

Meham a College student along with his classmates got transported to a world of fantasy unwillingly when they look for the reason behind this circumstance they found that they are summoned for a reason, a goal to defeat the evil forces, they also found that they are not the first people to show up for this, but then that this world is already at peace, means the demon lord is defeated there's no quest or instructions by the voice of the world and the emergers are aimless, then why are they summoned in the first place? is it a mistake? some evil ploy? or something bigger? they set on the journey of finding their answers but they have to be prepared for who knows what this new world has to offer.

FreeDreamer · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Crack

"Meham!, Meham!"

"Shh!..., Stop screaming" Meham saw that Aram was following him, he paced himself up through some inhuman Acrobats traversing through trees and was not surprised that Aram could keep up with him.

"Bro that so cool…, Meham!..., I did not knew you were so energetic "

"Oh yeah? then what about you?"

"Well, I used to climb a tree in my yard" Meham laughed a bit imagining if he is serious.

They both reached the destination that Meham felt the presence from, but there was no one there. he looked around a bit and found some tracks scattered there.

"So they expected me to come."

"Hey man, why did you leave? No matter what I trust you ", He was wondering if he got depressed from what Bekaar said.

"Well I need to scope out the area, and even if they don't trust me it's fine at least they would be alert now." Meham really seems to not be bothered by what Bekaar said since it's not the first time he faced some animosity because of his behavior.

Aram was a bit confused by what Meham meant, but it was not his first time as well.

"Okay, check this out, I got twin blades!" He took out his daggers from his belt and start swinging them around his thumb, Meham was surprised to see how smoothly he was handling them.

"Hey did you practice that?"

"Yeah, its simple, don't you remember how I used to play with the pencil "

"Surely that's not it"

"By the way, where's your weapon?"

"I am bare handed" Meham replied after a sigh.

"Oh so, you are a Brawler or a Monk "

"Umm, yeah…"

For some reason, Meham was not sharing his class with Aram, but hearing the class Monk made him realize something.

'That sounds right, whenever I move around I can feel a flow of energy inside me, its as if its one of my limbs, I can direct it where to go '

"Hey, can I try one of it?"

"Sure, here you go " Aram handed him one of his blades.

Meham holds it in a reverse grip and swings the knife cutting the branch in front of him, it was a clean cut, he then visualizes some of the knife fights that were engraved in his mind from watching all those Manhwas/Mangas, suddenly he was able to mimic those moves while switching the grip back and forth.

"..." Aram was speechless at this scene, at first it looked like he was swinging the knife aimlessly, but after a few minutes, Aram could see it, the air was dense around Meham he was now utilizing his whole body weight to land his blows, blows on what? the figures, figures of thugs he was surrounded with, suddenly Aram could hear the sound of slashes cutting the air, just by observing Meham his reflexes also heightened, he could see a mirage of dust particles and leaves floating around him

On the other side, Meham seems to have a better understanding of this energy inside him, he understood that each movement he was doing was radiating with this energy, 'you will obey me now! '

The energy gets stockpiled in the center of his chest, then he stacked the huge portion of this energy on his right arm, which he was holding the blade with, and the whole blade starts to glow up.


It appeared for less than a second but they both noticed it, as Meham swung the blade one last time a spark of light just released from the blade and hit the bark in front of him, but nothing else seemed to happen.

"Meham, what was that? " As soon as he asked the tree fall down and Meham took a huge breath, he seemed exhausted and drained of sweat.

"Air Slash sounds like a fitting name" he returned the copper blade to Aram, it was hot. he then sits down catching his breath.

"Meham, Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just kinda overdid it…, it got dull too…, sorry "

"It's cool man, I am sure there must be places to get better stuff " Aram seemed super excited to try it as well but decided to wait for him to recover.

"But don't you think we should return, I don't want to get separated from them"

"It's fine they are still there, I can feel it "

[Half an hour before]

"Where did that old man go? " Ariah asked

"When we returned from cutting down you guys were fighting, and that old man was out of sight" Kiz replied wondering what actually happen here.

"We were not fighting just trying to clear any misunderstanding" Annie spoke up, after Meham left she get mad at Bekaar for badmouthing him which Ariah also agreed with, this caused Bekaar to lose even more temper and in all of this poor Khush was trying to de-escalate things but no one was listening to him.

"Huh, I guess that woodcutter scared off and ran away" Khush wipe his sweat with a sigh.

"Well of course he would get scared, Meham literally accused that poor guy " Another girl who was siding with Bekaar Spoke up.

"Listen up it does not matter anymore, what should we do now?" Ariah was annoyed by this polarization.

"I think we should look for Meham and Aram" Annie suggested, she was worried and wanted them to come back.

"I don't think it's a good idea, we don't know where exactly they went, and we could get lost" Khush replied.

"I am hungry!" while they were all clueless about what to do next, Samber showed up, he brought few berries in his hand, they looked pulpy, but they never saw anything like this before.

"Can we eat this"

"How about you try?" Kiz replied.

He was about to eat them, but Ariah slapped his hand dropping them from his hands, she was mad.

"Don't try to bring more trouble!"


"You sound like my mom"

"Shut up"

'It is way too hard to continue blindly'

"I think we should exit this forest first its getting less thick these tracks would be leading to the nearest town, we should move" the group found her plan sounds good.

"Then what about those two?" Khush questioned.

"I am sure Meham can find us if he wants to return_" Ariah looked at Bekaar she was sitting facing another way.

Everyone was disappointed that they cut these trees off, but nonetheless, they get up and ready to leave the forest.

[Far East side of Forest]

That old man entered a dark cave a little bit far from the forest, with him was another person in ninja attire who entered the cave along with him, and they met with a person in dark.

"I had to bail, one of them was starting to figure out our trap"

"What?! you could not even outsmart some noobs" The Man in dark is the boss of this group.

"He is right while it was going well, one of them was able to track me." The ninja assured his claim
