
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

Oiltumpah · Fantasía
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56 Chs

Chapter 45 – Start of Party 2    

"Herlin, Auntie Eli!" (Misha)

"!! Everyone!" (Herlin)

"My, what a coincidence to meet you here, miss Misha." (Elisabeth)

"Yeah, it's coincidence." (Misha)

As Misha and group arrived before the royal castle main gate, they encountered Herlin and Elisabeth.

"You also came." (Arc)

"That's right. Not that I planning to come first place, but a friend of mine had given me his invitation. I thought it'd be terrible waste to ignore it, so I came." (Elisabeth)

Elisabeth explained her reason, giving Arc and Misha understating her situation.

Arc tilted his head.

"Huh, I thought only noble could come to this party." (Arc)

"How did they let you come?" (Misha)

"You could if you're a powerful person." (Arianne)

"First time I heard that." (Misha)

Shook her head, Arianne went greet Elisabeth.

"Nice to meet you, [Warden of Puppetry], Miss Elisabeth. I have long intended give my regard for take care my sister." (Arianne)

""Warden of Puppetry?""

Arc and Misha raised their voices at unfamiliar title.

"...It's her title. How could you not know it after so long with her?" (Arianne)

"Fu-Fu-Fu. This first time I met people that not know my title despite long beside me." (Elisabeth)

"Isn't your title [Puppet Witch]?" (Arc)

He recalled Uncle Jug mentioned her title once.

"Oh, that was my old title. Only people from older generation would call me that. People will call me Warden of Puppetry nowadays." (Elisabeth)

"Oh." (Arc)

"I understand." (Misha)

Arc and Misha didn't know Elisabeth's another name since they never heard it.

"I apologize for my sister ignorance." (Arianne)

"Don't worry. I quite familiar with their ignorance myself." (Elisabeth)

"Is that so?" (Arianne)

"Must be hard for you. Although they strangely intelligent for their age, they severely lacking in some critical knowledges. They must had made many troublesome mistakes, right?" (Elisabeth)

"Y-You understand?" (Arianne)

"I had experienced it myself." (Elisabeth)

Said her, staring the stars with tired looks.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience!" (Arianne)

Seeing her like that, sweats dropping from her head profusely. Arianne then pulled Arc and Misha little away from Elisabeth with her.

"What you had done when you staying with her!?" (Arianne)

"Calm down, Sis. I'm behaving this time." (Misha)

"Are you really sure?" (Arianne)

"S-Sure?" (Misha)

She said with swaying eyes, unconfident with her answer.

Fortunately, Arc throws her a rescue boat.

"That's right. We're not done anything wrong this time." (Arc)

"If so, why she looked like that?" (Arianne)

"Well, that…" (Misha)

"Nothing big. She just exclaimed how lacked us in knowledge of Magist." (Arc)

"Hmm?" (Arianne)

Arianne raised her eyebrow.

"It's like this." (Arc)

Arc explained their study in Elisabeth's place to her to detail. Arianne earnestly listens it, not interrupt him until he finished.

"Is that all?" (Arianne)

All she said once Arc's explanation over.

"Hmm… That's all." (Arc)

"Okay. I'll believe you." (Arianne)

Arianne sighed relief listened his explanation.

"Hey, why you believe him and not me!?" (Misha)

Misha screamed at the difference treatment.

"Looking at your record. It's hard to believe you and your servant always be honest." (Arianne)

"Ugh!" (Misha)

That's hurt!

Misha teared out listened how faithless her sister.

"Fu-Fu-Fu. You sibling quite going well there I presume." (Elisabeth)

Seeing their secret conversation made Elisabeth can't hold her desire to tease them. They forgot, but Magist have mana enhanced sense. Their conversation entirely revealed to her.

Luckily, she not to pointed it or the sister wouldn't have face to show up.

"However, I think it'd better to continue our conversation inside." (Elisabeth)

Hearing her suggestion, Arianne noticed they still outside and decided put hold her interrogation.

With that, the group went inside.




Inside the castle.

"So, how is it?" (Saffron)

"Nothing much. We only made little progress so far." (Rian)

"Damn." (Saffron)

"Sorry, father. I disappoint you." (Rian)

"Don't, my son. I know more than anyone your ability in gathering intelligence. If anything, it's weird just how little you can find about them." (Saffron)

"...I thought so. But those children provided more than me." (Rian)

"…Don't mind them. They are exception." (Saffron)

Saffron Everyne and Rian Everyne were standing side by side in balcony, having a talk about their work against certain terrorist group.

