
Everlasting Odyssey: A Sole Journey into a New Realm

it is my first chapter so please be calm and well idk if there ar comment but do that

SM_still_plays · Fantasy
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Everlasting Odyssey: A Sole Journey into a New Realm

Everlasting Odyssey: A Sole Journey into a New Realm

Chapter 1 : Ending

A couple with their young son in their arms stood in front of a run-down structure. Their features bore deep wrinkles from exhaustion and sadness. The man battled to stay balanced as he was overcome by a drug-related fog. The woman, weighed down by tiredness, brushed away tears as she made a difficult choice. She abandoned the helpless youngster in the vicinity of a shelter with great sorrow, leaving a note with his name on it.

Fifteen years later,

At fifteen years old, Ewan stood before the mirror, his disappointment palpable. His gaze swept over his battle-scarred body, a testament to his arduous gym workouts and relentless martial arts training. Muscles, honed and chiseled, rippled beneath his skin, evidence of the physical strength he had achieved. But it was the multitude of scars that captivated his attention—the marks of a warrior's journey etched across his flesh.

Each scar told a story of resilience and endurance, the remnants of countless battles fought both inside and outside the ring. Among them, one or two stab marks stood out, haunting reminders of the deep wounds he had suffered. As he traced his fingers along those faded lines, a pang of disappointment surged within him. He couldn't help but feel defeated, as if his body's imperfections were reflections of his own shortcomings.

Yet, amidst his disillusionment, a glimmer of hope emerged. In his mind's eye, he conjured the image of Julia's smile. That radiant expression, filled with warmth and acceptance, washed over him. Suddenly, the scars on his body seemed inconsequential. They were merely reminders of battles fought and lessons learned, no longer defining his worth or overshadowing his potential. The power of resilience coursed through him as he embraced the memory of Julia's smile, a beacon of strength that reminded him he was more than his physical appearance. With newfound determination, he resolved to rise above his disappointments, knowing that his journey was far from over.as he gets ready for school

The morning sun cast long shadows across the schoolyard as Ewan trudged through the gates, his steps heavy with the weight of the world on his shoulders. The bustling scene around him seemed distant, as if he existed in a separate realm, detached from the laughter and camaraderie of his peers. The scars of his past echoed in the corridors, a constant reminder of the battles he had fought and the loneliness that clung to him like a shadow.

As Ewan made his way to his locker, whispers and snickers followed him like an unwelcome companion. He could feel the piercing stares, the judgmental gazes that made him question his worth. It seemed that no matter where he turned, he was met with disdain and mockery. The halls of the school were a breeding ground for bullies and cliques, where power dictated one's place in the social hierarchy.

Ewan's shoulders slumped as he entered his classroom, his gaze fixed on the floor, avoiding eye contact with anyone who might bring further torment. He took his seat in the back corner, a strategic choice to minimize interaction and escape the prying eyes of his classmates. The walls of the classroom seemed to close in around him, suffocating him with a sense of isolation.

The teacher entered the room, oblivious to the invisible battle raging within Ewan's heart. As the day wore on, lessons unfolded like a distant murmur, his attention torn between the words written on the board and the internal struggle to maintain his composure. The whispers and taunts grew louder, echoing through the classroom like a haunting chorus.

During lunch break, Ewan found solace in a secluded corner of the schoolyard, away from the prying eyes and harsh words that plagued his existence. His solitude was both a refuge and a prison, offering respite from the turmoil within but also deepening the chasm of loneliness. He watched as groups of students laughed and bonded, a stark reminder of the connections he had lost or never had.

Journal entry: my peers if you can call them that, they are demon spawn i tell you, what have i ever done to bother them, or my father for that matter well he is not my real father so what can you expect, i was adopted by couple in their 30s they were really loving and caring in the start especially my mother she was really caring and loving but she passed away recently, my father became very disoriented after that he became angry and starts taking out anger on me and the house furniture well we have many beating in the last few months . whatever . young age was in a home shelter picked up by my new parents thats all , i made a mess at the young age from then i have been bullied. When i was young i was cornered by the boys in my class, then my my mum made me enroll in a self defense and oh i loved her very much,

But what can i say from then the bullying through fighting has stopped but emotional trauma continue had a few friends in the elementary but they also left me whatever i am loner of class now sometimes there are bully but they are rich guys that's why my teacher doesnt take action against them but the action is taken on me for defending myself , i think school are look like mini societies the one with power can do no wrong the one without will always get his ass handed to him. There is rampant corruption just like in our real society.if your parents are not powerful you are not your friend with like minded people, your friends only hold you back from excellence and moving ahead. If you try you become loner like being expelled from society being blacklisted from everything .

