
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
42 Chs

I Trust You

On her way to get the other serpents she met the Demon King. Guess he arrived faster than she thought.

Though she wanted to leave that area she still had to show respect to him. She did the fist and palm greeting to him, the Demon King didn't have a mask on and she saw he had a smile on this face.

"Get up dear you don't have to be so formal" The Demon King walked over to her to give her a hug and she gladly accepted the hug.

She said, "We've already taken care of the serpents here, you didn't have to come"

He replied, "We?"

Right after this the Demon Prince appeared beside Ling Yao, he showed respect to his Dad just like what Ling Yao had done when she saw the Demon King and didn't get up until he was told to.

The demon was happy when he saw Ling Yao and he became even more happier when he saw his son.

70 years ago when a war broke out between the Demon Clan and the Witch clan, the Demon King was forced to send every good living mortal and immortal into the human world for a reason only he and the evil witch queen knows.

Ling Yao probably knew but she wasn't a hundred percent sure it was the reason she was thinking.

The Demon King got separated from his wife and son and was forced to send them into the human world. Even after the war ended his wife and son had to remain in the human world.

He didn't let anyone see his son's face except for the Demon King's wife and his adopted son in the human world. His biological son was known as Ming Cheng in the immortal realm but in the human world he used a different name.

The Demon King sometimes went to the human world to spend time with his family but made sure he wasn't found by the enemy.

He even made his family very famous in the world. The Xu family is ranked the Second richest family in the world.

Most people haven't seen all members of the Xu family. Most people know just the youngest son of the family and the Madam of the Xu family, Mrs Xu.

Ling Yao didn't actually care, she only knew the youngest son of the Xu family and only met him once when she played with him randomly and beat him but he didn't know who she was.

Though her family is ranked third she still didn't care. What her family had was more than enough for her.

The Demon King hugged his son the Demon Prince returned the hug gladly.

"I've missed you son" he smiled at him.

The Demon Prince was almost 1.9m tall, though he was taller than his Dad, the difference between their heights wasn't that much.

The Prince replied, "I've missed you too Dad. Let's go we have a lot to discuss"

They both left but before leaving, Demon Prince walked over to Ling Yao and said, "Just wait for me at the palace, I'll come find you later. Don't cause trouble little girl". He rubbed her head and went.

The Demon King saw the little gesture his son made and couldn't help but smile while Ling Yao felt offended, she puffed her cheeks and left before the father and son could.

The Demon Prince chuckled lightly at what she did and a smile remained on his face until she was out of sight.

He had a serious look on his face now and he faced his father and said, "Even though I know what you want to say, I'll still hear you say it".

Ming Xu replied, "Son let's go somewhere else. Why don't we go pay a visit to Ling Yao's parents".

He led the way and Ming Cheng followed.

Ling Yao's real parents died during the war and were buried in the palace's cemetery. The palace had different cemetery sections. One for soldiers and guards who died during battles and the other section for the guardians who died during the last bloody war.

The cemetery built for the guardians had just two bodies buired there. It was the only one that looked lovely both in the dark and light.

It had a tree that would attract fireflies in the night and a magical tree that glistens in the day. It also had a grape tree and a hisbicuss.

It even had little poplar trees that were neatly trimmed.

There were also bushes of roses that were taken care of and trimmed everyday. The cemetery looked nothing close to creepy. Rather it looked peaceful and it assured one that every dead person buried there would have a peaceful rest.

Ming Xu was greatful for their service to his family and the immortal realm while they were still alive and he had done so many good things to repay them but he knew they weren't enough.

Part of what he did was building them their own cemetery.

Ming Cheng was impressed when he entered the cemetery and said, "It's good you took care of their graves. She's grateful".

Ming Xu replied, "Why must you speak for her".

"I'm sure she has told you before can't I just help her remind you how grateful she is" he replied jokingly to his Dad's comment.

They paid respect to the first couple guardians and went to the grape tree to eat some grapes.

None of them talked for a little while. After eating the the fifth grape Ming Xu broke the silence, "You still like her after she became the other witch queen. I mean I don't mind, afterall she still my little girl but I thought you had a massive hatred for the witches"

Ming Cheng wasn't shocked his father already found out about Ling Yao's new witch identity.

He calmly replied, "What category of witches do you think I've hated all my life and still do?"

Ming Xu replied, "The evil ones"

Ming Cheng said, "And which category is Ling Yao?"

Ming Xu didn't reply instead he said, "What if the powers control her and she ends up being like one of those evil witches"

Ming Cheng turned to face the graves, backing his father, he pasued for a few seconds and replied calmly, "Since you didn't answer my question, then I'll answer it myself"

He faced his father and said, "She is my little witch guardian. A strong one to be precise and with a good heart. She will rather end her life than jeopardize the good name her mum and dad earned. You should know I would never let my guardian go in the wrong, I'll protect her from every evil and guide her on how to control her powers".

Ming Xu was more than satisfied with his son's response. He was convinced his son would handle the little guardian's new powers well.

He smiled and said, "I trust you son". He patted his son's back and widened his smile.

He continued, "She's vulnerable right now. Though she may be the last guardian and she has immense power, she still needs your protection and assistance now. Both in the human world and immortal realm".

He looked at the graves of Ling Yao's parents grave and said, "I won't let you down".

It looked like he was promising Ling Yao's parents instead of his Dad.

The father and son talked for a while. They talked about their family business in the human world and other stuff they could remember.

After about two hours, he told his Dad, "We need to go back Dad and since her powers aren't working right, I need to teleport her to her home in the human world. Let me go look for her".

Ming Xu hugged his son goodbye and looked at him as he walked away.

I’ll try to publish more chapters earlier. But I need you guys support. If you like this book please share to more readers, if you don’t, please kindly comment what you don’t like about it and I’ll work on it.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. I need more motivation. (o^^o)

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