
Everlasting Odyssey: A Sole Journey into a New Realm

it is my first chapter so please be calm and well idk if there ar comment but do that

SM_still_plays · Fantasía
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2 Chs

CHAPTER:2 New beginning

Ewan, the young boy with striking looks and square jaw, gradually woke up atop the grassy hill. As his eyes fluttered open, a sense of disorientation washed over him, and he found himself in a world that seemed unfamiliar yet strangely nostalgic. The golden sunlight bathed his features, emphasizing the sharpness of his jawline and the rich darkness of his complexion.

Suddenly, a voice called out to him, breaking the silence of the surroundings. "Ewan! Stop messing around and come down for dinner!" shouted a young boy who appeared to be his brother. His name was Michael—a mischievous smile played on his lips, and his eyes mirrored the same determination and curiosity as Ewan's.

Confusion clouded Ewan's mind as he tried to process the situation. Who was Michael? And why did he feel an uncanny sense of belonging despite the unfamiliarity of the world around him?

Sensing Ewan's confusion, Michael's expression turned serious, concern etched on his face. "Ewan, snap out of it! We've got to go home," he urged, his voice laced with urgency. "Mother and Father are waiting for us."

Ewan's heart skipped a beat as his mind grappled with the memories flooding back to him. He remembered both lives—the one he had lived before and the one he had been thrust into now. The scenes of his past existence intertwined with the fragments of his current reality, blurring the boundaries between the two.

A profound realization washed over Ewan. In this life, he had a family—a loving mother, a caring father, and a mischievous brother named Michael. While their family might not be wealthy, they worked hard together, overcoming challenges and creating a sense of warmth and togetherness.

Ewan's gaze fell upon his ragged clothes, a stark contrast to the life he had once known. The memories of his past self, the privilege he had enjoyed, collided with the reality of his present circumstances. Yet, he knew deep within that family, love, and resilience mattered more than material possessions.

Taking a deep breath, Ewan shook off his confusion and stood up, his gaze fixed on Michael. "You're right, Michael," he said, his voice resolute. "Let's go home and join our family for dinner."

As they descended the hill together, Ewan's mind raced with thoughts and questions. How had he arrived in this world? What did it mean for his past life and the person he had been? The mysterious connection between the two worlds fueled his determination to uncover the truth and reconcile the memories that now coexisted within him.

As Ewan delved deeper into the recesses of his memories, flashes of forgotten skills and experiences surged through his mind. He remembered his proficiency in martial arts, the countless hours spent honing his techniques, and the discipline it instilled within him. The realization of his own strength and capability added another layer of complexity to his journey of self-discovery.

In the midst of his recollections, the image of the coffee shop owner emerged vividly in Ewan's mind. The man had been a paternal figure to him, providing guidance and support during a time when he had needed it the most. The memories of their conversations, filled with wisdom and encouragement, resurfaced, reminding Ewan of the impact this figure had on his life.

And then there was Julia—the girl who had captivated his heart. Though their interactions had been limited, every moment spent in her presence had been etched deeply into Ewan's memory. He recalled their shared laughter, the unspoken connection that passed between them, and the genuine care she had shown him.

But there was also the painful memory that resurfaced—the last time he had seen Julia. His heart ached as he remembered the horror in her eyes when he had unleashed his fury upon a group of boys who had threatened him in the coffee shop. The violence he had displayed had terrified her, and the guilt weighed heavily upon him.

In this flood of memories, Ewan grappled with the complexity of his past self—the skilled fighter, the young man in search of guidance, and the boy who had unknowingly frightened the one he cared for. These remembrances served as a reminder of the person he had been, but they also ignited a fierce determination within him to shape a better future.

With a mixture of gratitude and regret, Ewan embraced the entirety of his memories—the good, the bad, and the transformative. Each experience had shaped him, and it was up to him to define the person he would become in this new reality.

And so, armed with the knowledge of his capabilities and the weight of his past actions, Ewan resolved to channel his skills in a positive direction, to find redemption in the choices he made going forward, and to honor the memories of those who had impacted his life.

