
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

Oiltumpah · Fantasía
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56 Chs

Chapter 48 – Born of Devour     

Under the dim light, a feminine shadow traveling soundlessly through dark alley.



A passerby puzzled, felt someone just passed him yet not see anyone.


No one could see her.

It's because the shadow cloaked herself with shadow magic, veiling her presence from people perception. She was carefully hiding, as to not alerting anyone, especially the target.

After several ways and turns through alley, she reached her destination.

The place surprisingly conspicuous building for supposedly hiding place, not a place she would choice if it's her. It might the best place considering this thinking, however.

She stopped quite distance, intending observing the building from darkness first.

She focusing he ears at noise.

The sound of festivity could be heard in her location although she was deep in alley. Still, whatever would happen there won't be exposed to outsider.

As she watching quietly, she slowly turned suspicious. After few minutes, she can't help, but feel there is something wrong. As the uneasy grow stronger, she quickly entering the building.


Weird, she thought.

After walking in for a while, she can't find people presence inside. Thinking a while, she throws several small mice on floor, not real mice but puppets, sending them to scout the area. She still can't find nor detect any life, however.

What happened?

Based the sign inside building, the place hasn't been used for long time.

Confused with such bizarre situation, she raises her vigilance. She sure felt ominous presence before coming here, or more like, she came because the presence.

Just what in the world?

No presence nor sign of living around. Yet, there strong ominous presence feels so threatening, even for her. Just what could make her feel like that?

As she in thought, a terrible chill assaulted behind her neck. Her long experience warning her a threat from behind.


Instinctively, she kicked herself forward.

As she spinning in air, she glanced on place she stood previously.

She saw that.

There, a terrible long flesh piercing the ground. It's looked like tentacle if not for human faces and limbs attached on it.

She gasped. Not know what in the world is that. Only abomination could precisely descript that using a word.

For God above…

Her heart trembled as she watching its existence. Though she only saw the tentacle, as its body veiled in darkness, it's already spread so much fear in her heart.

She not knows about that thing, yet she instinctively sure only destruction will happen upon its presence.

The abominable tentacle retracted.

She readying herself watching it disappearing in shadow.

Once it truly disappears from her sight, she thought it'd attack her. To her surprise however, she feels the abomination's presence slowly dissipating then died down.

It's gone away.

Not a slightness relief she felt when she realized the abomination was actually gone away, opposite instead.

It's bad, very bad.

Today is festival.

Though now already night, the city still very crowded by people from various region. She can't imagine what kind commotion and chaos will unleashed once it showed up in front of crowd.

Chaos surely will happen.


Five puppet mice came down from her robe, following the abomination in darkness.

She went to opposite direction, deciding her next action.




In a guest room of Myrdiana royal castle.


"Ugh! What a rough day." (Misha)


Watching his mistress thrown herself on bed, Arc can't resist his sigh from escape.

"Misha, I know I already asked it, but are you sure it's okay to throw away a prince like that?" (Arc)

Asked Arc with concern.

Unexpectedly, his question answered by another person.

"It's okay, Arc. He won't. Little Misha has valid reason to left the party. And, even he's a prince, he can't actually do anything since she also haves many supports from various noble houses." (Robert)

"Even though she acted quite rash just now?" (Arc)

"Yes. In other person's eyes, her behavior might look rash and arrogant, but not something worth be condemned. Also, if they still not letting a little girl rest after pushing her around helping adult work, it'd be them be condemned instead." (Robert)

"I understand. Thank for explanation, Uncle Jug." (Arc)

"..." (Robert)

My name is Robert.

Robert sighed tiredly.

"Heard what Uncle Jug said, don't worry about me, Arc." (Misha)

"Okay." (Arc)

"…" (Robert)


"Still…" (Arc)

Arc recalled unknown chill he felt upon their leave. It unusual for him since he can't pinpoint the source.

"Is something wrong?" (Misha)

"No." (Arc)

Arc decided ignore it since he's not felt real danger.

