
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Light Kiss

Ming Cheng easily found Ling Yao inside the palace. She was in her own section of the palace.

The palace had the meeting room where all the decisions were considered and made. It had the Demon King's courtyard and his Wife's own courtyard.

The children of the Demon King each had their own courtyard. And the guardian had her own courtyard. Ling Yao didn't like going to her own courtyard because her parents used to live there, before they died.

But that was the only place she could stay. She was already feeling weak and the moment she laid on her bed, she fell asleep.

He stood beside her bed and watched her for a few seconds before he noticed her furrowed eyebrows. She was sleeping but she was still vigilant in her sleep.

What exactly happened to her that made her like this even in her sleep.

He stretched his hand to smoothen her eyebrows but was caught midway.

Ling Yao already felt someone's presence when she was asleep but thought it was probably a maid, until she felt the person move closer to her.

She became even more vigilant and stopped the person's hand before it could touch her. When she opened her eyes, she saw a pair of golden eyes staring at her.

She sat up and asked him, "What do you want that requires you touching my face?"

She looked weak and tired. Did her new powers make her this weak. But why though?

She sat on the bed and rested on the headboard of the bed, soon she closed her eyes again wanting to sleep.

He sat on the bed and said, "I need to get you back home before your brothers start worrying about you"

When he looked at her after he finished speaking she seemed to have fallen asleep again. But this time she looked peaceful and more like she felt safe.

He couldn't just wake her up to take her back home. Instead, he carried her and materialized the little girl in his arms and himself back to her house.

He knew she would be comfortable with the clothes she had on and he didn't know what to do. He didn't know if he should change her clothes for her or leave her like that.

He really wanted ger to sleep comfortably and peacefully. Who knows the last time she had slept peacefully.

Luckily Ling Yao helped him. She was already taking off the clothes she had on. She felt really uncomfortable in her sleep.

Seeing her struggle with the clothes, he felt if he didn't help her soon she'd wake up. He quickly picked the shirt she wore when she came to her house in the morning.

After takkng off the clothes she had on he couldn't help but stare at her body. She still had her underwear on but she still look lovely.

He had the urge to hold her while she was sleeping even with just her underwear. He would have loved it even more if she had nothing on.

Doesn't staring at her body while she looked vulnerable makes him a pervert. That is so wrong. But what the hell 🤷🏻‍♀️.

He thought, "how about I just stare at her for a few minutes, after all she'd be mine soon. But won't she be cold?"

After thinking carefully and after imagining his little guardian sneezing and shivering from the way he exposed her body to the cold he had no choice than to put on the shirt for her.

He tucked her in and left her to sleep well. He took off his mask and said to the sleeping beauty on the bed, "You need to give in again this time so that you can control your new powers or they'd end up controlling you".

He paused for a few seconds and he sat beside her on the bed. He rubbed her cheeks lightly and continued, "And I know you would regret not giving in if those powers end up controlling you. I don't want that".

The little girl on the bed felt the warmth from emitting from the man beside her and rubbed against his hand. She looked really cute and the urge to hug her grew stronger.

This meant he had to go. He stood up to leave but before leaving he bent down to gave her a light kiss on her cheek and he said before leaving, "Sleep tight Shawty" and left.

He got to the realm where Sarah was staying. He had gone there many times even before he went there with Ling Yao for the first time, so the talking door recognized him and the door opened on its own.

When Sarah saw the Demon Prince she said, "The way you've been appearing at my house lately makes me worried. What's wrong this time"

He replied honestly, "She tried using her powers today. It didn't work, instead it made her weak".

Hearing this Sarah left what she was doing and went to him and asked, "Is she fine. She has a fragile body. Those powers can make her really weak".

"She's resting now. I think she'll be fine when she wakes up. But I feel if she tries using her powers again she'd be weakened even more" he answered honestly.

Sarah breathed a sigh of relief and didn't say anything for a minute.

After a minute of silence she said, "When she gets that bite, she'd be fine"

He asked, "How many months does she have left to get the mark"

She looked at him and smiled, she said, "she has a maximum of 30 days"

He nodded his head and said, "Understood. I'll do my best. She can't keep going like this".

Sarah offered the Demon Prince something to eat but he refused. They talked for a while about Ling Yao and her new powers.

After talking for a while he was about to leave when Sarah stopped him and said, "It's shocking you want to help her. But I hope you won't hurt her like how others did. Keep her safe also"

He replied, "I will. Thank you" and he left.

Back In Ling Yao's House;

Ling Yao woke up after sleeping for five hours. She yawned and stretched lazily on the bed, she was still rubbing her eyes to clear it when she remembered everything that happened before she fell asleep.

She couldn't remember anything after falling asleep when the Demon Prince had gone into her room in the Immortal realm.

She felt nothing heavy on her body so she looked down and saw someone had changed the clothes she had on.

She was no longer wearing her hanfu, instead she had the blue shirt she wore in the morning on.

She thought hard and thought only the Demon Prince could have changed her clothes as he was the last person who came to her house.

She gave a deep long sighand got out of bed to go back to LTG's home.

She found her shorts and wore it under the shirt, she wore her sneakers and took her car keys and zoomed off.

On the way there was traffic. Though it was too late for traffic maybe something happened.

She saw an officer on the road who was trying to look through the window but from where he was he couldn't see anything.

He started moving closer and Ling Yao calmly found a mask and wore it before he could reach her car.

When he reached her car he knocked on the glass and Ling Yao answered by rolling down the window.

She said nothing and looked at him calmly.

"Ma'am may I please see your face" he said with a hostile attitude.

She furrowed her eyebrows and turned to look into his eyes, "Seems you don't watch the news. Probably that's the reason why you can't recognize the personal car of Emma Raj".

He became furious all of a sudden and tried opening the door. Ling Yao looked calm but in reality she was angry. How dare he touch her hubby.

She got out of the car which made the man warry a bit. But he looked at her stature and didn't care anymore, he would teach this girl a lesson.

He raised his hand to hit her but she skillfully dodged it. The man blinked and within less than five seconds the girl had disappeared. He was wondering how could the girl have disappeared just like that.

Could she be a witch or something else.

Suddenly the man felt someone kick him behind his knee and the pain from the kick made him kneel forcefully.

Ling Yao took the arm that had touched her car and she twisted it fiercely. He screamed in pain which made Ling Yao very satisfied.

After giving the man a good beating, she called the head of the police department in seoul and told him about what happened.

As a compensation, he quickly cleared the traffic for her and she drove home with ease.

On her way home, she thought 'it's nice when one underestimates you. It's fun.

I’m sorry it took me so long to publish these chapters. I planned on publishing them on Christmas but something came up. I’m really sorry. Merry Christmas in arrears.

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