
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasía
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42 Chs

His Bite

She never thought he would still question her on that issue. She didn't speak for a while and couldn't even look at him. "And I also noticed it's not just the kiss, it happens whenever I touch you" he added and moved closer to her.

"Yea so just stay away from me. And the kiss from the other time, don't ever try that shit again" She moved back a bit again to still get more space between them.

Cheng seemed a bit amazed and said, "You are really a stubborn girl. Other girls I've dealt with weren't as stubborn as you are".

She furrowed her eyebrows and retorted, "That's because I'm not like other girls. I'm different"

She truly is different from the other girls Cheng talked about. Cause none of the girls he mentioned were witches whose eyes turned golden yellow after being touched. So yeah, different.

"Are you telling or not?" He asked again and she shook her head which meant 'no'.

He started moving closer to her slowly which made Ling Yao cautious "hey w…why are y…you moving c..cl..closer. Stay away"

He didn't listen instead he moved even more closer and didn't stop until he was close enough to drag her towards him.

He wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her close to himself as if they weren't close enough before.

He looked down so that he could see her face and said, "You better tell me or I swear I'll fuck you"

"You…" "Really hard" he added before she could say anything.

Ling Yao looked into his eyes and saw no trace of jokes or lies, which means he's serious.

His hands were already around her waist and the warm touch was making her feel funny.

She closed her eyes, three seconds after, she opened them and they had already turned golden yellow. She was still in her senses but she knew if he kept touching her, she'd loose it soon.

"I'll tell you, so please let me go" she tried pushing him away but his grip on her waist was firm. Not tight but firm and she couldn't push him away. Her body was starting to give in slowly.

He said, "Promise me you'll tell me and I'll let you go"

"Fine I promise" she promised and he let her go but he didn't step away from her.

Wow she was who rarely makes promises, even before she made her to promise her parents to bring her sister back, she took a few years before deciding to make it a promise. And Xu Si Cheng got ger to do it in a few seconds. He deserves an award.

"My witch powers are new and I can't control it. And everyone who has been the witch queen in the past had to do something to control it so it's my turn now" she looked up at him and saw he had no expression on his face and he didn't say anything which means he wanted her to go on.

She continued, "what I have to do is get a love bite which would be around the little mark on my neck"


He didn't seem too shocked, probably because he hasn't heard the bite must be his.

She continued, "Also a person was chosen and it's his bite that would be around the mark on my neck"

"Who" he asked calmly.

Why is he acting as if he knew before. She thought.

She let out a sigh and replied, "I need your bite".

He laughed and it sounded like he didn't believe her. His laugh meant, 'say something more believable'

She looked at him with an unreadable expression, "I knew you wouldn't believe me but you asked and now i've told you so can you back up".

She walked away from his front and sat on the counter top in the changing room which he was backing.

After a minute he turned around and saw her sitting, "why didn't you tell me earlier?"

She didn't answer and he continueed, "why am I just finding out. You should have told me immediately you found out so why didn't tell me?"

She replied truthfully, "I also just found out not too long ago. Plus, you are human. It's already bad enough you know i'm a witch"

He seemed confused, "why is it bad? Do you think i'm one of those attention seekers who would go around telling people who or what you are?"

She got down from where she was sitting and said, "no I do not think you are an attention seeker. But if you get involved in this mess then you are literally digging your own grave".

He scoffed, "you don't know who I am and what i'm capable of".

She didn't reply, she was thinking of something and Cheng had a feeling he might not like what she was thinking of.

"Come on say something".

She replied, "it's nothing, we need to start keeping our distance and don't get involved in my business again or else i'll wipe your memory"

She was about to walk away but he grabbed her hand before she could even take two steps.

"I really want to help you. I have a feeling if I don't help things might become even worse and I don't want that, not even for you"

Her eyes had already changed color and the look in her eyes was one he couldn't read.

She stared at him for a few seconds and then said, "Then why don't we both go visit Sarah later. She'll advice us on what to do"

"For now let's complete the rehearsal and then we can both go to my house. From there we'll pay Sarah a visit"

The left side of his mouth lifted a bit. He ruffled her hair with his left hand and said, "Then you won't mind the kiss in the rehearsal as Mr Gu demanded"

"We're not doing that again. Now let go!" She tried peeling his fingers off her hand but his grip was firm not wanting to let go.

He pulled her closer to him and rested his hand on her back. He bent his head and their foreheads were almost touching.

She was starting to feel weird and it's all thanks to Cheng who had put his hand on her bare back. When he pulled her closer, instead of resting his hand on her back with the jacket she had on, he had slipped his hand into the jacket, and she had a fitted crop top on.

Which means their bodies were having direct contact and her witch self was starting to crave him. She needed him to let go if not she'd allow him fuck her, hard, just like he said the other time.

"Please. You tasted lovely the other time, I want to explore your mouth again. I really love the taste of your mouth" his voice sounded really captivating and seductive.

Any girl would give into his request if they heard the way he sounded. The way he sounded right now didn't help Ling Yao's sanity one bit.

More like he was trying to make her jump straight into the fire from the frying pan. And she did, "Fine. The kiss will happen during the rehearsal and when we're presenting. I promise"

He said thank you and pecked her hair before leaving to continue the rehearsal.

Ling Yao was already sweating and she was breathing heavily, 'I hope Sarah's advice won't involve him. If not…'

Cheng came back and interrupted her thoughts, "come on let's go. Everyone's waiting for us"

When they both got out al eyes were on them but Ling Yao was someone who didn't care about the public's opinion. She always felt, no matter what you do, some people still won't be satisfied.

When you do something bad there'd be peope who would judge you and when you do something good there'd be people who would envy you and say "she's just trying to show off and oppress us".

So instead of caring about people's looks and opinion why don't you just ignore them and do what you want. No person has the right to judge you unless you know you are truly wrong.

She has always had this in her mind. She was once someone who used to care about people's opinions and she only suffered the outcome.

She continued the rehearsal not caring what others said about her.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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