
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Visit to Sarah

After the rehearsal ended Han Li and Fu Pei suddenly rushed out of the rehearsing studio. Ling Yao wasn't worried, she even knew why they had rushed out like that.

They probably saw the news of the real person who had tried to dupe RT industries. She also took her phone to check the news and when she saw the news she felt satisfied, guess she sent the right person to do the work.

News report:

There was a male repoter that was reading the headlines, "the rumor of the Fu family trying to dupe RT industries was all a lie. It has been revealed by an unknown source that it was the young master of the Han family, Han Wei that planned and executed the whole thing together with the personal secretary of Mr Fu. They headed the whole thing and it was executed with the help of some their minions."

"The phone call recordings of his conversation with the personal secretary of Mr Fu in which they had discussed their plans were given to the the police, press and was released on every social media platform. At first he tried denying it but then a cctv fotage of he and the personal secretary of Mr Fu discussing their plans was released on Weibo and a copy was sent to the police as evidence that would be used against the Han family in court"

"Now everyone is waiting for the opinion of RT industries concerning this issue. Will they be involved in this or not?"

End of the news report.

"Boo!" Ling Yao almost dropped her phone as she was startled by the sound that was made beside her right ear.

When she turned around, she saw a guy with a smirk on his face and she had the urge to slap the smirk off his face. The guy was none other than Cheng.

"Come on let's go. My car can't wait forever, let's go visit Sarah"

She was standing in front of his car looking at him. The looks she gave him could instantly turn him into Swiss cheese. Suddenly she ran towards him and pushed him away before he could get in the driver's seat.

"Hey shorty what was that" luckily he didn't fall as he had controlled himself before he could reach the ground.

She got into the driver's seat, "I'll drive since we're going to my house" she emphasized on the word 'my', which sounded a bit ridiculous. Obviously they were going to her house he was aware of that why did she have to mention it again.

"Look stop being stubborn and get out of my car. No one is allowed to drive my car except for me. Now get your ass out of my seat" she didn't listen.

Not only did she not listen, she even closed the car door and locked it. Just as she wanted to start the car she couldn't find the key that would start the car. She looked out through the window and saw Cheng holding up the key that would start the car.

She felt frustrated and almost hit the steering wheel but before she could, she heard him shout, "don't hit my baby!"

She was stunned and couldn't help but giggle lightly. She rolled down the glass and said, "even though the glass is painted you could still see me. How's that? Are you Superman or some weird hero with powers".

Cheng replied honestly, "I just have a great eyesight. Now get the f*** out of my car. Or else you'll regret it."

She really had the urge to tease him and she didn't know why as she had never been interested in this stuff unless if it was her brother. She wasn't interested in all those, 'making new friends and getting song well' shit. It wasn't like her. Even when she was teasing and playing her brother, she never felt so free as she did right now.

She didn't even realize how carefree she was being around this stranger. She wanted to tease him and she did, "what if I don't leave your baby what will you do?"

Cheng …

He was so frustrated that he couldn't even find the right words to say to her. Still not caring this little brave youth continued to annoy him, "Come on, give me the key and I promise I'll be very gentle when driving her."

"What if I don't give you what will you do?" He asked calmly while smirking at her. He was frustrated but realizing that she was being carefree around him he brightned up a bit.

Actually he had already decided that he would even give her the key to the car.

"You do know I'm now a witch. I'll claw your car if you don't give me the key" she said hoping to scare him and annoy him more.

But then he agreed, "Fine, I'll give you the key. But then when we reach the bridge we'll have to change seats okay?"


He gave her the key and walked over to sit in the passenger's seat.

Before he could close the door a certain lady walked over to Cheng and stopped him from closing the door.

"Cheng I can't believe you are allowing this stranger drive your car when you wouldn't even give me a ride in it"

Lucy Kim was on the verge of crying.

She looked at Ling Yao with hostility in her eyes.

She really felt like going over to yank Yaoyao's hair off her head. Cause how the hell did this stranger hamster manage to get Cheng's attention, which is something she has been working on for two years.

After all her efforts she can't even be considered a close friend to him. She was just a normal friend to him and it took her two years to reach that position. She also became his friend thanks to her dad being business partners with Cheng's Dad. And now this stranger managed to get his attention in a week and he even allowed her to drive his car, something he had never done with her.

"You shouldn't be here, go home now. I don't want your dad calling me again" Cheng spoke calmly to her but his tone held no emotion.

He was speaking to her as if he was speaking to a client which only made Lucy feel more bitter inside. "This is all because of that bitchy hamster beside you. You wait and see what I do to you".

After saying that she left them and walked away angrily.

Ling Yao didn't even react to what Lucy Kim had said just said. She drove the car skillfully and throughout the time Ling Yao was driving there was complete silence. Even when they changed seats they still didn't talk.

When he reached Ling Yao's house, the gate was locked and there was no one to open the gates. She had to get down from the car to open the gate with her handprint.

They both walked into the house and Ling Yao gave him a glass of water. "We're teleporting there. I mean I'll teleport us there so you might need to drink water before we go".

After about five minutes they were prepared to go, Ling Yao had her mask on and she also gave one to Cheng. Before using it he bent down a bit and kissed her on the lips with her mask on.

Luckily her eyes didn't change color, she looked at him with confusion in her eyes. "What? I just wanted to do it. Maybe Sarah's idea would stop me from doing that in the future. So one last time"

"I really hope that's what happens and if you kiss me again before we leave for Sarah's you'll be going back home with no teeth and tongue". He didn't take her warning seriously but he didn't kiss her either.

They both materialized in front of Sarah's house but Ling Yao felt funny. Whenever she teleported in the past there was this feeling, as if she was numb, as if all the blood in her wasn't there, but when she did it now she felt normal.

'Probably it's because of the witch powers, she thought'.

She knocked on the door and Sarah opened answered the door, "Aww my little queen is here".

She bowed to show her respect to Ling Yao as other witches would to the queens.

"The next time you bow to me, your kids will get 300 whips from me in the immortal realm. Actually she wouldn't do it, she loved kids but Sarah loved her twins and wasn't ready to risk them for anything.

"Okay I won't do that again but I'll call you my little queen". Then she noticed a guy beside the little witch, "Oh! You brought a man. Come on in, pardon my manners".

When they got in Ling Yao spoke before she even sat down, "he is the guy that was chosen".

"Can I see his face?" Sarah asked sincerely And she was granted her request. "Wow you look really pretty. Pretty is an understatement. No wonder you were chosen"

Ling Yao felt like barfing after hearing her comment. It wasn't a lie but it was weird.

Ling Yao spoke directly, "I know I told you that I didn't want to involve him but he's stubborn. And things didn't work out like I wanted to these days. He also offered to help and I didn't know what to do"

She looked at Cheng for fives seconds then looked back at Sarah and continued, "There is no way to avoid him thanks to the play we're acting in at the dance academy. It requires us kissing, hugging and other stuff like that. Thanks to him shadowing me no one has seen my eyes change color yet. But I feel if I keep doing those intimate scenes one day I'd loose myself in front of everyone. What's your opinion on this and what do you think I should do?"

Sarah didn't answer her question, instead "can I speak to this guy for a few minutes. The problem can be solved with him not you. Because no matter your decision,whether it's to avoid him or give in, you'd still submit under his touch. He's the one that can solve this issue"

Ling Yao permitted her and Cheng followed Sarah to the garden to talk.

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