
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasía
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42 Chs

Defending Her

Ling Yao dropped her car in a car wash beside the school and she gave her keys to a guy she probably knew. Cheng didn't want to wait for her but when he saw some guys looking at YaoYao like they wanted to eat her, he had no choice but to stay and wait for her until she was done.

She didn't pay up because she preferred payment after services and she left just after dropping her keys.

Immediately they entered the school all eyes were on them. People were asking why they came in together, 'are they are thing now?' They said.

The way the students were staring made it look like it was the Kardashians who had walked in. To be honest though, they looked like a cute couple: she looked like the tough petite cute girlfriend and he looked like the tall protective hot boyfriend. They really looked nice.

It was the first Rehearsal the school would be having for the play they'd present on the 7th of July. Ling Yao wasn't sure of the date when they'd perform but she thought if she probably took part in the play it might take her mind off her 'fucked up life'.

She didn't even want to think about her new powers right now, if she did she might just mistakenly activate it or something.

She wanted to enter the dance studio before anyone but a voice interrupted her while her legs were about to enter the studio. It was the same girl that borrowed her the clothes she used in dance practice the previous day.

"You could use the shorts but not the sweatshirt for the rehearsal today" Han Li said to Ling Yao. What she said made Ling Yao squint her eyebrow. She thought what's wrong with the sweatshirt.

Just as she was about to speak Cheng came into the convo with a crop hoodie. She guessed he must have picked it from the Mr Gu's office. She saw some clothes when she first went to his office.

But why a crop hoodie, she really didn't like the idea of her tummy being exposed. She was about to reject it when she saw Mr Gu coming to the dance studio.

The dance studio could also be used for their rehearsal since it was really big and also they were planning on rehearsing the dance steps they'd use present on the day of the performance.

"Ling Yao could you please manage the hoodie, this is only what I have that could suit your taste and the hood is removable" Mr Gu begged her, normally he wouldn't but he really wanted to give her the role of female lead.

"Ok sir, but you didn't have to add please, it's wrong for an elder to plead without doing anything wrong".

With that Ling Yao collected the hoodie and went into one of the dance studio's changing rooms to change into the hoodie.

She was hesitant on wearing the hoodie but when Mr Gu begged her she just agreed with the idea of the hoodie.

A few students were already in the studio when Ling Yao came out from the changing room and she was glad none of them used the room she was in.

But a few people were looking at her, more like staring and she kinda knew why. She kinda had a fine figure and that was why she always wore oversized clothes.

Her body measurement was 36-24-36 the last time she checked.

She knew the hoodie just showed her bounce that ass shape, but she didn't give two shits because she was a pro when it came to ignoring people, whether it was their gaze or their opinions.

She says 'if you keep caring about what people say they'lleventually stop caring about your opinion', She always had this in her mind.

So Ling Yao just ignored and walked over to a chair and thankfully the person that was beside her was Cheng.

He was playing with his phone, though he knew she was there he didn't say anything and neither did she.

"Hey bitch" and here comes Lucy Kim with her annoying face. "Get your lazy ass off my seat" she said while she was standing in front of Ling Yao.

Ling Yao thought 'I shouldn't give her a befitting reply here, it'd attract too much attention, I'll wait until after the rehearsal'and just smirked and stood up.

But before she could leave, someone grabbed her wrist to stop her and it was none other than Cheng.

He wasn't looking at her but instead he was glaring at Lucy and said "sit" but he was saying it to Ling Yao which only made Lucy's mouth open with shock and Cheng stood up from his seat.

"But why Cheng, you know that's my seat. I always seat beside you". Lucy Kim was confused on why he was defending her even when she wanted to leave on her own.

"That's because you threatened everyone who ever dared sit beside me, not like I cared but more like you were stealing their seats and it's becoming annoying. Just so you know your name isn't on the chair, you don't own the school and she got here before you. Now scram before I say other things you don't want to hear and don't let me see your face again today. It's starting to annoy me" and Lucy left with a sour expression on her face.

Truth to be told, He never liked Lucy Kim and the fact that she was giving his dance partner a bitchy attitude didn't make him feel any better. Also she called YaoYao a bitch 'she'll regret calling her a bitch' Cheng thought.

"Thank You" Ling Yao brought him away from his thoughts and he noticed he was still holding her wrist and immediately let go.

"Anytime" that was all he said.

Mr Gu addressed the students and asked for those who were interested in the roles of the female lead.

They didn't need to ask for volunteers for male lead because Cheng wanted the role and none of the boys could compete with him, mostly because they feared him.

Lucy Kim wanted the role of Female lead and Ling Yao wanted to annoy the hell out of her for calling her a bitch and trying to bully her. Ling Yao also thought it was the perfect thing to get her mind off her witch power.

Ling Yao also went out for the role of female lead. There were only three girls competing for the role of female lead.

Most people would think Ling Yao would be bad at acting but she was the pro when it came to faking emotions and acting. Once she studied her role well she'd be able to carry out the role well but never wanted to become an actress.

The third girl who wanted female lead was scared when she saw Lucy Kim and Ling Yao.

They were more beautiful and better than her in all aspects, so she just went back to her seat making it only Ling Yao and Lucy Kim competing for female lead.

Ling Yao scoffed at the girl that ran off, she knew the girl only wanted to do it to be close to Cheng but couldn't do it with Lucy Kim and Her in the way. So what the heck.

"Dance partner and female lead, nice" Cheng whispered to her after she went back to her seat. But before she could reply, he said something that made Ling Yao swallow hard.

He said "You have a hot body, I should've known that was the reason for the big clothes", She was speechless and just looked at him.

They stared at each other for a few seconds before he pulled his gaze away from hers and walked over to Mr Gu to help him prepare for the rehearsal.

Sorry I’m updating this book slowly. But I’ll keep trying to update it a little bit earlier (╹◡╹)

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