"Well, I take my leave here, Miss Misha. My presence still require there." (Robert)

"Okay. Thank for the help Uncle Jug." (Arc)

"Take care, Uncle Jug." (Misha)

"…" (Robert)

While holding the threatened escape sigh from his mouth, Robert leaves the room.

Once Robert was out, the room turn silent.

Misha dozed a bit and said to Arc.

"Uh… Arc, I'll rest for a bit. Please keep watching the room." (Misha)

It seems Misha very exhausted as she quickly fell asleep without waiting Arc respond. She not even properly covers herself with blanket.

Arc tidies it for her, then look after the rest little girls.

"Raina, you also take rest." (Arc)

"…You won't?" (Raina)

"I won't." (Arc)

"Then me too." (Raina)

"No. You better take rest now. It's better you're in best condition and take care my role after this. Can you do that?" (Arc)

"Okay." (Raina)

Raina nodded. She didn't move from her place, however.

"…" (Raina)

"What?" (Arc)

"Where rest?" (Raina)

"…Take that bed." (Arc)

Arc pointed the empty bed beside Misha. No longer questioning, Raina lay on the bed and sleep almost immediately like Misha.

"…What about me?" (Herlin)

Arc looked at the white-haired little girl.

After her awakened, her speak become smooth and smoother, no longer stuttering. Arc miss her stuttering speak a bit.

"Is there something you want to do?" (Arc)

"Um…Yes…" (Herlin)

Although no longer stuttering, her voice still quiet as usual.

"…an…" (Herlin)

"Yes?" (Arc)

"…Can we read together… again?" (Herlin)

Arc stared her, then smiled. Her request not an excessive, could be called modest and cute. Still, she embarrassed to raise her humble request.

"Sure." (Arc)

Arc sit on nearest empty bed. Pulled Herlin with him, then placed her on his lap.

"So, what story you want to read this time?" (Arc)

"…This one." (Herlin)

Herlin pulled out a book from nowhere. As a disciple of great Magist, Elisabeth provided her disciple a Spatial Pocket.

"This…" (Arc)

Arc looked the book.

It's a book with 'Nine Illuminates' as its tittle.


"Eh?" (Arc)

The tittle attracting his attention.

Nine illuminates.

Arc sure never heard or read anything of it. But, the word nine made him remember his little divination, though he still not sure if his divination was current or just his illusion.

He has his suspicious. Why that card reacted to him? Why choose him? What it actually showed it to him? Why he can't remember anything when he used the card? The latest is his most concern. It's because when his use the card, it's as though it's not him. The fact was someone or something may control really frighten him. None of any know this yet, even Misha, since he skillfully hiding it. He might can't hide it forever, however.

Since acquired the fate cards, many weird things happen to him. For example; The weird dream he has. Every night, he always dreaming something that leave him deep impression, weirdly, he can't remember the dream content however he tried, even with [Mind Strength].

There also time he suddenly got knowledge he not aware ever gained. He also hiding this from Misha, but he planning to tell her this later. The knowledges were weird and currently indecipherable to him. It was a headache gained knowledges he can't use.

All this happen since he got the card. The reason he hasn't throw or seal the cards because a hunch. A strong hunch the cards will become crucial at future moment. This hunch was the only thing prevent his hand off the Fate Cards.

Then a soft touch on his thigh broke his contemplation.

It's Herlin, leaning her back on his chest, waiting him to tell the story.

"…Why silent?" (Herlin)

"Oh… nothing, just distracted by the tittle. Felt like seen this somewhere." (Arc)

"…Nnh, is that so...? Maybe because this popular." (Herlin)

"Really?" (Arc)

"Yeah, I heard from merchant who come sell this book it's popular work from central continent… That's why you felt have seen it since you." (Herlin)

"A story from central..." (Arc)


Another word that struck him without particular reason.

If he remembers correctly, Central is where Symphonia Kingdom located.

Wonder what she doing right now?

Arc remembering the figure of certain little elf. The last time he read her message, he knows she went to certain place. He hopes she fine.