My journal no.1

Ewan,"oh look at the time it's already at 4 i have to go to work ",

Coffee shop

Ewan entered a tiny coffee shop he said hi to on old man , he was the owner of the coffee shop, he asked him to come to the office after finishing his shift, he nodded and start working he put in apron above his white shirt and and black pants, the apron the shops logo.

Ewan had a chiseled body because of his fighting capabilities,but average looks,brown eyes and black messy hair.

He was in his element while serving; he had no other problems, no tension just enjoying the work.

Ewan:What can I help you with?

Customer :Can I get a black coffee?

Ewan:Yes, we will serve it to you in a short while.

Ewan:a black coffee for table no.4.

Owner:coming right up .

Like this it was nearing the closing time and there were not many people around . Sometime after a few hooligans entered the store and started making fun of the store, when Ewan saw what was happening he struck with anger, because they were not random hooligans, they were from his school.

Ewan: what are you doing here you...

Hooligan 1: What the problem heh we just want some coffee we are here to get some don't you want customers or do you wanna see the store go under,huh.

Ewan: if you want coffee get it and go u damn…

The owner shot him a look to calm down.

Owner:What would you like to have?

Hooligan2 :Why Doesn't that beautiful barista take the order u old geezer.

Owner:well i am the one that takes the order so ,please.

Hooligan 2.: Heya hon.

He shot the message to the barista.

When Ewan had enough, he punched the man. When Julia, the barista, turned around, she saw that Ewan was savagely punching everyone. When Julia saw the bloody mess that Ewan had created, she screamed. When Ewan turned around and saw Julia's face, he was devastated and leapt in to stop. Owner (Michael) soothed Julia and assured Ewan that he had done nothing wrong.

The hooligans ran, shouting.


Ewan: Yes sir.

Michael:Julia go and change & go home after alright.

Julia: YES


Julia has left for the house, the store is closed, Michael is sitting on a chair, and Ewan was still in shock. There Was an awkward silence for a while, then Michael broke the ice.

Michael:What happened out there?

Ewan: Nothing sir.

Michael:It was not nothing, you broke a man's tooth and other rib you understand.

Ewan:However, he was gazing longingly at Julia.

Michael:So what happened there many see her like that she knows how to deal with them, you could have gotten in trouble.

Ewan:I am here to protect her.

Michael:I know you like her, but you gotta understand that this is not the way you act when someone is not behaving properly with the one you care about.

Ewan:You have helped me alot, and i"ll always owe you and Julia,now it has almost been a daily occurrence, she doesn't say it but she is getting in trouble in school also.

Michael:I was not saying that you are an idiot.

Ewan:I am gonna leave this. My mom died, my loving dad died with her,and I have become a baggage to you and her. Goodbye!

Michael: listen to me

Ewan, deep in his thoughts, leaves the shop.michael goes after him.

Michael:Look out!!!!!!!

The night was cold and crisp, with a clear sky dotted by twinkling stars. Ewan walked down the dimly lit street lost in his thoughts, his mind consumed by a tempest of self-doubt and anger. Unbeknownst to him, he had strayed onto the road, unaware of the danger that lurked in the darkness.

Ewan's footsteps echoed against the silent street as he replayed his mistakes in his mind, blaming himself for missed opportunities and wrong choices. His frustration and inner turmoil reached a boiling point, clouding his awareness of his surroundings.

Just then, the voice of Michael, pierced through his thoughts, "Ewan, look around! Watch out!" Startled, Ewan snapped out of his reverie and turned his head, but it was already too late. The screeching sound of tires and the blinding glare of headlights filled the air as a speeding car approached.

Time seemed to slow down as Ewan's heart raced in his chest. In that moment, he saw his life flash before his eyes, like a montage of memories and emotions. His adopted mother, who had passed away recently, appeared before him, her warm smile and comforting presence flooding his senses.

Then, the image shifted, and he saw Julia, the girl he had a crush on, with her radiant laughter and kind eyes. Ewan's heart swelled with bittersweet longing, realizing that he might never get the chance to express his feelings to her.

Amidst the whirlwind of emotions, fragments of past injustices flickered through his mind. He saw his childhood bullies, who had tormented him relentlessly, being confronted and defeated by their own demons. It was a moment of unexpected vindication, but also a reminder of the wounds that had shaped him.

