
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

Oiltumpah · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 46 – Another Strange Vision    

While hugging the white-haired girl, Misha threw a question to her.

"By the way, have you solved Auntie Eli's question?" (Misha)

"No… I couldn't answer anything without your help." (Herlin)

"Haa… It's shame." (Misha)

"I-I mean… no way I could read all those books myself…" (Herlin)

"Well, Auntie Eli really strict when come to teaching." (Misha)

A wry smile plastered on her face recalled the mountain of thick books in Vermilioness Atelier just for Magist introductory and basic knowledge.

It wasn't exaggeration her jaw fallen upon seeing just how thick those books are.

A slight diversion, not just her and Arc, Herlin and Raina also joined Elisabeth's lesson on next day. Unexpectedly, although they were stumbled in their first second days, from third and so on days they managed grasped the essence of lesson.

While Herlin have been taught by Elisabeth for long ago, she still young and still haven't gotten far in knowledge yet. However, her awakened seemed has enhanced her learning capability, making her smarter than before according Elisabeth.

Raina most unexpected one. Misha still freshly remembers when she and Arc brought her home from wildness, how wild her nature was. Never occurred to her that Raina could read or even understand what written in books.

She would think their capability to learn were the normal, if not for fact how cramped Elisabeth's expression was when Raina and Herlin managed to solved several hard questions she given to them at the last day session.

Misha very amazed.

She underestimated learning capability of people this world because her previous world memory.

After taught by Elisabeth, she learned how advanced actually the world she lives now. Not like what written in her previous life novels, magic actually not a simple chant or suddenly required power, but a very complicate formula, like a physics.

Fortunately, she already a full-fledge Magist or she would forget all the lesson by the time Elisabeth finished nor did would understand what she actually learned.

In this world, power is knowledge.

As she daydreamed, a presence approaching her behind.


"Huh!? Oh, it just you, Arc." (Misha)

Misha jumped out as Arc suddenly whispered on her ear.

"What's up?" (Misha)

"Might you stop now, people are watching. Also, Herlin looked uncomfortable." (Arc)

"Are?" (Misha)

Just as he said, people shot gazes at her. Their gazes retracted as she looks back, pretending focusing on their task. Not just that, Herlin was uncomfortable bathed by many gazes.

Realizing it, Misha hurried release her arm.

"Aah…" (Herlin)

Though she finally released, Herlin felt reluctant for some reason.


"Sorry, Herlin. I slightly excited meet you after a while. Also, sorry not giving proper greet just now." (Misha)

"…No, it's okay." (Herlin)

Seeing her flushed face tempted Misha to hug her again. She somehow managed to hold her urge, and distanced herself a little from the white-haired girl.

"By the way, it's like he said. We will visit your place once this party finished." (Misha)

"Ngh!" (Herlin)

Heard her confirmation, Herlin nodding excitedly. Now she wished the party to over soon.

"Misha, Herlin." (Arc)

Arc chimed in.

"Let's go, the others had moved up." (Arc)

"Huh? Since when?" (Misha)

Now that Arc pointed out. By the time she noticed, except Arc and Raina, who was silently standing behind him, she not seeing any familiar face around.

"It seemed they too engrossed in conversation that they forgetting us." (Arc)

"We're left behind!?" (Misha)

"I remember the direction they gone. They haven't gotten far yet." (Arc)

"Let's go then. I won't want get reprimand because of this." (Misha)

"Okay." (Arc)

As the children about to leave, Arc halted his feet and turned around. His eyes nailed at scenery outside balcony. For unknown reason, he got strange feeling from there.

"Arc!" (Misha)

"Ah, I'm coming." (Arc)

Seeing nothing was there, Arc pushed the feeling out and quickly chase after Misha and others.

"Must my imagination…" (Arc)

In the midst people, his quiet murmur drowned by their chatter.





The children tilted their head.

"So warm." (Herlin)

Herlin commented.

"…" (Raina)

"Arc, are you sure they passed here?" (Misha)

"That's right, I clearly remember they've passed here." (Arc)

"Are you really sure? I mean, look our surrounding!" (Misha)

Screamed Misha, pointing everything around them.

"Well, I admit it's weird." (Arc)

Watching the surroundings, he stiffly said.

