
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chose him

She teleported herself into the place where her and the Demon Prince went the other day, guessed that's where she must be living now. Emma still couldn't believe her Grand aunt was a witch queen.

Lucky for her, she teleported right in front of the talking door, "I have been expecting you" it said. Emma placed her hands on the door and "welcome" the door welcomed Emma.

She entered and went straight to her grand aunt's house. It was also nighttime there but it looked like night just fell.

She knocked on the door and Sarah opened it, telling her to come in. She offered Emma a sit when she got inside and they both started talking.

Emma wasn't someone who would beat around the bush if she wanted to ask or say something, so she got straight to the point.

"Grand aunt, what was the color your pupils would change to whenever you took your witch form, I mean which shade of gold?" The first question she chose to ask.

"It was more of golden yellow I think, well something like golden yellow. Why are you asking?"

"Something weird happened today" now this was something Sarah was eager to hear about, so she permitted her to say what she wanted to say.

"Today, during my rehearsal, I danced with a guy, my dance partner, and cause I was wearing a crop hoodie, it gave way for his hands to touch my skin" she paused for a while, she recalled what happened back at school, and she continued.

"When he put his arms around my waist while we were dancing my eyes changed color for a while and turned back to normal. And I asked him what kind of color he said golden yellow. He knows I'm a witch" she waited to see Sarah's reaction or at least hear what she'd say.

"Okay, so..?" Now this confused Emma but she just kept her calm look and continued.

"Look Sarah, I need to know why in the world did my dance partner's touch activate my witch powers" she had a serious look on her face, she didn't even smile, well she rarely smiles but still she made it look like what they were talking about was something about life and death.

"Are you sure it was your witch powers, because that bracelet doesn't malfunction" Something like that never happened to Sarah, and she is also confused on how a human's touch could activate her powers unless if the person isn't a human or if her powers actually chose him.

"Give me your hand, I'd like to see what actually happened" she still had powers but they were just mere powers not queen powers, she looked into what activated Emma's witch powers.

She saw exactly what happened back in school, how Cheng touched Emma twice and her reactions to it and Emma was right, Cheng's touch did activate her witch powers.

And Sarah got an answer to 'why' when she saw how Cheng and Emma ended their dance with Cheng touching her bare waist. Emma's witch powers chose him.

Sarah opened her eyes and looked at Emma, who had been waiting for Sarah to open her eyes and give her answers.

Sarah looked at Emma and started stroking her hand with her thumb in an attempt to calm her down but it only made Emma look at her with a confused look.

"What happened, did you get answers?"

"Yes I did and you might not like what I'm about to say but" Sarah paused, took a deep breath and "Your witch powers chose your dance partner to be the one to mark your neck" she said it.

She expected Emma to yell, freak out or something but nothing came except for her furrowed brows. But what Emma said almost made her face palm herself, she said "I'll have to avoid Cheng's touch then"

"Listen I think that would be a bad idea"

"Why" the lines in Emma's head were getting deeper.

"Because the more you avoid touching him and your powers senses his presence, the more the craving for his bite gets. And if you avoid touching him it'll weaken you because your powers would just keep going wild inside your body and it'll destroy your body bit by bit. Your human body won't be able to handle it too long, you need to at least feed it a bit. You're punishing your witch body if you don't at least feel his touch and if you keep punishing it like that, one day it'll rebel against you and a witch's power, the faster it's tamed the lower the chances of it rebelling against you" now Sarah was begging her to do the needful.

"Aunt Sarah I'll be fine keeping myself away from his touch, thanks for helping me with the answers. I need to go now. Good night" she stood up to leave but paused when Sarah stood up and said "I know and I saw everything that happened to you while you were growing up till today, I know you've gone through a lot and the pain can never be gone no matter what you do. But what if this guy could help erase the pain, think about it dear."

Ling Yao turned to look at her "Aunt all what you saw was in the past and it remains in the past. Yes they did hurt but they taught me never to make the same mistakes I made. I'm not hurting anymore and why would I when I have everything now. I got through the pain alone. I'm pretty sure I can handle this myself aunt" She thanked Sarah again and left.

When she got out of the talking gate, she paused and recalled what Sarah told her and she sighed. She fell on her knees and looked up at the sky, she gave a mocking smile to herself and let a tear drop.

"My life's fucked up, but why am I pained again" she sounded like someone that has lost all hopes, more like someone that had given up on the world and waiting for the day she gets to leave the world. She silently cried and smiled at her 'damned' life.

Even after all she had gone through she never once wished she had left the world, instead she awaited the day. She hoped the day would come but not anytime soon because she knows she has a responsibility to fulfill.

She hasn't found her sister, Tania and the witches were still disturbing the demons. She had so many things to do, and that to alone.

She needs the utmost power and strength to be able to carry out her responsibilities. She always had it but right now she felt like all her strength had gone, she was tired and weak.

She teleported herself to the Immortal realm, right to her mum and Dad's grave.

Her immortal parents and the guardians before her. They were killed while Ling Yao was in her mum's womb. She always comes to their grave once in a while, she knelt in between their grave and her tears fell again.

"Mum, I'm getting tired bit by bit, I can't keep up anymore. I'm sick of this world. Hope that I don't give up soon, I'm not that strong as people say. I'm petite and weak, those scars are opening up again" she kept crying.