
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasía
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42 Chs

Me and Love Don’t Get Along

She looked at Sarah with a blank expression which only made Sarah want to inquire more about what could help her put her powers under control and she shamelessly asked and "hickey" Ling Yao told her without batting an eyelid which made Sarah's eyes go wide and The Demon Prince choked.

"Listen dear it's not a big deal since you must already have a boyfriend" she said to Ling Yao with beads of sweat already forming on her head.

"Grand Aunt I don't think I would be getting that hickey anytime soon" she told Sarah and she felt like she just heard the most heartbreaking news in her life.

She was starting to panic and she begged Ling Yao not to let her choice be wrong. She transferred her powers to her because she trusted Ling Yao wouldn't disappoint her and she had a strong feeling that she was the right person who could stop the plan of the other witches.

"Why can't you do It, you're permitted to have one based on both your ages in the human world and immortal realm. You're of marriageable age already so what's the problem. And I'm also sure you have a boyfriend so I don't see anything stopping you". She was confused on why she didn't want to do it since nothing was stopping her.

But Ling Yao was starting to get frustrated by what she was saying and the part that frustrated her was how could she just jump to the conclusion that she had a boyfriend.

"Grand aunt I don't have a boyfriend". She told Sarah straight up without thinking how absurd it sounded to Sarah.

Sarah thought how could a pretty and endowed and rich girl like Ling Yao couldn't have a boyfriend it's so absurd but it didn't seem like Ling Yao was lying.

"Why in the freaking world would a girl like you not have a boyfriend?"

"Because me and love don't get along" she was really starting to get frustrated while someone else who was enjoying the show before now had a confused look on his face. What does she mean by her and love don't get along?

Ling Yao didn't have a boyfriend because 80% of her is just a cold pretty savage lady. She has no weakness and even if she does no one knows what it is or who it is.

People say she's not a normal girl just because her likes and dislikes are nothing a normal girl would like. Also she always believed love was good but at the same time unforgiving and cruel. She believed that to her love had always been cruel and unforgiving and stopped thinking about giving love a second chance.

The Demon Prince looked at her closely like he was studying her and Ling Yao who felt his gaze looked at him and apologized for making him go through the trouble of bringing her to her grand aunt and her replied with 'it's nothing' and he looked at Sarah and said "We need to start going and I need to assure you that I'll try everything I can to help you help her get the uhhh bite. You can consider it a promise from the Demon Prince".

What he said made Sarah relax and Ling Yao was shocked by what he said. Why does it feel like he said it as if he's the one who would give me the bite. This was what Ling Yao thought.

"Thank you so much, Yao Yao I know you might find it hard but you're the last guardian and if getting this mark is another step of keeping away the Demon Prince away from any sort of danger then you should take getter the mark as a responsibility. Think about it well. I'll give you a bracelet that can keep your new powers in control for a while but while using it, also know that the bracelet won't last forever".

Sarah gave her the bracelet and Ling Yao wore it immediately. She thanked her grand aunt and after saying goodbye to the kids the duo left.

The Demon Prince could have teleported them back to her house when they were outside the eagle door but wanted to walk away from the house to ask Yao Yao something.

He wanted to know why she said what she had said earlier.

While he was walking he didn't notice a short lady walk running behind him trying to reach him. Since he had long legs she found it hard to keep up with him.

While trying to reach him she fell and sprained her right ankle and it wasn't healing. She guessed it was because of the bracelet, it must have stopped some of her other powers from working. She tried standing up but she couldn't stand on her right leg and found it hard to balance herself on her left leg and fell down and the fall made her hiss in pain.

After a few minutes the Demon Prince noticed that he was alone and his guardian wasn't beside him or ahead of him then he looked back and saw her small figure laying on the ground.

He walked over to her and bent down to look at her face, her eyes were closed but she knew he was there.

"Why aren't you coming and why are you laying here?" It was after he said this did she open her eyes. And he noticed she removed the right pair of her boots and saw her swollen feet and for some reason he had a worried look on his face.

"You could have called me earlier".

"I was too tired to yell out your name". she closed her eyes back after saying this.

"You could have just mind linked with me to call me and I would have come and why can't you heal it yourself?" He noticed that it wasn't healing which only made him deepen the lines on his forehead.

"I have never mind linked with you before and I'm not sure if it'd work also my healing powers aren't working thanks to the bracelet"

He stretched out his hand to help her stand up. She gladly took it and allowed him help her up and she wanted to just hold his arm for support after standing but suddenly he bent down in front of her.

He wanted to carry her on his back but she couldn't allow him do that. "Thank you but you don't have to do it"

"It's either you accept it or I leave you here"

She had no other choice than to hop on his back and allow him carry her and she apologized if she was too heavy for him.

"No offense but I feel like I'm carrying a 5 year old on my back. Haven't you been taking care of yourself?" She wasn't heavy at all yet she was apologizing for weighing a lot. What he said made her feel embarrassed. She did have a small figure but did he have to say it like that.

"Why did you tell Sarah that you and love don't get along?" He finally asked what he wanted to know but all he got was a loud silence from her.

He kind of expected it but then he kept talking to her "Listen it might affect the Immortal Realm greatly if you don't get that bite to control your new powers. It takes a witch queen to eliminate another witch queen remember that".He really hoped she would listen to him and consider trying to get the bite.

"So you want a stranger to give me a hickey, how long have you been in the human world?" She asked him hoping that he wouldn't bring up the hickey thing again.

"Ever since the last war between the witches and Demons. I know you're trying to avoid talking about it and I won't talk about it for now but you should still think about it" He then opened the same type of portal he opened when he wanted to bring her to Sarah but the portal didn't take them to her house instead it took them to his house.