"Weird? You only said this is weird!?" (Misha)

"So much flowers…" (Herlin)

"Master, there nothing but flowers here." (Raina)

"Look around, this already pass weird. We literally thrown into unknown place!?" (Misha)

For some reason, before they knew it, the children standing in the middle of mystical garden, surrounded by glowing flowers. For how they could be here was completely mystery.

All Arc can remember was they passed a corridor, then, suddenly, their views were twisted and found themselves there.

Misha looking around found the view was breathtaking.

The sky dark night, illuminated by countless starlight. The garden quite bright with unending glowing flower field.

"Whoa…" (Arc)

"Let's check what out here." (Misha)

Knowing just stood still wouldn't do anything, Misha decided take the lead to roam the garden.

"Okay, let's go." (Arc)

"W-Wait…" (Herlin)

After walking for a while, Herlin commented:

"…What is … this place?" (Herlin)

Sounded her in slightly nervous voice.

It can't be helped Herlin became worried since they suddenly thrown into mysterious place with any information and preparation.

"Yeah, this place really weird." (Misha)

"It's okay, come here." (Arc)

Arc patted Herlin head in attempt to calm her.

"Hmm…" (Raina)

Then, Raina stopped her feet.

"What's up?" (Misha)

Seeing her stopped, everyone was following.

"Master." (Raina)

"Yeah, I know." (Arc)

Arc nodded knowingly.

"Hey, what is it?" (Misha)

"Hum…" (Herlin)

Arc told them their realization.

"After walking around for a while, I realize we aren't getting anywhere." (Arc)

"What do you mean?" (Misha)

"It just like I said. We actually didn't move from starter place no matter how long we walk." (Arc)

"How you know?" (Misha)

Misha couldn't help but ask, as the scenery looked same in her eyes.

"Because that." (Arc)

Arc pointed at the thing that embedded in ground. It's a worn looking sword. The sword actually was one of his looted goods he got.

"Before we go, I placed it as landmark just in case. I occasionally glanced it while we walking, found we never moved away from it." (Arc)

"Hmm?" (Misha)

Misha tilted.

To verify his word, she strode backward while watching the sword. As he said, the sword didn't away no matter how far she strode.

She sighed.

"You very prepared like always, Arc." (Misha)

Then groaned.

"It's good to know. But isn't that mean we're in deep trouble!?" (Misha)

Like she said, if they can't move from their place, there no way they could leave. Misha got horrible imagination, they'll stuck in this weird place for long time, walking in directionless in search for way out.

Fortunately, not at all Arc brought up were bad news.

"No, there a time we'll away from it when we go to certain direction." (Arc)

"Say that from beginning, you made me very anxious here, Arc!" (Misha)

"A-ha-ha-ha, sorry." (Arc)

Misha let out a deep sigh of relief.

It seemed there still hope.

"So, which direction?" (Misha)

"There." (Arc)

"Okay, let's go everyone." (Misha)

The group resumed their feet.

After walked for small distance, Misha turns around, looked the landmark. She confirmed they move away from the sword, and Arc was correct.

"Careful, if you change your direction, you'll return to start." (Arc)

"How do know?" (Misha)

"I saw it." (Arc)

With his warning, the children carefully stride over, making sure they not change direction even by mistake.

Didn't long after that, they saw the scenery slightly change than before. Raina looks ahead, saw something different than the glowing flower.

"Master, over there." (Raina)

The others saw what Raina pointed at.

"That…" (Arc)

"Huh?" (Herlin)

"Careful." (Misha)

Everyone nodded softly.

"Herlin, behind me." (Arc)

The children approaching the place.

In front of the children, there's a small green hill with a white flowery tree at the top. A conspicuous scenery very in never ending garden.

"What is this…?" (Misha)

"Beautiful…" (Herlin)

"…" (Raina)

"...?" (Arc)

Arc stared the tree.

Weirdly, he can't take his gaze off of it.

It's a big tree with beautiful white flowers covering most of it. The falling white petals decorated its background, added the beauty of it.

It's the most beautiful tree he ever seen.

Just it, nothing special.

This first time he saw this kind tree, definitely never seen it before.



He felt strong nostalgic and longing upon see it.


His heart beating loudly, threatened to burst out as the tree picture drew in his eyes.


He really felt want scream badly until his throat torn, cry until his tear dry, curse for his powerlessness.

His mind stuck, trapped in strong complex emotion that threatened to–

"Arc." (Misha)

A call from blond-haired little girl woke him up.

