
Everlasting Era

Join the journey of a young man who wants to live a better life and have to go through many hardships and unknowingly enters the cultivation world where his life take a drastic change, when he know that the things he work for can be destroyed by superhuman easily and decided to challenge his way through the dark path where one wrong step and he will spell death

Dana_Ash · Action
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15 Chs

2: Soul outside body

The young child fold the package and hide it inside the fallen roof. And begin thinking about his next steps

'What can i do, let's see?'

'I need to know the layout of the Storm city first which I already know'

'This city is build for a good defence therefore it has inner and outer walls with a width of two meter and rich family is mostly located in between the inner and the outer city wall of the city'

'And the less status, the more peripheral people have to live'

'There are plenty of things in the city market ranging from food clothing houses on rent, and there is black market and also a underground market and 10 small fight club and some untraceable big fight club'

'And how can i forget about gambling houses and the likes'

'I should draw a rough outline map of city, so i can decide which business is profitable and is easy to start and should also growth rate'

'The city is divided by inner wall in two parts inner storm city and outer storm city, inner part is not accessible to people. Outer walls are considered as first defence. Rich families are located between inner and outer wall. Right outside inner wall is mountain ranges and big forests which covers the inner wall from all sides. Rich families occupy huge lands for various things like mines, crops. And afterword there are gambling houses, fight clubs, travens, lakes, trading market, black market where thugs from various gangs are present, and after that lives families who do small works to make a living.

'The city because if it's huge size is referred as West city, south city, north city, east city according to the directions'

'Storm city has four entrance from outer wall, which is directly connected to wide streets which allow to move four carriage at once, hence it has the most traffic, this street directly goes to the inner wall through the forests, mountains. Each street is called with same name dragon street. And at the direct center of the inner wall and outer wall is the city haul'

'Dragon street has are various stores, workshops, casinos, and rental house directly on its sides, only a few influencial people can purchase stores on the side corners of dragon street'

'And one more thing there are expansion activities going on at the back of outer east wall'

"So I can try to apply for temporary job there. Since night has fallen I should sleep"

Then the young boy erase the outline, find a fruit from his secret savingd eat it snd fall asleep on broken but cleaned floor with a patched blanket on himself

In the dark night he sleep with a bright hope unaware that his every action is monitored by someone.

"Tch! Again that kid sleep far from here, if not for the array I will have possessed that kid and will be free, damit if not for that back stabber I the great soul creation realm expert will not be traped here"

"It cannot be going like this, after a month I will take advantage of the damage of this soul traping yin yang array to possessed that kid"

"If I was not caution that time and not have hidden my break thought to the soul creation realm then I would have died at his hands"