"Have you read the book?" (Arc)

"Haven't… I want read together with everyone again." (Herlin)

"With everyone, huh… seems it can't fulfil now since only two of us wake now." (Arc)

Their eyes directed toward two sleeping little girls.

Herlin saw them with slightly regretful eyes, then shook her head.

"It's fine." (Herlin)

"Ok, we'll read another story with everyone later." (Arc)

"Yes." (Herlin)

Afterward, with Herlin sitting on his lap, Arc open the book in front the them.

They haven't noticed it yet.

The change happening outside the castle.




Wriggling through darkness, it quietly watching the happy crowd in front of it.


So cold…

So angry…

So hungry...


So ecstatic…


It puzzlingly staring at wriggling tentacles around it.

It can't remember anything.

Nor it born with memory.

It not knows what even itself, like a blank book.

The moment it conscious, it's in dark room filled with stink and bloody smell.

Then, it saw them.

Bloodied, dirty, and robed.

A small of wearied human group.




How could it know they are human?

It confused with its unknown knowledge.

It looks at them.



Honestly, it annoyed with their behavior.

They screaming, angry, yelling then turn silent.

It not knows what they doing with screaming around even with its mysterious knowledge.

Afterward, it shocked.

A human, the one being screamed at by other, laughing without particular reason.

The moment it saw him, it unknowingly trembling by an unknown sensation.


It not knows what emotion known as fear. But right know it felt like get away from that human.

Just as it has such thought, it happened. A bizarre tremble and limpness spreading over its body.

What…what is this?


It's recognized the feeling it experience is coldness.

Why it felt cold?

Although it didn't know anything, it know it shouldn't get cold.

Also, what another feeling it felt now?

Beside cold, it felt another bursting feeling that eating it inside out its being.

The feeling very uncomfortable, weak, hurt, hollow, and hating.

It wanting something. An urgent that could relief from this feeling. Something that could fill this hollowness.

Struck to it the feeling it felt was hungriness. The desire to devour everything.

But what it'd devour?

Then it looks at the human.


It raised its tentacle, lashed toward one of them, caught him, and throw him between its razor teeth.




A new foreign sensation entering its being, not uncomfortable like previous feeling, but satisfying the hollowness it's felt. The feeling wasn't long however, as the hollowness returned after a while, consuming its mind.





It desiring more of that satisfying feeling.

Like a crazed beast, it's lanced all its limbs, grabs all the human until the last one. Despite of that, it hasn't yet satisfied. It's become restless as there no longer prey it could catch. Then it went out, searching new prey that could satisfying its endless hunger.

It caught any lives it found. Sometimes it caught animal, another lives beside human, but they not satisfying as human, sometimes it found a small village and devour everyone inside. It was a smooth journey until it encountered a small human group.

Their number won't satisfying him but could fill it a little. However, it never though this group human would fight it back. The human and monster it encountered before were weak and couldn't fought back, so it had misconception about their strength.

For first time it injured and forced to escape from its prey.

This encounter made it realize there stronger being withing human. It increasing its cautiousness after the first met with strong human.

However, cautiousness can't fill its desire and hollowness. Soon, it returns hunt human restlessly.

Weird thing happens afterward. The number of strong humans it's encounter increased. Not as strong as its first encounter, still very annoying as they disturb its precious hunt moment, even managed hurt it.

Different from first encounter, it not escaped this time. It fought back and won in the end.

When it devoured them, it assaulted by strong bliss it never felt before. It found the stronger human more satisfying than weak ones. Not only that, it also felt its strength increased. This realization motivated it to hunt more of strong human.

Since then, it keeps hunting human, weak or strong, as it desires never quelled off. Eventually, it reunited with first strong human it met and rematch them. As it keeps devouring human, its strength never ceased to grow. The result of rematch was it won and devour its first opponent.

An ecstasy feeling shrouded it being after it ate them. They the most satisfying prey it ever devoured, gained best boost of strength it can't imagined.

The abomination wriggling at the new peak of blissness, but it quickly dissipated.


A terrible laugh escape from its terrifying mouth, as it gone for next prey.

The abomination will devour everything, as its hunger will never satisfied.

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