
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasía
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42 Chs

Chapter 20

She cried, talked, complained and after a while she stopped. Memories of people, people she had interacted with so far started flashing in her mind, then she remembered Cheng and smiled. "That crazy guy, I've only known him for three days and yet knows I'm a Witch" she paused for a while and she closed her eyes. When she opened them, her expression changed. "I won't allow Cheng to be dragged into this, he knows enough already"she said and The tears in her eyes were gone and she looked like the cold Emma again. She didn't look like someone who was crying and lamenting a while ago. She looked completely different but okay.

She teleported herself back into her room. Haru was asleep in his bed, and Emma thought he looked cute. She didn't disturb him or tried to disturb his sleep. She carefully climbed back into her bed and laid down ready to sleep, she had only an hour and thirty minutes left before she would wake up the next morning to cook and prepare for school. She was done with college normally but she still had to wake up to go a dance college.

Luckily the nightmares didn't come and all the crying made her weak, so she fell asleep sooner.

While she was asleep someone teleported into her room, walked over to her and pecked her forehead. It was a guy. He sat down on the side of her bed quietly and he took her hand and started rubbing it with his thumb, he even pecked it and rubbed his cheek against it.

"You don't want to involve Cheng, what if he wants to be involved and what about me? You've gone through so much and have done so much good while ignoring the pain you're going through, I don't mind ignoring what you want to, give you what you need" the man pecked her hand again. After holding her hand for a few minutes, he drops it and stands up, ready to leave.

Immediately he stood up, he felt his shirt being dragged and he panicked thinking Emma was awake but when he turned back to look at her, she was fast asleep but was holding onto the arm of his shirt. He couldn't yank it out of her hands, so he just took it off and left it beside her and poof 💨 he disappeared like he was never there.

Emma's alarm clock rang exactly at 5:30am and she woke up and quickly turned it off so that it wouldn't wake anyone else and luckily it didn't wake up anyone else apart from Emma.

She saw the shirt that she was holding onto and thought it must have been one of the members that dropped it there. She smelt it and felt the scent was familiar but couldn't quite point out whose scent it was actually.

She brushed her teeth before going to cook for the members as she did the first day. She made each member's favorite dish and packed it in each color of food warmer each member liked.

Min Ji likes Blue

Myung likes Pink

Hwan Jee likes Black

Haru likes Red

Ki Tae likes Gold

Gi Jeok likes Green and

Yong likes Purple

This was also each member favorite color.

After cooking, she cleaned the house except for the rooms. She decided to send a cleaner to get the rooms cleaned later, and with that she cleaned the sitting room, kitchen and dining. She went to the bathroom to go have her bath and by the time she was done dressing up, all the members were already awake but they didn't eat their breakfast just yet.

When emma got to the sitting room, she saw all the members busy with their phones. Ki Tae took pictures and posted it on Kfeed. An app where news and pictures about all Korean singers could be seen. Emma guessed they had to update their feed, because they promised their fans at their last concert that they'd use Kfeed more often.

Emma chose not to disturb them and was about to walk past them but they all suddenly stopped what they were doing with their phones and looked at her. She didn't expect them to actually notice her.

"Good morning guys" she greeted them with her face looking confused.

"Morning sis"

"Morning dear"

"Did you sleep well?" They all greeted her with a smile on their faces, Myung went over to her and thanked her for cooking and cleaning. 'they noticed?!!' She thought. She didn't know they'd notice she cleaned but was glad they did.

"It's nothing. I didn't even clean the rooms. I'll send someone to come clean the rooms"

"Doesn't matter, we're still grateful" HJ said with a smile from where he was sitting.

She smiled at him in return.

"Okay, I'm going to school, have fun updating your feeds, bye" She turned to leave, when Gi Jeok told her that he'd drop her off at school. She refused but they all insisted and she had no other option than to accept his offer.

On their way to school, they both didn't talk but Gi Jeok broke the silence when he asked an unexpected question.

"Did you eat anything for breakfast?"

"Uhm, I didn't" And he drove into a KFC restaurant to order something she could eat for breakfast. Luckily they all carried nose masks and face cap in their car. While she was waiting for him in the car, she texts Robert to go clean the rooms she didn't clean, she gave him the time he'd go and she also told him to order from KFC snacks they could eat in the afternoon.

After a while Gi Jeok enters with Emma's breakfast and she was grateful it was coffee and Korean egg rolls. She thanked him and offered him some, but he refused.

When they got to her school, the students wondered who owned the car because the car looked expensive and it looked more like a celebrity's car. Emma wasn't done eating because the egg rolls were more than what she expected and the coffee was too hot and was large not medium, but was grateful the coffee was creamy coffee if not she would have just given it to someone else.

Those who expected someone to come out of the car, saw no one and later went away out of disappointment but two people stayed and even had a phone recording.

Emma left three egg rolls for Gi Jeok, she thanked him for the food and the ride, they fist bumped and she left the car. She watched him drive away from the school and also made sure no one saw her coming out of the car.

But then she spotted two familiar people who had already stopped recording her. She walked over to them and told them to delete the video.

"Yea sure" Han Li said and deleted the video from her phone.

"Woah, how did you get that sweet ride and who dropped you" Fu Pei said while smiling.

Emma was about to walk away but looked at the two people standing before her with a blank expression. She was thinking if these two could actually be trustworthy friends as LTG members said.