mop asked this the system started to speak again.

[Your mastery points will allow you to unlock and master any skill, technique or knowledge depending on the amount of points consumed. Mastery points can be gained through upgrade in your quality of life. While daily points can be used to upgrade your quality of life. To get daily points you just need to do things that would improve your life.]

"Uh, so what you're saying is I need to do actions that would improve my life in order to get daily points?"


The system responded.

Mop didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In the end he still had to be the one improving his life. Since it was like this he decided to go along with it. He walked to his living room and couldn't help but frown again. He hadn't noticed it since he had been too busy with work but this place was a complete mess.

Their were clothes lying everywhere. Chunks of leftovers and cardboard boxes could be seen on every corner of the room.

'Alright let's start improving our life by cleaning this up.' Mop quickly took the clothes that were lying on the floors and put them on his laundry basket. He then cleaned and threw away all the leftover pieces of food into the garbage can. As for the boxes since they could be recycled Mop took them to a nearby recycling bin and threw them in it.

After he completed his room cleaning he then heard a notification in his head.

[Great Job! You just got +25 daily points for cleaning your room.]

"Uh, I have no idea if this is a lot or if I'm being cheated." Mop mumbled to himself. "System how much daily points do I need to upgrade my life quality?" He asked.

[The host will need 200 points to upgrade to the first level.]

'Oh! I just need 75 more points this is gonna be easy.' Mop thought. He walked back to his apartment room and took out a small flip phone. He then went into his contacts before looking at the name of a person he hadn't thought he would ever call again.

On his phone was the nickname of "Ex Girlfriend"
