

Meham a College student along with his classmates got transported to a world of fantasy unwillingly when they look for the reason behind this circumstance they found that they are summoned for a reason, a goal to defeat the evil forces, they also found that they are not the first people to show up for this, but then that this world is already at peace, means the demon lord is defeated there's no quest or instructions by the voice of the world and the emergers are aimless, then why are they summoned in the first place? is it a mistake? some evil ploy? or something bigger? they set on the journey of finding their answers but they have to be prepared for who knows what this new world has to offer.

FreeDreamer · Fantasía
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15 Chs

(Another Average Morning) Prologue

'I'm a boy who's always immersed in his own world, not minding what others think. I know that this path will lead me to a lonely life, but it doesn't seem to bother me at all. I'm here to change the world through my own effort, without any help from anyone else...'

Meham with still sleepy eyes done reading his Novel thought to himself 'Man the MC is so relatable but he sure has ideal values you can't survive alone even though you built up this strength it would still be efficient to gather some loyal "Friends" it would be more efficient after all ',

It's the start of the Day, Meham always comes an hour early before the class so he can claim his favorite spot, the bench on the corner with a wide window on the left and a water dispenser on his right, which makes the ideal spot according to him.

There are also a few other students there in the class chatting or completing their homework

While Meham heads down in his own deep intrusive thoughts and grinning to himself his self-claimed best friend Aram approached him with tippy toes and slapped Meham's back, it was like a daily ritual to him.


"Fuck!!" Meham looked up with rage and there standing Aram grinning, a slight frown appeared on Meham's expression,

"Heyy! Guess What? I scored top 20 in the last skill Fantasia tournament!!" Aram said with visible positive energy.

"Good for you" Meham replied with a straight face then straighten himself,

'Even though it seems a big deal that he ranked top 20 in a nationwide E-game tournament it did not improve his social status by any means, which I recall was the reason he started playing it and still, he's here hanging around me, poor guy!…'(Author Note: Single quote are for one individual's thoughts) Meham looked down at his smartphone with a sigh.

"So what should we celebrate with? Shawarma? Samosa? I can talk up the Guy for serving us extra Chutney!!" Aram continued his blabbering,

Meham seems annoyed with his morning energy and thought 'He won't stop unless I give him a satisfying response, and well that cream chutney with mozzarella cheese is quite good '(Author note: the single quotation dialogues are thoughts of one person)

"Sure, sounds good " Meham replied with a calm smile, as Meham responded Samber jumped into the discussion.

"Yo, you guys having a party? Let me in" Samber included himself without hesitance,

"No, We just talking about what to have for lunch" Meham replied while narrowing his eyes.

' I don't mind having one more clown but this guy becomes the center of attention very fast, mostly as a laughing stock, it's not like he's an idiot but rather that's his way of involving himself with his classmates, surely he would be more preserved anywhere else '

"Come on bro, don't be so stingy, I will pay for my half," Samber said while rolling his arm around Aram

"You said that last time too man, but then ran off after gulping even my portion saying you're getting late for practice" Aram replied with a slight grudge in his tone.

While these two were bickering Meham decided to put on his Head Set, he was about to start his playlist but stopped seeing one of the popular girls approaching them,

"Great… "

Meham mumbled to himself, he seems annoyed, because he know he can't afford to ignore her unlike those two, it was Annie, she is like the godmother of the class, who is like one of those pure souls who would show concern for you no matter who you are, even though she is not the Class president, she is there whenever the class is in any pinch or one individual needs, but in Meham's eyes she is just a pushover who feeds over codependency relationship with others.

"Hey guys, you sure are energetic in the morning" Annie interrupted those two with a bright smile.

"Yo Annie! Guess what Someone throwing a lunch party here" Sambar waved his hands towards Aram, where Aram was acting like one of those scared puppies all of a sudden, 'his social status is no better than mine but at least I am confident in my poker face' Meham thought with a sigh.

"Really! is there a special occasion?" Annie looked toward Aram

"Well Yes, I JUST ACED in yesterday's game tournament… you can join us it's on me " Aram tried his best to not sound like a weird person.

"Wow, but It takes a lot of years to be able to compete on that level I heard, did you practice?" Annie asked with concern as if some mother confronts his child not to waste time, Sambar seems confused and Aram looked toward Meham with the expression 'help!' on his face,


"Nah he's just naturally good at this stuff," Meham replied while giving a calm smile,

'Well it's not a total lie, it did not take him that long to get on that level, because he is always well-versed in the game mechanics even before start playing them, which is why sometimes I have to try hard against him '

Annie paused for a moment then replied, "Oh that's good, Meham do you also play and compete!?" Annie looked a little happy as Meham joined the conversation.

"Nah he just drags me along sometimes, but it's fun to play" again Meham replied showing zero interest in the topic.

It was like an accepted fact in class that Meham is a lone wolf who doesn't get swayed by others which is why others mostly leave him to his own comfort except for a few scatterbrains like Aram.

Annie was about to continue but got interrupted by a loud call


It was Ariah, Annie's best friend, and class vice president, she was standing along with her group waving her hand and signaling Annie to come back here.

"Oh right, actually we have to plan for the upcoming Fun Fair event, I will be glad to join you guys on the break"

"Cool! / That's great!" Samber and Aram spoke in sync, Meham just nodded his head

Annie went back to her group, Ariah and Meham's eyes synced for a moment Ariah narrowed her eyes as if she was annoyed, Meham rolled his eyes toward the window 'what's with her? it's not like I forced her wife to join us...'

Meham was looking at the school's front yard, students were entering through the gate suddenly he noticed an unusual figure, a person standing in a brown hooded rag inside the yard facing this way,

'Isn't he hot wearing that?'


He heard a loud static voice for a brief, suddenly a flash lit up the whole classroom, it was too fast for anyone to react. Another classmate entered the class he saw that the bags were there but no one was in the Class.

Hi there! I am Glad you gave my Story a chance, it's my first work ever, and the inspiration for the story is actually from my adventurous lucid dream, I had from time to time like a year ago, I remember some of it, and the rest of my day I used to concentrate in filling up the gaps, it just came to me recently to share my work with others too.

Let me know, if I am doing something wrong, I am new in this after all :)

As for the chapter, the main reason for this prologue is to bring up what kind of person MC is, SPOILER ALERT he is an introvert, and he prefers to spend his own quality time his way, tries not to get any attention but does not mind too much if people approach and does not care how others think about him, he also self assumes that he has a better understanding of the society.

FreeDreamercreators' thoughts