
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasía
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42 Chs


Han Li and Fu pei didn't expect it to be Ling Yao that would come out from the car. They knew Ling Yao wasn't an ordinary girl but they didn't know she was that exquisite. They thought the wealthy girls would wear expensive clothes, shoes and jewelries like Lucy Kim and the other wealthy girls in the college. But Ling Yao wore simple clothes and she didn't wear or use exquisite things. All the wealthy girls in the school used the latest iPhone and she used Samsung flip. She was completely different from the wealthy girls in the school.

"Come on tell us how you got that car?" Fu Pei asked her again when she didn't respond. After thinking for a while, she replied them.

"That's Gi Jeok's car from LTG. I'm LTG's sister" she told them but it only made them more confused.

"Huh, how can a girl be sister to seven boys. I mean even each member of LTG has their own mother. Explain please"

Since there wasn't dance classes in the morning, Ling Yao stayed in the dance studio with Han Li and Fu Pei. They both skipped English class to listen to Ling Yao's explanation.

Before she could start with the explanation, they all heard notifications from their phones. They checked it and saw it was updates from Kfeed. Ling Yao guessed it was from each LTG member.

At first she didn't want to check their feeds but she ended up checking them. She scrolled through Ki Tae's morning pictures and immediately she noticed something in a picture "shit!" She stood up. In a picture, part of her arm showed and those who would have seen the picture would notice that it's a girl's arm not a boy's arm. In the picture, Ling Yao painted her nails matte green with some black designs, she didn't have to fix her nails because her nails were naturally long, she loved keeping her nails neatly long.

She checked what their fans must be saying about the girl's arm in Ki Tae's pictures and she was right about them noticing it.

A comment said: "That's a girl's hand. Woah!"

Another said: "Who's owns that hand. That doesn't look like a staff's hand because a staff can't have nails like that. Hubby are you cheating on me"

Another comment said: "a staff can't even own that hand because that skin is flawless. And also what would a staff be looking for this early in their house. It must definitely be his girlfriend"

Ling Yao was still calm but she didn't waste time in getting something to clean her nails or at least change the design on it.

"Han Li, do you have nail polish remover or anything that could remove nail polish. Like alcohol" Luckily, Han Li did have alcohol.

"Yea, I do. But it's the alcohol used to clean wounds. Would that do"

"It would work but it'll take time before I get it off"

She collected the alcohol from Han Li and went to Mr Lee's office with Han Li and Fu Pei behind her.

When they entered his office, Mr Lee was confused on why the three of them were in his office and he asked Han Li and Fu Pei. "Aren't you both supposed to be in English class" but then he looked at Ling Yao and seeing her like that, he guessed she had an issue, he could see she was a bit tensed but she was calm so he let her in without asking any questions.

"Sorry for disturbing you Mr Lee" she apologized and explained the issue to him and she even showed him the pictures. She told him what she needed his help with and he helped her without question.

"You three stay here while I go get cotton wool from the Clinic's store room" immediately he left, Han Li started panicking.

"Oh no. Fu Pei, we skipped English class and we're in the office of the owner of the school. He knows we skipped class and we'll get punished for it. We're done for!"

Ling Yao didn't expect Han Li to start panicking just because Mr Lee knows they both skipped class. Is something like that supposed to be a big deal. No.

But she forgot in this college learning english was a big deal.

"Han Li, chill I'll help you guys out with this one. And I'll help you get you a tutor to teach you both the things you've missed out today. Is that cool with you guys" Han Li and Fu Pei both looked at themselves and they smiled and thanked Ling Yao.

"Thank you Ling Yao. It means a lot but I'm sure we wouldn't be able to avoid the punishment." Fu Pei said to her while looking down at his fingers.

"How about we request Miss Yang give us a separate test as punishment, a week from now. We'll take lessons with the tutor for a week to prepare ourselves for the test" Han Li suggested. Ling Yao looked at her and thought 'She's doing exactly the same thing I'd have done to avoid the punishment'. She was impressed and she smiled a bit at her.

"That's a good Idea. Give me your number and I'll call you to tell you where you'd meet tomorrow"

They both gave Ling Yao their numbers and called them just to be sure it was their numbers, she called Fu Pei first and after saving his number, she calls Han Li.

Han Li's phone rang and Ling Yao saved her number. Fu Pei saw Han Li save Ling Yao's number as 'New Rich Friend' and asked aloud "She's not our friend, so why'd you save it with that"

"Shut up hubby, we're friends right?" She looked at Ling Yao in a questioning manner. Ling Yao waited a few minutes before answering her question.

"Sure" Han Li smiled wider than ever and so did Fu Pei, and it made Ling Yao wonder if they were this excited truly or it's just because they found a new rich friend.

"Sorry if our smiles creeped you out. Truth is most people don't really like us in this school. They all fake it. I only have male friends who wants me as their girlfriend and same goes with him and we have a feeling you're not like the others. Thank you" now Ling Yao understood why they behaved like that. Since she used to have people like that around her back home. She kinda liked these two

"Okay, enough with the thanking. Don't you want to hear how I became LTG's sister"

"Of course we do" Han Li and Fu Pei both said simultaneously.