
Everyday System

Mop woke up one day with a system. Let's see how he uses it.

DanceDance · Urban
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2 Chs

Ex Girlfriend

Maybe 2 to 3 years ago, on an autumn season a young man sitting on a park bench looked on in sadness as two couples walked by. This young man had a messy black hair with reddened eyes as if they been crying moments before. They held their head low with shoulder that were hunched. They were wearing a orange t-shirt and cargo shorts.

On such a cold and windy day they didn't seem to be shivering. Only small whimpers came out of the young man. They stayed in this position for a while until they felt something being put on top of their back.

"Aren't you cold?" A voice of a young female entered the young man's ears. An image of someone he knew floated at the top of his head. He still didn't move, he sat there in silence. Seeing this the female couldn't help but look at the man with a tinge of sadness.

She had never seen him so broken unlike today. She gently covered him further with her jacket. Then sat next to him in silence. They were like this minutes upon minutes before the young man spoke in a soft tone.

"Do you think I deserved it?"

This question came so suddenly that the female seemed slightly flustered before answering confidently "Yes!"

The man hearing this lowered his head down even further. He replayed her answer in his mind. 'Yes!'

'Was I really the reason?' He began to shake a little thinking about it again. But before he could think more about it, the clear voice of the female entered his ears.

"You really deserve it for staying with such a b*tch for so long!"

The young man then turned and looked at the female's face. Her expression showed her anger as she kept on cursing left and right. Seeing her getting so furious caused the young man's sadden expression to slightly lighten. Through this anger he could see a gentle concern for someone.

As he watched her he seemed to have understood something. He abruptly stood up. He didn't look at her anymore but said one word.

"Thanks." Saying so he removed the jacket from his back and passed it back to the female. He started to walk away. While he did so he suddenly shivered.

"Ah, it's so cold today." He mumbled to himself before fully walking off. The female sat there and watched his actions. She gave a smirk before taking the jacket and putting it on. She could feel some warmth form when it was on the young man's back.

She felt her cheeks become hotter. She shook her head before rubbing her cheeks. "My my, the weather is cold today." She also left that bench.


"Ah, she should have totally confessed her feelings!" A young women sat on her couch as she watched the drama happening on her tv. In her hand was a bag of potato chip. Her clothing was extremely casual. With food stains that could be seen on parts of her clothes.

Her name was Linda, she had a decently cute look that gave off a small furry animal vibe. She had just recently gotten a promotion. Along with that she had been given a few days off by her company which she was using to enjoy herself with junk food and tv dramas.

Overall you could say that she was really chilling for these few days she had off. When she went on to grab another potato chip from the bag she suddenly heard her ringtone go off.

'Huh? I wonder who could be calling me right now.'

She didn't have many colleagues in the company and had even fewer friends from college that she spoke to. With a bit of confusion she slowly got herself up from her couch and went over to her charing port and took a look at who was calling.

When she saw the person's name listed on her smartphone her lips frowned as her expression turned extremely cold. Either way she still grabbed her phone and answered the call.

"What do you want?" Her voice was chilling. It felt like a layer of frost had spread in the room. While the person on the other end seemed to be showing a helpless smile.

This person was obviously Mop. Honestly speaking if it wasn't for the system and his wanting to improve his life with it he would have never called her number. The reason was simple. He was ashamed.

He was ashamed of his younger self. When he was still in college Mop was dared by one of his college friends to ask Linda out. Back then she was probably known as the ugliest girl in his school. At first he had said no but after calling him a chicken and other similar things his anger got the best of him and he went to do the dare.

When he did so Linda actually accepted his "confession" and they had become boyfriend and girlfriend. His friends had laughed when he told them what had happened and the next day everyone knew that he and Linda were dating.

Mop also realized how innocent Linda was. She didn't even think for one second that he had done it out of a dare or that he didn't really like her. She had told some people who didn't believe that they were a real couple that "If you love the person you would obviously confess to them." Honestly it wasn't that bad of a experience but one night at a party they were invited to one of his friends had exposed the secret as to why he had confessed to her.

She probably felt extremely angry at how fake he was and people around them also began to laugh and giggle at her. Some of her close friends looked at him like he was scum while others couldn't help but laugh at how foolish she was.

In the end she became another urban legend they would talk about in the college while Mop no longer saw her in any of the classes they had together. At that point he just felt a little bad for her but after a year or so working for his sh*ty company he realized how it felt to be laughed at and how she probably felt back then.

Until now he didn't really have enough courage to talk to her again. But since this system had came he would use it to its fullest. Making amends with her was one of the things he needed to dude if he wanted to live a better life.

"I'm here to apologize." Mop slowly spoke.

"Huh?" Linda was totally confused.

"I'm here to apologize for what I did during college. I know it's late but I had no courage until now to tell you that I'm really sorry." As each word left Mop's mouth he felt something beginning to lift off his shoulder.

Linda finally realized why he had called. When she thought about how he had called to apologize about the event that happened 4 years ago she couldn't help feel a strange emotion.

'This guy is crazy!' She thought.

"Does it really take 4 years to apologize." Her tone was still cold and distant. Mop hearing this couldn't help but sigh. He thought to himself 'Time to put by 1 day worth of acting experience to use.' Closing his eyes Mop began to remember all the events that happened in college and even the emotions he had at that time.

"Linda ... I, I truly am sorry, I only realize now what type of emotions you were feeling back then. Even if I apologize I don't expect to be forgiven but do know that I really am sorry." These words were filled with all the emotions he had back then and now when it came to that situation.

A tear almost dropped down from Mop's eyes as he spoke with pure emotions. Honestly he didn't mind her company back then and this was why he still had her number on his phone even after all those years.

"You you... Hah. At least say it in person." Her tone was still cold but not as much as before. Her expression also slightly changed from a deep frown to a looser frown.

Hearing her words Mop was quite excited. He obviously understood what she meant. She had subsequently decided to forgive him for what he had done.

"Alright! I don't really know where you live mind telling me your address!" His words were filled with excitement as he seemed to want to come over that instant.

Linda on the other end couldn't help but loosen her expression. She gently went over to her drawer and took out a small photo on the bottom layer of her clothes. On it was a picture of a chubby young girl and a young man whose head was tilted as he seemed to look directly at the camera.

The young girl had a big smile on her face and a peace sign, while the boy seemed to be be making a shrugging motion. Little memories trickled as droplets of tears creassed down her cheeks.

She looked at her phone for a moment before she ended the call right there. She also put her phone back on her counter but not before she texted some street names and a house number.

Like that she went back to sitting on the couch. She sat on it but unlike before she seemed to be leaving some space on it. She slowly ate the potato chips.