"Huh?" (Arc)

"Be ready." (Misha)

"Uh, oh, right." (Arc)

Arc looking right and left, then remember the situation.

What was that?

Just while ago, he felt something, seemed remembering something, then nothing.

His memory was void.

Yet the feeling wasn't dismissed.

Although he can't actually remember just what happened, the impression it left so strong he can't ignore it.

"…" (Arc)

Arc stared the tree once again, but nothing was happened like before. No matter how hard he stared, it's nothing.

Then a pair of small arms tugged his arm.

"Herlin?" (Arc)

"There're people…" (Herlin)

Her finger pointed under the tree. There, several figures were visibly leaning on the tree.

"You're right. Let's meet them, we might ask them how escape from here." (Misha)

"You think it'd safe?" (Arc)

"There no other choice." (Misha)


"Seems so." (Arc)

They decided to meet those people. However, once they're so close to see their appearance, the children were shocked as their appearance something they never imagined.

"!!!" (Arc)

"What!?" (Misha)

"Huh!!" (Raina)

"A-Ah!!" (Herlin)

Beneath the tree, four young man and girls are sleeping. Arc staring back forth between Misha and the sleeping blond-haired woman under the tree.

"Misha?" (Arc)

Misha and that woman have very much similar appearance. Their appearance so striking that the woman basically looked as Misha adult version.

Misha not replying him, as she also staring at the sleeping young man beside the adult Misha.

After a short confusion, she finally spoke.

"It's us?" (Misha)

That's right.

The ones leaning and sleeping beneath the tree are them. The figures of their adult self.

For a moment, Arc thought it just coincidence. But the aura he felt from adult Misha undeniable Misha's. It is same with others.

"W-What is this?" (Herlin)

Facing the appearance of their adult self greatly bewildered them.

As thought her voice was a switch, the adult Arc opened his eyes.

His eyes calmly rummaging them. Not surprised by the children appearance.

Arc and Misha slightly stiffened as his sight passed through them.

"You are?" (Adult Arc)

His head cocked down, hiding his facial expression.

"I see… It's about the time." (Adult Arc)

Arc overheard adult Arc's murmur, heard a tinge of sadness contained in it.

"Who are you?" (Arc)

Adult Arc smiled at him.

"Me? Nothing but shattered memory in chaos of time." (Adult Arc)

"???" (Arc)

What does that mean?

"What do you mean?" (Misha)

Misha voiced out his inner puzzle.

But he no longer pays them attention, and turned his head upward.

"It's good to see you all, but it's the time for you to return." (Adult Arc)

"Huh? Wait, wait! First answer me, who exactly are you? Why you looked like us? What is this place!?" (Misha)

Misha tried to hold him. Not knows why, but she felt he held something very important to her. things she definitely can't ignore.

Arc, who beside her, can see her concern written on her face.

"Nothing I could tell you here." (Adult Arc)

But Adult Arc easily dismissed her. Gently shook his head to show his rejection.

"Why?" (Misha)

"Could you tell us the reason." (Arc)

Although he rejected to answer, they strangely not upset, as though his answer was as expected.

"It's useless. You'll forget all of this once you gone out here." (Adult Arc)

"I see…" (Arc)

"That's happen, huh." (Misha)

Strange, neither Arc or Misha doubting him.

"Then, let me send you back." (Adult Arc)


Without further word, adult Arc swung his arm.

The children didn't what he did, but without giving a chance to ask, they immediately lost their consciousness, afterward their bodies turned into dots of light and vanished from the spot.




Adult Arc staring at the spot the children vanished, felt a slight move beside him.


The blond-haired woman, someone that looked like adult Misha, stirred up from her sleep.

"Seems I woke you up." (Adult Arc)

"…Arc, are they already leave?" (Adult Misha)

"Yeah." (Adult Arc)

"I see…" (Adult Misha)

Replied her without particular emotion.

"Are you sure about this? You could make some change if you desired it." (Adult Arc)

Adult Misha gently shook her head.

"I'm sure. Arc, you should know this most crucial moment. We mustn't influence anything or all will vanish in our foolish attempt." (Adult Misha)

Adult Arc looked at her, seeing through the deep sadness and tiredness residing in her eyes.

With gentle yet sad smile, Arc said to her:

"Then let's pray for our young selves could create a better possibility than us this time." (Adult Arc)

"I hope." (Adult Misha)

Adult Arc and Misha return to their peaceful sleep.

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