
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

Oiltumpah · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 49 – Lurking Darkness, Unexpected Guest    

Myrd City remote site.

A pair of drunk men stumbling their way through the crowd.



"Whach yu staph bloo… uh…"

"Ha-ha-ha, nu plubem! I vely Kuntroll!"


The man on the right clapped his hand, as his friend who was raised his hands toward heaven.

The passerby shot them annoyed look, trying avoid those pair drunk men.

"Nuuoo, wheel we ould goes, blo?"

The man, however, frozen in his raised hands state, not responding him.


"Wat ups, blo? Dun ignol me."

"Huh? I may little too drunk."

The man's word become recognizable, as he regained little bit his clarity.

"Wat wong being drun? C'mon, it's vestifal. Jus falget evithing an not mind anityng."

He still not responding his friend. His face seemed pale and wipe his eyes.

"Hey, answer me!"

"Oh, Goddess. It seems I'm really too drunk now. I'm starting to see thing."

"Wat cha yu see?"

He raised his head, looked at the direction the man looked at.

There, a terrible mass of flesh wriggling between building. The flesh looked like assembly of human limbs and faces. A night mare. That thing was abomination no matter how they see it. Something that shouldn't exist in the middle of peaceful city.

"Oh, I see thu too, blo."

"Eh, you too?"

Hearing his friend also seeing same thing, clearing the man's head.

But wait…

The man feels uneasy.

Why I and him saw same thing?

He glanced around. People were either pointing at the direction they looked at in fear or starting run away in panic.


"Way pepool run?"

Seeing the chaotic around them, the pair drunk men felt their drunkenness were cleared off a bit.

Why they run?

Eh, don't say they also see it.

If they could see it too, then–

A very bad premonition resounding in their mind.

Now his head cleared.

…But it's already late.



Both of them felt warm on their chest.

They turned below, see terrifying long flesh pierced their chests. They can't even manage to scream as they pulled up. The last thing they see were scary big hole filled with razor teeth before their consciousness plugged into darkness for eternity.




[Nine Illuminates]

Since eons ages, many stories and anecdotes created from this phrase.

The tittle given only to nine people, the world saviors. The chosen heroes and saints of God and Goddess.

Many legends were formed because their existence.

None know since when they're exist, but nine Illuminates always appear in world-scale catastrophe time, given the task to save the world.

As the chosen ones, they gifted with tremendous power and talent. Their role as world savior not something could replace by random people.

Once they chosen, a mark of hero will appear on their body. The mark very special and couldn't be falsified by mortal means.

Every mark that appears were special, having its own meaning with its own calling.

First Illuminate – Hero of Salvation and Beginning.

Second Illuminate – Saint of Arcetica.

Third Illuminate – Ever Burning Cyrion Flame.

Fourth Illuminate – Velician Light of Heaven.

Fifth illuminate – Guardian of Mystic Land.

Sixth Illuminate – Sage of Emerald Wild.

Seventh Illuminate – Endless Length Marksman Emperor.

Eight Illuminate – Bringer of Eternal Peace.

Nineth Illuminate – The Illusion and Reality Trickster.

All of them were Illuminates that marked their existence in history.

Though they called Nine Illuminates, rarely did they appear in full nine. Nine refers to highest number Illuminates ever sighted at same era.

There only an era where all Nine Illuminates sighted at same time. After that, there's only two or three appearances at same era with six as the highest.

Even so, Nine Illuminates become fixed title for the chosen ones.

Though they are chosen heroes, loved and respected by people, almost everyone wishing they will never appear in their lifetime.

As many people known, Nine Illuminates only appear when world in danger.

The last appearance they made was about 300 years ago, when the world almost in brink of destruction because idiotic ambition of a human, and become known as Arcetica Great Tragedy III.

In history record, there only three Illuminates appeared at that time. But, more than tenth of Arcetica population were devasted in that tragedy.

Many deaths and ruins will happen alongside Illuminates appearance.

Illuminate also known as Calamity Messenger by some minority because of that.

There was a say.

When Nine Illuminates appear, it'd mean the end of prosperity and rise of new era through great disaster.

I pray I'll never meet with them.




Myrdiana Royal Castle.

"…" (Arc)

What kind book story is this?

Arc speechless after read the book.

From the content, he was sure the book means not for children. Rather it written as a kind of history book.

"Where you got this?" (Arc)

"Uhm… from Auntie Eli's room." (Herlin)

"Oh." (Arc)

Sure enough.

"How about read another book?" (Arc)

Arc proposed, since there won't be exciting story in book he currently holding.

*Tok* *Tok*

Knocks sounded from door.

"???" (Arc)


"Excuse me Herlin." (Arc)

Arc put off Herlin from his thigh.

"Ngh…" (Herlin)

Herlin pouted seeing her comfortable chair went away.

Arc get up, open the door, saw who come visit them. On opposite side, he saw a couple maids with stark contrast demeanor standing gracefully in front of him.

"!!" (Arc)

Seeing them, Arc hurried fixing his stance and garments. He knew those maids are.

