
Everlasting Era

Join the journey of a young man who wants to live a better life and have to go through many hardships and unknowingly enters the cultivation world where his life take a drastic change, when he know that the things he work for can be destroyed by superhuman easily and decided to challenge his way through the dark path where one wrong step and he will spell death

Dana_Ash · Acción
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15 Chs

1: Destiny is to the only one who seeks it

Dragon street the most famous and longest street with numerous stores, most residents building, and at the heart of the street is the city haul.

Today is the most exciting day for the people of storm city because someone has spread rumors about immortal gathering where if some get selected then they will lead the dragon gate and become the dragon who will roam the nine heavens.

From the front gate of city haul there is a long line of citizens, and the martial artist are checking the spiritual vein and the aptitude for cultivation with the sprit testing stones.

And now is the chance of a young man.

"I hope that this is the time for my rise"

There are only two martial artists to check the aptitude. They call themself with number 1 and 2 respectively.

No 1 ask

"What is your name?"

The young man think he should hide his name so he say. "Amm, I do not have a name! "

No 2 said "Did your parents did not know how to name their child or they kick you out of the house"

That young man continue. "No! I am an orphan"

No 1 again said. "Hey cannot you see from his clothes that he is begger"

No 1 again said "Ok now enough chit-chat do you work or you will get fired"

"Ok then Mr begger now place your hands in this stone and do not remove your hand even if it painful"

The young man was exited first but when he place his hands on the stone then his hand started buring and he was feeling like someone was poking his hands again and again 'Oaag! it is slightly pain but i can't remove my hand'

No 1. "Ok now you can remove your hands"

'Did I pass or fail'

No 2. "Now kid listen careful the result is that you cannot cultivate now you have two choice one is to join the kingdom military or take this and get lost"

"And decide quickly. The peaks of joining military will only be tell to you if you are joining it"

'I know it will fail but i do not want to join military where my life is not in my hand and i have even heard prediesain conversation that if we did not do our roles in military then the penalty is death even if the soilder is destined to die doing the jon he cannot deny it'

The young man steel his heart and said firmly "I will not join military"

Because of the kid firmness the martil artist praise him and said to take the package from the table which was on the side

"Ho!, then take this get lost do not waste time standing in the row"

'What's in the package, let's see'

The young man was not dejected that he not has cultivation aptitude bur looking to his coming future and came to a broken and ruin down 10×20m house and open the package.

'Wow!, rice cake I have only see people eating it now even I can eat it and there are 2 rice cakes'

'Come on even if I am not fit to cultivate I will rise to live a better life'

'Instead of going to military I will start my own businees which will be my way to get started on living a better life'