With a mixture of gratitude and regret, Ewan embraced the entirety of his memories—the good, the bad, and the transformative. Each experience had shaped him, and it was up to him to define the person he would become in this new reality. Alongside the images of the coffee shop owner and Julia, Ewan's thoughts were also adorned with the image of his adoptive brother, Michael. The bond they shared, though forged in a different time, resonated within Ewan's heart. Michael's unwavering care and support had made a profound impact on him. In the stillness of his room, a newfound resolve settled within him, fueled by the love and support of his adoptive family, the wisdom bestowed upon him by the coffee shop owner, the memory of Julia, and the enduring connection he shared with Michael. Ewan embarked on a journey of self-rediscovery—a journey that would require him to reconcile his past, confront his demons, and ultimately, pave the way for a future where strength, compassion, and growth would define his true self.

Ewan woke up the next day and was thinking about his fighting ability and that this is neat the early no stride in scientific are this world is made of magic so he thought he should polish his fighting ability and learn new things.

He got out of the house and saw his father Mr.jonathan in the field with some workers taking out the crops as it was harvesting season.

Jonathan:he ewan come here.

Ewan :Yes father.

Jonathan:You have woken up early.

Ewan:yes sir.

(ewan is calling his father sir because of his knight peerage)

Jonathan:So why?

Ewan:had my rest sir.

Jonathan:Why so quiet then?

Ewan:Just thinking.


Ewan:You know I should start learning martial ability and learning sword skill.

Jonathan:Well my son is getting after all.(ewan blushed)

Ewan:Father, you have peerage.

Jonathan:Yes I do.

Ewan:so can you teach me(johnathan started crying cause michael never asked him because he is a bookworm )

Jonathan:Why not.

Ewan:So when can we start?

Jonathan:Right now.shall we?

Ewan:Yes sir.

In the vast training field of Locunkand, Ewan immersed himself in rigorous training sessions that spanned over two months. Under the guidance of his father, Jonathan, he relentlessly honed his martial skills, pushing himself beyond his limits day after day.

The sound of clashing swords and the echo of Ewan's determined footsteps filled the air as he practiced with his wooden sword. Each strike, parry, and dodge became ingrained in his muscle memory, his movements growing more fluid and precise with every passing session.

Throughout the arduous training, Ewan's body bore the marks of his dedication. Small scars adorned his hands and arms, testament to the countless hours he had spent honing his swordsmanship. But they were badges of honor, reminders of his progress and the strength he had gained.

His older brother, Michael, a studious and insightful individual, would often observe Ewan's training from a distance, taking notes and offering occasional words of advice. Michael's presence provided a different perspective, offering insights into strategy and technique that complemented Jonathan's teachings.

Meanwhile, Ewan's mother, with a mixture of pride and concern, watched her son's transformation from a young boy into a determined warrior. Her heart swelled with pride as she witnessed his unwavering dedication and the remarkable progress he made, but she also worried for his safety in the tumultuous world that awaited him.

As the weeks turned into months, Ewan's skill with the wooden sword became increasingly masterful. Sensing his son's growing prowess, Jonathan decided it was time for Ewan to advance to the next stage of his training. With a solemn nod, he presented Ewan with a gleaming steel sword, its blade glinting in the sunlight.

The transition from the familiar weight of the wooden sword to the solid heft of the steel blade was both exhilarating and challenging for Ewan. It required a recalibration of his movements, as the increased weight demanded greater strength and control. Yet, he welcomed the change, knowing that it marked a significant milestone in his journey as a warrior.

With the steel sword in his hands, Ewan's training entered a new phase. He delved deeper into intricate sword forms, refining his technique, and exploring the art of defense and offense with heightened precision. Every swing of the blade carried a sense of purpose and determination, as he continued to push himself to new heights.

In those moments, as Ewan sparred and practiced with unwavering focus, the world around him faded into the background. The training field became his sanctuary, a place where he could channel his energy, express his true self, and forge his path as a formidable warrior.

And so, with each passing day, Ewan's journey of self-discovery and martial mastery continued. His commitment to his training, the support of his family, and the unwavering pursuit of his goals shaped him into a force to be reckoned with.