"Senior Lynine, Senior Flora!" (Arc)

"U-fu-fu, just look who was here." (Lynine)

"How are you, Little Arc?" (Flora)

"I'm good." (Arc)

"Glad see you good." (Lynine)

Arc felt his sleeve tugged.

"Who?" (Herlin)

"They senior maids from Everyne house. They also my mentor when I started living as servant." (Arc)

Arc explained.

Lynine, she a maid with soft air around her. Flora, her eyes was sharp and looked like a stern woman.

Lynine and Flora are Everyne senior maids in Everyne house. Though they are maids, they originally noble daughters from Everyne's vassal house.

While he explaining it to Herlin, Arc's cheeks grabbed by Lynine.

"Eh?" (Arc)

"It's good see you're cute like always." (Lynine)

So close!

"Senior Lynine, please not call me cute." (Arc)

Arc have mixed feeling being called cute as a man.

"Fu-fu-fu." (Lynine)

Lynine pat his head, like an older sister comforting his younger brother. They really looked like pair of siblings with their rare black hair.

"Ngh!" (Herlin)

"Herlin?" (Arc)

Herlin pulled Arc. She somewhat irritates looking this older woman playing with him.

"Fu-Fu-Fu. Jealous, aren't you." (Lynine)

By the way, he really got know them since they were his instructor. Arc smile wryly remembering how strict them were when instructing.


A forceful cough came from side.

"…We should finish our task first." (Flora)

"Oh my." (Lynine)

Flora shot her glare.

"Where Young Miss?" (Flora)

"She sleeping over there." (Arc)

"Hmm?" (Flora)

Flora looked at Misha, then knitted her brows when she sighted sleeping Raina.

Damn it!

Arc spotted her.

From her expression, she displeased how could a servant neglecting their duty. Her reaction was subtle, but lucky Arc managed catch her reaction.

"Ah, please wait Senior Flora. Please don't blame Raina." (Arc)

"Hm?" (Flora)

"It's me ordered her." (Arc)

"Why?" (Flora)

"It won't be good if both guards were tired in middle of duty. We should take rest for any chance we got." (Arc)

"Why didn't you rest then?" (Flora)

"One of us must take a watch." (Arc)

Flora nodded, accepting the explanation. Her reaction normal as she also Raina instructor.

Then the maids enter the room. Herlin slightly uncomfortable with them, took cover behind Arc. Flora and Lynine smiled at her, not commenting her presence.

"Fu-Fu, you strict like always, Flora." (Lynine)

Like hell you are speaking.

"By the way, why you come here? I thought you were protecting territory." (Arc)

Arc speak puzzlingly.

Flora and Lynine aren't ordinary maid. They are Warrior Awaken capable maids. In other word, they are units not only counted as maid, they also counted as military force. They know as Combatant Maid.

By the way, Arc overheard Misha called them Maid Knight. He personally feels that more fitting name.

Both of Lynine and Flora didn't go with them. They left behind to protect territory since Duke Saffron already brought too many guards with him. That's why Arc wondering with their appearance here.

"We're called by Lord. For the reason, we not know yet." (Lynine)

"We're just arrived. Our duty will explain after this party." (Flora)

"That so." (Arc)

Arc was slightly disappointed.

Seems I couldn't learn anything.

"Oh yeah, there other beside us." (Lynine)

"There other?" (Arc)

"Um, about 20 combatant maids including us called here." (Lynine)

"That many!? Wait, is territory will be alright!?" (Arc)

Even though there only 20 people, all of them are Warriors. It was quite large military force and almost half of strength that left behind to watch over the territory. They appearance would put Everyne security domain in strain.

"Just why brought so large force?" (Arc)

Judging from the personal were called, Arc guesses they are most likely reinforcement.

But why?

True, the capital situation was chaos because the act of unknown terrorist, but the situation more or less has been handled. So, further reinforcement not likely be necessary.

"Little Arc, as servant you mustn't question your lord judgement." (Flora)

"…Sorry, but I didn't question the judgement itself. I puzzled why it's necessary for reinforcement. Was a war will happen?" (Arc)

"...Like usual, your way thinking not like that a child." (Flora)

"What you me–" (Arc)


A soft moan interrupts their conversation.

"Ngh! Noisy…" (Misha)

Misha wakes up.

"What are you doing, Arc? You're so noisy. And who was with you?" (Misha)

"Uh!" (Arc)


Seems like their voices were too loud.

"Sorry wake you up, Young Lady. Senior Lynine and senior Flora come visit us." (Arc)

"Uhm…" (Misha)

Misha sweeps her eyes. Her eyes widened once she regained her clarity.

"Eh? Mrs. Lynine, Mrs. Flora, how come you're here? Didn't father left you home?" (Misha)

"Let me explain." (Arc)

Arc giving her the brief explanation.

"Oh, was war will happen?" (Misha)

"That… don't know." (Arc)

"Why they called then?" (Misha)

"You pair master servant really alike." (Flora)

Flora comment how uncanny similar their reaction was.

It's always stuck in her mind if Misha and Arc were really children.

Haven't yet anyone of them realize the chaos happen far from the castle.

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