
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
42 Chs

So Merciless

"This doesn't look like my house, where are we?" Yao was confused on why they weren't in her house. He had brought her to a different place, a place she had never seen.

"This is my house but I live here with my mum and brother so it's technically my family house". He thought of treating her foot first before taking her anywhere that was why he brought her to his Family's house.

But Ling Yao was thinking, if this was his family house and he's a Chinese then it must mean she was in China.

"Are we in China?" She decided to ask him instead of jumping into conclusions. He was looking for a key so he wasn't really paying attention but he still heard her and replied with a simple 'no'.

After he found it only then did he answer her fully.

"We have houses almost everywhere in the world. We're in my Family's house in Korea"

After finding the key, he warned her against moving a muscle and went into his closet to take the first aid Kit to treat her swollen ankle.

While he was still in the closet Ling Yao was scanning his room like she was looking for something and only after she saw a painting did she stop scanning the room. The painting she saw was of a dragon that looked just like the one in her room but this one looked bigger and stronger.

She wanted to touch it but before she could The Demon Prince had come back with the first aid kit.

After about three minutes he was done treating her foot "always apply cold compress on it every night and balm before going to bed, I don't want a limping guardian to protect me I want a fit guardian" he warned her coldly but only made Ling Yao pout her lips which made her look like a small girl being scolded by her mother.

"I'll tell one of the drivers to drop you off"

"No!" he wanted to help her get home but before he could leave she opposed sharply. She didn't want him to know she lived with LTG.

"I mean no l'll have one of my men come pick me instead. You've already gone through so much trouble for me today and I don't want to stress you further". At first he didn't want to give in but after a little argument he allowed her call someone to come pick her up.

She called a man named David and gave him the address. She spoke to him in an authoritative manner saying "You have twenty minutes to get here or else" and with that she cut the call and waited for the man to come.

During the 20 minutes wait The Demon Prince offered her some food but she was

less concerned about food. What she was worried about was why did the Demon Prince not take off his mask, didn't he want her to see his face? That's weird.

Ling Yao wanted to know so bad and decided to ask him.

"Why haven't you taken off your mask?"

"For the same reason why you don't want people to know you're Emma Raj and for the same reason why you never show your face to other creatures and immortals except for the royal family and your grand aunt" That reply he gave answered her question but didn't stop the urge to see his face, So she decided to ask politely to show his face but all she got was a glare and a 'no' from him and she didn't push further.

After some minutes the driver came and she

thanked him for his help and managed to walk by herself but before she could walk out of his room he said "I know you won't go to your house first but don't you think you should at least change from your hanfu. I'll give you clothes you can wear and you can change in the bathroom" he didn't even allow her oppose his offer before walking into his closet to get her a new outfit.

After about two minutes he came out with a pair of green shorts and a black shirt which would look really big on her but she could still wear it. The shorts had a rope in it so she could wear it. She didn't complain about it instead she said thank you and went to his bathroom to get changed.

After another two minutes she came out and told him the clothes were fine and thanked him again.

She was still barefoot because she removed her boots when he wanted to treat her leg. While she was walking towards the door she missed a step but before she could reach the floor a hand caught her waist and prevented her from falling.

The Demon Prince caught her and he was trying to look at her face to see if she was ok, when she raised up her her head, her lips touched his lower lip which made her eyes go wide with shock. She pulled away immediately and released herself from his grip on her waist.

"I'm sorry and Thanks for the help, I'll send someone to return your clothes or l'll return them personally, good night".

"You can keep the clothes and you can take the pair of Slipper outside my room when you're going". He said and she left.

Immediately she left he took off his clothes, showered and wore more comfy clothes and then he disappeared.

Outside his house was Ling Yao telling her driver to come down from her car. Every of her workers knew if she demanded for a car they were to get her own car.

David had called Robert to find out if he knew where her car was and after finding out where it was, he took it and drove to the address he was given by her. But Ling Yao didn't allow him drive her car, she wanted to drive her car by herself.

After driving for about twenty minutes she stopped in front of a park and told David to get down from her car. "Get out".

Before he could say anything she said "I told you to come within twenty minutes and you came twenty minutes fourth-six seconds after I called"

She only needed him to bring her car and that was all, and he didn't do his job well, to be honest he expected it from her and was grateful he didn't lose his job instead or his head.

After getting down Ling Yao didn't even say a thank you or good night, she just zoomed off in her car and as David was looking at the car going he said "So Merciless" and he started walking home hoping to find a taxi.

Back in Ling Yao's car she found her phone in her car and guessed Mr Lee must have put it there.

She called one of the members of LTG to tell them she wouldn't be coming home. Xu SiCheng was still asleep in her house and it was already getting dark, she had to do something about it, about him.

I’m sorry for not updating earlier

School has been hectic

Just finished my exams and now I’ll try to be more active on this app (๑・̑◡・̑๑)

Meg_an7creators' thoughts