
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Non Vegetarian

Ling Yao reached her own home in no time and called Kevin to ask Mr Lee if he saw anything belonging to her in the school, before entering the house.

She waited for him to call her back and he told her that Mr Lee said he had already put it in her car. She checked the back of her car and saw all of her things she left in the class. "I've seen it" and with that she cut the call not waiting for the man on the other side to say anything.

She checked the bag she had taken to school and she saw a paper in it and she opened the paper and on it was 'fuck you bitch' with a small drawing of a hand holding up the middle finger and she smirked.

She already knew it was no one other than Lucy Kim and all she did to the paper was squeeze it in her palm and the paper disappeared.

After making sure her car was locked she went inside her house and what welcomed her was a pair of blue eyes staring at her Intensely as if he was trying to look into her soul.

Thought he'd be asleep but he was in Ling Yao's sitting room staring at her like he was looking at his prey but Ling Yao didn't give two shits and just walk past him into her kitchen and asked him what he would like for dinner.

"I'm too tired to cook so l'll just order

dinner for both of us, just tell me what you want and I'll order it for you".

After taking a water bottle from the refrigerator she went to the dining table and sat on a chair to order their food but before she could do anything on her phone he

snatched it away from her and dropped it on the table.

"I need answers right now" he said it while standing with his hands in his pocket.

"Sure, what do you want to know?" She said confidently and looked up to his face

"Why was your neck glowing?"

"To show that I'm the witch queen and that I have new powers".

"Since when?"

"I became the witch queen today. Any problem".

"Oh really, how come?"

"My grand aunt transferred all her powers to me today because she thought it was the right time to transfer it to me".

That was straightforward.

After replying him,she took her phone and continued what she was doing on it before he had interrupted her.

"Where did you get what you were wearing, because I can remember clearly that this wasn't what you were wearing in the college this morning".

He had a calm demeanor but he still wanted to know what the heck was happening.

"Someone took me to meet my grand aunt and I couldn't wear the clothes I wore to school to go and meet her so I wore a hanfu instead. When I came back I knew people would suspect me since I was wearing a hanfu so the dude that took me to meet my grand aunt offered me to change my outfit in his house and it's his clothes l'm wearing I guess". She was still typing something on her phone when she replied him again.

She wasn't even sure if she was wearing the Demon Prince's clothes or not, all she knew was that he gave her the clothes she was wearing.

"You still haven't told me what you wanted for di..."

"Are you fine?" He didn't allow her finish her statement and didn't even allow her answer the question and said "you aren't hurt anywhere, right?"

After talking he bent down and started checking her face and her arms to see if she was fine and had no cut or marks and for some reason Ling Yao didn't want to pull away or tell him to stop.

She just allowed him do what he wanted to do

while she stared at him with a confused look 'why does he look so worried, we don't even know each other and he's worried like this' this was what Ling Yao thought.

"I fell while I was coming back home and I sprained my ankle" she showed him her foot and when he saw it he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Couldn't you use your new powers to heal

yourself, I've heard that witches have healing abilities?"

"I can't control my new powers and this bracelet..."she showed him the bracelet "will stop my powers from working or going haywire".

"Oh" that was all he said and then he scooped her up from where she was seating which made Ling Yao protest against carrying her.

"Hey donkey put me down please, I'm fine ok" but he didn't listen, instead he took her phone and carried her to the kitchen, took a cold compress for her and then took her to her room, sat her on the bed and put her swollen leg on a pillow and he put the cold compress on it.

He gave her her phone and told her to continue what she was doing and then he started massaging around her swollen foot.

Ling Yao was surprised but didn't say anything against what he was doing, she actually couldn't say anything because she was lost in her own dimension, all she could do was stare at the beauty in front of her.

She just kept staring him until he spoke "you can order anything for me, as long as it isn't vegetable" this made her think 'so he's also a

non vegetarian. Nice'

After a few minutes their order arrived and Cheng carried Ling Yao to the dining hall where they would eat dinner.

She had to beg him before he could drop her at the dining hall, she was still shocked by his behavior but had nothing to say about it. She was starting to get tired from all the talking she already did and couldn't argue with Mr Donkey because she had spent her time explaining her new abnormal features.

Also, she was weak mostly because the way her powers took over her when she tried to attack her grand aunt took a lot of her energy so she didn't have enough energy to argue with him so what the heck, just let him do whatever he wants.

After tipping the delivery guy, he carried their food to the dining and serves her food. Through their dinner Cheng didn't allow Ling Yao eat herself, he fed her instead.

After dinner Ling Yao went to bed straight without showering, she couldn't wait to rest, hoping she would have enough strength and energy to face everything life has to offer and Lucy Kim the next day, if not she'd use her mouth and destroy the girl's feelings a million times in a day.

After making sure Ling Yao was asleep Cheng went to one of the other two rooms, pick the one with the most comfortable bed welcomed the God of sleep.

So I’ve changed most of the characters name and some other things

I’ve updated all the chapters and just so you don’t get confused you should probably reread all the chapters again

Sorry for the inconvenience ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ

Meg_an7creators' thoughts