
Ethan In The Omniverse

Ethan gets a lot of positive karma for inventing the cure for cancer. He gets OP wishes and is transported to Marvel. From there he travels around with his Girlfriend's in the. Omniverse.

SkullCrusherAsh · Película
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25 Chs

Avengers One And Departure

2011 May Somewhere in a hidden Shield Base

Loki came out of the portal after it Destabilized suddenly. Everyone was thinking this power could blow up Earth.

But finally it didn't and Loki came out of it.

Fury was now regretting experimenting with the Tesseract.

"Sir , I suggest that you put down the spear. "

"Oh you puny worms waant me to put down the spear. I don't think so. "

Just after saying that Loki blasted everyone with energy attack from the sceptre. And he wiped the floor with every agent. In the end he even touched Barton's heart and he was controlled.

Loki then took some of the agents and went out of the base.

Fury who has survived all this suddenly snapped out of the stupor he was in and odered

" Hill gather the Avengers. Coulson you go to the Big Guy and I will go to the winter soldier and the captain. "

After the destruction of Hydra the winter soldier had been rescued by Ethan. Now he and captain have found each other in Brooklyn and stayed together after seeing each other.

Natasha was now fully retired and now she only really participated in the Hunt Consortium and The Avengers. Since the Red room has been eliminated by Ethan , Yelana'(Or Her Memory Clone) Now was in Shield doing Natasha's Mission that she would have done otherwise.

The MCU future has been mostly on track due to Ethan nudging everything that way if it doesn't.

Ethan had already noticed the branching of the timeline when he came and started changing stuff.

So Ethan had already Erased all the branches that was happening due to his interference in the MCU universe 616 that he is in.

The ancient one had really doubted that something was changing the timeline but she couldn't see anything due to Ethans Powers affecting her .

Now Ethan had already made a VAU watch for himself that he would use. It functions just like the Panther suit but more durability , attack power and defence. He would just fight with his guns and the suit and not try to stand out that much. He would try to minimise the death with his abilities however.


The Avengers had been called here and captain America was first called into action. Just like in the movies Loki had been captured and brought back to the ship.

Now Loki was in the cage and the septre was placed on the deck. There Captain, Tony, Thor, Natasha, Bruce, Yelana' ( This [ ' ] sign is for memory clones) Maria Hill' , Pietro, Scarlett Witch' and Ethan were gathered.

Ethan saw the Septre trying to emit an energy that can affect the minds of the people and cloud there judgement making them irrationally angry.

So Ethan touched the mind stone and he felt Thanos presence in it and Lokis command . So he earased them both. Part of Ultrons code also comes form here and it was also erased . Now the stone was emitting even brighter yellow and energy but it can only make people think clearly.

Now Ethan had already merged the Hulk into one so the Endgame Hulk is present Here so no Hulk going loose here.

Now that he is here Ethan also gave Hulk [Gamers Mind] and [Gamers Body]

So that no one can affect or control his mind. He also gave him DNA lock , Shielding and Deadpool Logan Regeneration without immortality. Due to Gamers body he can constantly evlove and never in a limit. He also gave him [Master of Martial , Weapon and mind arts] . He can also change back to Bruce banner if he wants. But stilll two will be merged.

He also gave Captain ,Bucky , Tony had been given before, so he gave it to Yelana, Pietro, Wanda and Thor just in case.

Ethan had changed a lot he didn't want the butterfly effect to happen to the Avengers.

They all were given the know how of the powers they have. And Everyone in the world was made to think that they really possessed all this powers before.

Tony and Thor had that battle at the forest for Loki. And captain had stopped both of them now they were on the ship.

Thor : " Loki has an Army of Chittari waiting for him to invade Midgard "

So Everything pretty much went according to the cannon. He didn't change anything. He thought about saving Coulson but he knew that he gets saved by Fury later.

His death would unite the Avengers.

Ethan then thought this was boring so Ethan stopped time. Then he made everyone experience the rollacoaster ride of Avengers one until Loki gets arrested.

He made sure to let no one die and no real damage to New York. Nuclear weapons were not used since hydra has been eliminated.

So Ethan just Erased all chitari army and there equipments. Made everyone think because of Connection being lost they turned to dust.

Ethan knew Loki would reddem himself later. So he made everyone think someone controlled him using septre. Ethan had kept the mind stone in his inventory. He Then proceeded to erase The Dark Elves and he gathered the Ether Particles and made it into a stone and kept it in his infinite inventory.

He then made Enlightened Loki here. And made him loyal to Thor and Asgard.

Ethan made Thor take Loki and the Tesseract back to Asgard.

He thought that Everything was lame here. So he used reality manipulation and erased Hunt Consortium and all his companies.

He kept all his girlfriend's in his inner world that he created that only he can access. They will think everything is normal. He replased everyone that he l took here with a memory clone.

He set the MCU back in its original timeline. Except that dark elves, Hydra , anim Zola, zumo , killmonger

Were eliminated.

His girlfriend's were in a stasis state and he would only take them out if he needed them.

Even may, Natasha, Emilia, Siff, Jane were kept like this.

Natasha,may ,Jane and the rests clone were here to live the normal life.

He also erased his memory from this universe.

He used his Omniscience and looked at how vision was made and then used his powers to create a copy but he can detach the mind stone. So he left him the job of protecting Earth.

Now he made a perfect female body and uploaded his AI Emma into it. It was made of VAU . It had all the functions of a female body. And he also kept Emma in the stasis state inside him.

Now MCU was on normal track and he would only comeback for Infinity war.

Now Ethan had no one related with him here.

So he went and replaced Neville Longbottom in the Harry Potter universe. He was now inside someone almost about to be born.