In the midst of this kaleidoscope of memories, Ewan's attention snapped back to the present as he heard Michael's desperate voice once more. "Run, Ewan, run!" he shouted, but the words seemed distant, as if coming from another world. With a heavy heart, Ewan whispered, "Rest easy, Michael."

And then, the impact came—a shattering collision of metal and flesh. Ewan's body crumpled against the car's hood, his mind fading into darkness as his life hung in the balance. The street fell silent once again, leaving behind a lingering sense of regret and what could have been.

(Note: This accident scene is fictional, and I do not encourage or condone reckless behavior. Stay safe and be aware of your surroundings when walking on the street.)

In the poignant scene, Michael cradled Ewan's lifeless body, his trembling hands offering the only semblance of comfort in the face of overwhelming loss. Tears cascaded down his weathered cheeks as he held Ewan close, his heart shattered by the absence of the young man he had come to love as a son.

Sobs wracked Michael's body as he whispered brokenly, "Ewan, my dear boy... I should have protected you better." The weight of grief and a profound sense of responsibility bore down on him, realizing that he had failed in safeguarding the one he had taken under his wing.

As Michael's tears fell onto Ewan's still form, a fragile voice whispered from the depths of fading consciousness. Ewan managed to summon a faint smile, his voice barely a whisper, "Thank you, For everything." The words struck Michael's heart with a bittersweet ache, a testament to the profound bond they had forged.

Tears continued to flow unabated as Michael clung tightly to Ewan, a surge of emotions overwhelming him. He wished he could have shielded Ewan from the perils of the world, shielded him from this untimely end. Regret washed over him like a tidal wave, mingling with the love he felt for Ewan, the son he had never had.

With a voice choked with grief, Michael whispered through his tears, "Thank you, my dear Ewan. Rest now, my beloved son." It was a tender farewell, a solemn promise to carry Ewan's memory in his heart and honor the time they had spent together.

In the silence that followed, Michael clung to Ewan's lifeless body, cherishing the memories they had shared and mourning the future that would never come to pass. The depth of their connection transcended mere words, forever binding them in an unbreakable bond of love and loss.


As Michael stood before Ewan's shrine, immersed in grief, a figure stumbled towards him through the haze of sorrow. It was Ewan's adopted father, disheveled and consumed by anguish, his eyes bloodshot and filled with pain. The weight of their shared loss hung heavy in the air as they met amidst the somber gathering.

Tears streamed down Ewan's adopted father's face as he approached Michael, his voice trembling with sorrow and regret. "Michael, I... I never expected this to happen. I failed him. I failed as his father," he choked out between sobs. Michael looked into his eyes, understanding the depth of his despair, and embraced him in a heartfelt, yet sorrowful, embrace.

As the somber atmosphere enveloped Ewan's shrine, Julia approached the framed picture of him, her voice trembling with a mix of sorrow and regret. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she whispered to the captured image, her emotions pouring forth in a heartfelt lament.

"Ewan, I never got the chance to say it to you directly, but I loved you," Julia choked out, her voice quivering with grief. "That day when you were confronting those bullies, I was shocked and scared. I couldn't reconcile that side of you with the person I knew and cared for. It was overwhelming, and I'm sorry I couldn't understand."

As her tears continued to flow, a gentle hand touched Julia's shoulder, offering solace in her darkest moment. Michael stood behind her, his presence a comforting presence in the midst of her pain. His own eyes welled up with tears as he whispered softly, "Julia, you're not alone in your feelings. Ewan was a complex individual, and sometimes his pain and anger consumed him. But he was also capable of immense love, compassion, and growth."

Julia turned to face Michael, her tears unrelenting, and their gaze met in shared sorrow. In that wordless exchange, they recognized the depth of their loss and the complexity of their emotions surrounding Ewan's untimely departure.

Embracing Julia gently, Michael offered a silent understanding and a shoulder to lean on. Together, they stood before the shrine, finding solace in their shared connection to Ewan and the bittersweet memories they held dear.

In that poignant moment, amidst the flickering candles and the tender whispers of grief, Julia and Michael vowed to support one another through the pain, to honor Ewan's memory by finding strength in their collective love for him.

As the shrine stood as a testament to Ewan's life and the impact he had made, Julia and Michael sought comfort in each other's presence. They knew that healing would take time, but together,

they would navigate the complex landscape of grief, forever cherishing the moments they had shared with Ewan.