Jonathan one day before getting into the field with Ewan said to come with him to the ironcrest city.Ewan was shocked,"why sir".

Jonathan:I wanted to get you checked for which magic you will have.

Ewan:Of course sir. But how many types are there?

Jonathan explaining magical system.

Elemental: This type of magic involves harnessing the forces of nature such as fire, water, earth, and air. Those who possess elemental magic have the ability to manipulate and control these elements.

Light: Light magic is associated with purity, healing, and illumination. Practitioners of light magic can generate light, heal wounds, and dispel darkness.

Dark: Dark magic is often seen as forbidden or taboo. It involves manipulating shadows, causing harm, and tapping into the darker aspects of magic. Not everyone can wield dark magic, as it requires a deep understanding and control of the shadows.

Enchantment: Enchantment magic allows individuals to imbue objects with magical properties or enchantments. It involves infusing items with spells or charms to enhance their abilities or grant them special powers.

Divination: Divination magic is focused on gaining insights and glimpses into the future or hidden knowledge. Diviners use various methods such as tarot cards, scrying, or reading omens to uncover information.

Healing: Healing magic is centered around restoring health and vitality. Practitioners of healing magic can mend wounds, cure illnesses, and accelerate the body's natural healing processes.

Illusion: Illusion magic involves creating illusions or false perceptions. Illusionists can manipulate what others see, hear, or perceive, creating convincing illusions or mirages.

Telekinesis: Telekinesis magic allows individuals to move or manipulate objects with their minds. They can lift, push, or pull objects without physical contact.

Teleportation: Teleportation magic grants individuals the ability to instantaneously transport themselves or others from one location to another. It requires great precision and concentration.

Transformation: Transformation magic enables individuals to alter their physical form, taking on the appearance of other beings, animals, or objects. It requires a deep understanding of the desired form and precise control over one's magical energy.

In this magic system, elemental and light magic are innate and activated by birth. Those born with these types of magic possess a natural affinity for manipulating elements or harnessing the power of light. At the age of 10, individuals with elemental or light magic experience their magical awakening and gain the ability to control fire, water, earth, air, or radiate healing light.

However, other types of magic require exceptional magical prowess and dedicated training. Enchantment, divination, healing, illusion, telekinesis, teleportation, and transformation are learned through rigorous study and practice. Individuals with high magical aptitude can master these types of magic with the guidance of skilled mentors and by honing their skills over time.

While elemental and light magic are more accessible from a young age, individuals with innate abilities can also choose to study and develop skills in other types of magic. This magic system offers a combination of inherent magical talents and the potential for further growth through training and exploration of different magical paths.

Ewan:okay father i understand but cant we do it in our village.

Jonathan:we also have to give patronage to duke of the harvest season.

Ewan:So I'm going to meet the duke.

Michael: I am also coming.

Ewan :brother you are also gonna meet the duke.

Michael:no i am going to royal school for studies( michael is 12 years old )


Michael: don't worry, I'll explain it tomorrow.

Ewan:Okay father lets come train.


The sun had just begun to rise, casting its warm rays over the training field. Ewan stood there, his hands tightly gripping the hilt of his new steel sword. Jonathan, his father and mentor, watched him with a mixture of pride and anticipation.

"Today, we'll be taking your training to the next level, Ewan," Jonathan announced, his voice resonating with confidence. "With the steel sword in your hands, you'll learn the true weight and power of a weapon."

Ewan felt a surge of excitement and determination. The weight of the steel sword felt different in his hands, solid and substantial. He took a deep breath, focusing his mind and channeling his energy into the upcoming training session.

Under Jonathan's watchful eye, they began with simple yet precise sword techniques. Ewan swung the steel sword with controlled strength, his muscles adapting to the increased weight. The sound of metal meeting metal filled the air as their blades clashed in a dance of skill and precision.

As the morning turned into afternoon, Ewan's muscles strained under the weight of the steel sword. His arms ached, and beads of sweat dripped down his forehead. But he persevered, determined to master the art of wielding this new weapon.

Jonathan provided guidance and correction, honing Ewan's technique and instilling in him the importance of discipline and control. With each strike and parry, Ewan could feel his skill and confidence growing.

