
Ethan In The Omniverse

Ethan gets a lot of positive karma for inventing the cure for cancer. He gets OP wishes and is transported to Marvel. From there he travels around with his Girlfriend's in the. Omniverse.

SkullCrusherAsh · Película
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25 Chs

Planning makes Perfect

I was thinking about all the things I did till now and I noticed a gaping hole in my thinking. What if some fucker gets too high karma and gets reincarnated with the powers that i have. It's only a matter of time before it happen to me like the TVF guy he who remains. So for my future I teleported to God the exact moment I was sent here by using my control of time.

"Hey God, did you give anyone else these power's"

" No son, only you have the Karma enough to currently have the power "

So l immediate used the supreme power to lock away all of God's power's except sent souls to heaven and hell.

"Smart , if you hadn't done that some one will have come for you at some point I guess"

"Thank you for your understanding God".


I came back to my world in my time and started thinking of what all to do now. I have already grown forest around the world to create a perfect balance, so now I recreated all the lost animals like Dinasoar ancient animals in different Island around the world and masked it .

Now that I think about it I didn't give my old world cancer cure here. So I did that. I produced the cure and around the world distributed it very cheaply.

After a day Emilia came back from the chamber. If I was inside then time will not have passed on the outside world. Since I am not there 1 day is equal to 1000 years outside. So she came back after 1000 years.

I look at her and cast an appraisal :

Name :Emilia

Race : High Human, Super sane God

Power : billions

Title: God's Beloved, Super Sane God

Wow, I guess she consolidated her power's and became a super sane God.

" Hey baby, How was training? "

" It was hell but I fought a lot of people in the multiverse, it was fun "

I gave her the same [Hidden from the God's]

Power I have which helps her look like a human and no one can mess with her past or future. I gave one to tom too.

----After a few weeks--------

We both were strong and we had pretty much nothing to do.

So we were playing on our PS5 which I made them early.

" Flank on right, right, oh mother fucker"

" Oh shit, baby are we on the same team, why are you so bad at it"

Noob master: " Yeah why are you so bad idiot??? "

"Fuck you you little cunt, noob master, Mother fucker just infuriating me. I will hunt you down Noob master. So shut the fuck up"

"Why are you crying , are you a child,??, well if so then fuck you. More.

" Baby you need to work on your anger management "

"Yeah baby, that fucker Noob master just infuriates me"

At this time there was a bell and I went and opened the door.

And there was Natasha.

-------------Black Widow POV------------

I came inside his house and I see him and his girlfriend playing video games while I work like their slave in there.

Oh so infuriating.

" Hey boss, how are you??, I guess you are having fun..... "

My eyebrows twitch watching the irritating guy.

" I am good thanks to you. So how are things going. "

"It's all going well, our recent cancer drug has taken the world by storm and since you decided to sell it cheaply you are gaining quite the fan following. and you are going to receive the Nobel Prize in medicine this year. "

" Oh that's nice. " He said while switching on the TV.

"It's been two months since, Billionaire, playboy, philanthropist and genius Tony Stark has gone missing and no news have yet to be reported on his wear a abouts. "

"Hmmm weard, Why don't they make any demands" He said.

"Huh you think he's alive"

"Well yeah, if it's a terrorist organization then they most certainly will. The idea that they killed such a famous person is like gold to them. Their prestige would like shoot through the roof. But no they dont make any demands. "

I came to get a few signatures from him but now this just turned interesting.

"He EMMA acquire all the stock of Stark Industries on the market, and make private deals with inside share holders, they must be ready to jump ship"

"Hey why do you think they haven't made any demands yet? " I ask him while signing.

"Hmmm They haven't claimed he is dead yet, and they haven't asked for any money, so my guess is he is being used where he is most useful"

"OMG you mean they are using him to make weapons of mass destruction???? "

"Must be, I would have done that, He must be alive, I have seen footage of his new missile. They must want him to make that. And I don't think they would have caught him without insider information you know"

"You mean someone from the government game up his location"

"Hmmm no I think someone from his company did, like his uncle Mr. Obaidah Stane. He is the one who benefits the most. And I had dealings with stane and I know for a fact that he is a wolf in sheeps clothing. "

"Then why don't you contact the authorities" I said

"I just don't like the hustle, my life is good so why should I complicate it more than required. I have already helped the world with Global Warming, cancer medicine, Food center made very cheaply. What more do you want "

I blushed a little when I heard him say that. I quickly got his sign and went back to my office..

I called the director

" You mean to say , He figured it out on his own???!!!!!! "

"Well sir, he is a super genius, maybe even above Tony Stark. "

"Hmmm track every where about of Stein and ask cloeson to get to the bottom of this"

"Yes sir".

What an amazing guy. He is absolutely qualified for the Avengers initiative. I should recommend him