"Still, I puzzled how those little devils always could get their ways into these kind problems." (Saffron)

"I had long given up to think that, Father." (Rian)


"For once, I don't know should call it's lucky or not for them be involved." (Saffron)

Rian nodded sympathizing.

"Yeah. Most our clues come from them." (Rian)

"With their involvement alone the situation more or less under control. It's frustrating considering how much headache those little devils caused afterwards." (Saffron)

"Ha-ha-ha-ha. That's right." (Rian)

As conversation going on, Rian spotted the mentioned devils showed up in his views.

"Speaking of little devils, they already here." (Rian)

Rian pointed behind Duke Saffron.

Over there; Arc, Misha, Raina, Herlin, Arianne, and Elisabeth were walking in group toward them. Not realizing her father and brother were discussed her, Misha went to greet them.

"Father, Bother Rian!" (Misha)

"…" (Saffron)

Duke Saffron resisted the urge to facepalm. Again, his daughter forgot about manner. Although she not yelled, her voice still considered loud and rude in this supposedly calm and elegant place. Many guests shot their gazes at her rudeness. Though most immediately retracted once realized her identity.

"Hello, Misha." (Rian)

Rian calmly greeted her back. Not he's minding her mistake as he long used her behavior.

"Hello, Father, Elder Brother." (Arianne)

"…Great someone knew manner at least." (Saffron)

"???" (Arianne)

"Don't mind it. Good see you all already here." (Saffron)

"Thank. We didn't miss anything, did we?" (Arianne)

"You're not. Some important guests haven't arrived yet." (Saffron)

"Relief to know then." (Arianne)

"Excuse me, Duke Everyne, Lord Saffron." (Elisabeth)

As family greeting was over, Elisabeth gives her regard to Saffron. Duke Saffron conversation partner shifted from Arianne to Elisabeth.

As adults have their conversation, the children also.

In corner, Arc felt someone tugging his sleeve.

"What's up, Herlin?" (Arc)

"…Umm…" (Herlin)

"Don't be shy. We're not strange, remember." (Arc)

"…Nnn." (Herlin)

Arc gently smile seeing her shyly fidgeting. Her blushing face seemed desperate to say something.

Arc waiting patiently, as he more or less understood her current behavior. Unlike they three who live under same roof, Herlin was living separately.

For a week, he and other haven't seen her, since they were rather busy with all their work and party preparation, leaving her alone. As someone befriended with her, he knew she didn't have any friend beside them because her circumstance.

As child, it's very lonely not seeing her friend even just a day, let alone a week.

Thinking all of that, Arc unconsciously patting her head.

"…Nhn…" (Herlin)

"Oh, sorry." (Arc)

"No. It's fine… rather, continue…" (Herlin)

Herlin hold him as he tried to retract his arm. Seeing her like that, Arc continued pat her.

"Herlin, it's been while!" (Misha)

"Hyau!" (Herlin)

Suddenly, Misha come and pounced from behind, caught her between her arms.

"M-Misha." (Herlin)

"You cute like usual, Herlin." (Misha)

"U-Uuuu…" (Herlin)

Herlin bowed her head down in embarrassment.

"Cute!" (Misha)

Spotting the white-haired little girl's face beet red tickled her heart. Charmed, Misha tightened her embrace.

Arc smile wryly. He didn't why and when, but Misha seemed very fond to hug Herlin like that. She also always got excited whenever Herlin's face turn red.

Though he had to admit have same opinion.

"P-Please, release me…" (Herlin)

"Nope. Just hold like this for a while." (Misha)

"U-Um." (Herlin)

"We haven't visited your place for a while. It must lonely for you, right?" (Misha)

"…" (Herlin)

Herlin's face turned uncomfortable.


That word too simple to descript her feeling.

For a lonely child who never have friend before, it's tough not seeing them for a week. As days go on not seeing them, she grew restless and couldn't focus.

Never before she felt like that.

It's all unpleasant.

But that feeling blown away upon meet them again.

Misha's inquiry made her recalled that feeling.


A breath escape from Arc's mouth once he saw Herlin's expression.

As his hand patted her head again, he said:

"Herlin, after this party, we'll visit your place." (Arc)

An innocent smile rises on Herlin's lips upon hearing him.

The gloomy she had just now vanished like a lie.

Arc too smile seeing her regained her smile.

Never occurred to him he just made a promise he couldn't fulfil until far years later.

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