

Meham a College student along with his classmates got transported to a world of fantasy unwillingly when they look for the reason behind this circumstance they found that they are summoned for a reason, a goal to defeat the evil forces, they also found that they are not the first people to show up for this, but then that this world is already at peace, means the demon lord is defeated there's no quest or instructions by the voice of the world and the emergers are aimless, then why are they summoned in the first place? is it a mistake? some evil ploy? or something bigger? they set on the journey of finding their answers but they have to be prepared for who knows what this new world has to offer.

FreeDreamer · Fantasía
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15 Chs

A Friend or Foe

*Swish Swish*

"So do you have detection skills or something, like a hunter, Marksman?" Aram asked Meham while mimicking his move from before.

"No, I don't think it's class depended, or even a skill" Meham who got just enough rest was laying on the grass, looking at rays of light breaching through tree leaves, after that experience he felt strange peace as if the shackles that were holding him all his life starting to get brittle and he could tear them apart soon…, very soon.

"I think… we can rule this World"


"Bro you okay?" Aram looked at Aram, he was smiling, but it was different from any laugh or expression he has shown before.

"Oh yeah, I think we should get_" Meham suddenly jumped up in a hurry.

"Someone is nearby!"

"What? It could be one of ours…"

"No, that person is coming from the opposite side!" Meham pointed at the denser part of the forest. he could feel a surge of packed energy traveling toward him, it feels stronger than any of his classmates got. it was coming straight to them. they had no time to hide.

"Swoosh" It was so fast that neither of their eyes could keep up, a white flash just appeared from the bushes, and suddenly turned right inches away from Aram.

"I think I saw ear_"

"Haaa!!" A beast-like figure just appeared in front of him this time and smacked Aram's Face, it was a clean blow, he got pushed 2 feet back then crashed on the ground.


Meham was too shocked to react,

'Wow, it felt just like one of those cartoons I used to watch '

For some reason he did not sense any danger from that beast, after all, what he was looking at is a dream of every man to behold. It was what looked like a Hybrid of a beautiful girl and a Jaguar.


Meham was dumbfounded, he turned back his neck he saw Aram lying down there soulless, his soul half left his body but he was alive.

"Okay bye!" Meham showed his poker peaceful smile to that Alpha She Man. and went to pick up Aram and tried to leave as if nothing happened right now.

"..." She was just standing there in a stance ready to fight, leaving no opening, but as she saw one of the guys dragging the other guy while giving a bright smile, her face shifted from serious to clueless,

"You.. are…, YOUR MOCKIN MEEE! " she lunged in the direction of Meham.

'Shit!' Meham instantly let go of Aram and took a defensive stance.

"Oh Yehh?!" She got surprised to see him confront her and not flee.

She threw three consecutive Jabs aiming his vital points, Meham was able to react to her advance and block them but her claws grazed his arms.

She then jumped in midair and tried an Axe kick, she was over six feet high from the ground, Meham instincts alert him but he was not fast enough to move his body, he crossed his arms trying to block, it worked he felt his forearm bones shivering, he felt the crack from his left arm, but it was a much better alternative.

"Augh" he tried to focus back on the fight, but_

"Bam" She went for his Solar plexus it was more powerful than her previous blows. Meham forced back from high pressure.

"Hmm…" She looked at him, he was still standing.

"Haha, so what kind of war art is thee? quite a resilient one you are."



'She is too strong ' Meham was losing consciousness.


'NOT TOO FAR AWAY!' A slight grin appeared on his face.

The beast girl felt a sudden chill.

"It's not blood lust, why this guy has this tense aura all of a sudden"


Meham took one step forward and in split second he covered 2-meter gap between them and swing the blade he picked up a moment ago, aimed at her face she dodged it by an inch, she looked direct into his eyes they looked like a void, Meham then fell in front of her.

"Was he unconscious?" As she said to herself, she realized part of her front bangs were cut off by the strike she hold them in her hand then smiled.

On the other side, the group of classmates led by Kiz now reached the end of the Forest, they were excited to see What's ahead.