The sun began its descent, casting a warm golden hue across the training field. Ewan's body ached, but he pushed through the fatigue, his determination unwavering. He knew that this was an opportunity to unlock his full potential as a warrior.

As the last rays of sunlight stretched across the horizon, Jonathan called for a break. Ewan's chest heaved as he caught his breath, wiping the sweat from his brow. He looked at his father, a mixture of exhaustion and satisfaction in his eyes.

"You're progressing exceptionally well, Ewan," Jonathan remarked, his voice filled with admiration. "The steel sword has become an extension of your arm. Keep pushing yourself, and you'll become a formidable warrior."

Ewan nodded, gratitude and determination shining in his eyes. The training with the steel sword had challenged him physically and mentally, but he knew it was worth every effort. He embraced the weight of the sword, understanding that it symbolized both his responsibilities and his aspirations.

As the day came to an end, Ewan sheathed his steel sword, its presence now a constant reminder of his commitment to his training. He knew that the path ahead would be arduous, but with the guidance of his father and his unyielding determination, he was ready to face the challenges and become the warrior he was destined to be.

The dinner table that night.

Ewan: (Excitedly) Father, can I go to the royal school like Michael?

Jonathan: (Smiling) Ah, Ewan, the royal school is a special place meant for nobility and scholarship students. It's not for everyone, but don't worry, there are plenty of other paths to greatness.

Amelia: (Supportively) Ewan, dear, the royal school has age requirements, and you'll have to wait until you're twelve to be eligible for the entrance test. But remember, you have incredible talents in other areas too.

Ewan: (Confused) So, I have to wait for two more years? What about our training, Father? Will we keep practicing?

Jonathan: (Proudly) Absolutely, Ewan! Your martial skills are impressive, and we'll definitely continue our training sessions. Your dedication and progress make me extremely proud. Together, we'll explore new challenges and push ourselves further.

Ewan: (Grinning) Thanks, Father! I love our training sessions. It feels amazing to become a skilled warrior. Maybe one day, people will know me for my swordsmanship.

Jonathan: (Encouragingly) Who knows, Ewan? With your talent and determination, you can achieve great things. By the way, tomorrow we're heading to Ironcrest City. We're meeting the Duke there to discuss the patronage of crops for the upcoming harvest season. It's important to showcase our land's abundance.

Amelia: (Smiling) That's right, Ewan. The Duke plays a crucial role in supporting our agricultural endeavors. We'll also collect the yearly taxes to maintain our duchy's infrastructure and prosperity.

Ewan: (Curious) So, our trip isn't just about Michael's journey. We have important business too. I'm excited to see how the patronage process works and learn more about our land's prosperity.

Jonathan: (Nodding) Absolutely, Ewan. It's important to understand how our duchy functions and the responsibilities that come with it. We'll have a chance to engage with the Duke and gain valuable insights. It's an exciting time for all of us.

As the dinner conversation continues, the family discusses their upcoming trip to Ironcrest City, the purpose of their visit related to crop patronage and tax collection, and the significance of these activities for their duchy's prosperity. Ewan's initial disappointment about the royal school gradually fades as he looks forward to the valuable experiences that await them in Ironcrest City

Ewan lay in bed, his mind consumed by a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. The conversations at dinner had left him longing for a chance to attend the royal school, where his brother Michael was destined to go. Yet, a different path awaited Ewan—one tied to his unique abilities in elemental magic. As he reflected on his training and the guidance of his father, Jonathan, a flicker of excitement and determination ignited within him. He couldn't help but wonder which element he would be able to harness, eager to uncover his own magical potential.

The upcoming journey to Ironcrest City added another layer of intrigue to his thoughts. The prospect of meeting the Duke and discussing matters of crop patronage and taxes presented an opportunity for Ewan to delve into the practical aspects of governing their duchy. While the allure of the royal school lingered in his mind, Ewan felt a growing sense of purpose in the responsibilities that awaited him. As sleep finally claimed him, visions of both mystical powers and practical duties intertwined, fueling his dreams with the possibilities that lay ahead on his journey