
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasía
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42 Chs

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When she took her Guardian form, her pupils would turn into something like metallic gold and according to Cheng when she took her witch form it'd turn golden yellow. Which means Cheng activated her witch powers. Now this is something she has to talk to Sarah about.

The sound of her car brought her out of her train of thoughts and she looked at Cheng to tell him thank you, when she noticed the mask on his face. The mask wasn't there before and it made her wonder why he was wearing it, was it because of the person that drove her car?

Just as Yong parked the car in front of Ling Yao, Cheng said his goodbyes to Ling Yao. "My car is in the school's parking lot, I'll get going. Bye"

"Okay, See you tomorrow" she replied him while he was walking back into the school's parking lot. 'Why did he wear a mask though and why did he leave so soon' Emma thought but her attention was brought back to the person in front of her.

Yong had already gotten out of the car and was standing before Emma. They fist bumped and Yong asked about her day and other stuff.

They talked for a while but couldn't continue because three girls were coming towards the gate and for sure they'd recognize Yong from the famous boy Kpop group LTG with or without his mask.

They were even checking the latest news about LTG and were even talking about them. "Uhm we need to go now, my fans are coming" he said to Emma and she immediately went to the driver's seat. They both got into the car and Ling Yao zoomed them out of that area.

"That was a close one" Yong took off his mask and looked at Emma who was focused on the road.

He didn't disturb her, rather he remained quiet. They were both quiet and the silence was becoming suffocating for Yong and he decided to ask a question "Who was the guy you were talking to before I came to pick you up"

"Oh Cheng, he's just my dance partner in school" She replied him while still focusing on the road.

"Ohh, he has a nice body"

"You think" this time she was calling someone using the car. After ringing twice the person picked her call.

"Hello ma'am"

"I'm coming to the bakery, I need two boxes of doughnuts ready for pickup before I get there" She didn't even wait for the person to reply before cutting the call. "Sorry, I need to pick up something from a restaurant nearby" she apologized to Yong, but he didn't mind and just gave her a 'it's fine' look.

After about five minutes she got to the store, she wore a mask and a face cap. She also wore a plain black hoodie on the crop hoodie she was wearing before. She always has an extra hoodie in her car.

When she entered the restaurant, everyone looked at her with a suspicious look and some were even gossiping, trying to guess who she was but they couldn't.

After collecting her package she went back to her car to continue her trip back home with Yong.

Yong just stayed in the car playing with his phone until when Emma entered and kept her package in the backseat. She took off the black hoodie ready to hit road again.

She drove for another ten minutes before reaching home, well LTG's home. Just as she entered, she saw all the members doing the same thing except for Min Ji their leader.

He was the only one watching TV, the other members were just playing the their phones. When everyone saw her, they all welcomed her back home, honestly they all missed her well, they missed her food. Haru missed her the most, since she was his roomie even though she was only gone for a day.

"Welcome back girl" Haru was the first to go over to her and hug her.

"What's up with you, why didn't you come home yesterday. Is something wrong?"

"I'm ok. Everything's fine. I just had some work and it's was already late when I texted you guys"

She dropped the box on the table "you guys can eat the doughnuts for now. I'll freshen up and then cook for us all. It's mum's recipe" and she went to her room to freshen up.

It was already a few minutes to six which means she had to make dinner, she loved taking dinner a bit early before going to bed so that the food would digest a bit and they would sleep early without feeling heavy.

While Emma was in the shower, the boys were enjoying their doughnuts and guessing the real reason why she didn't come home the previous night.

"She looked like she was lying, she really tried hiding the truth from us but I could see right through her" Haru said while looking at the other members to see if they agreed with him but they all shrugged their shoulders and Myung said "as long as she's fine that's all that matters" and they all agreed on what he said and ended the matter there.

After some minutes, Emma came out wearing an oversized pair of trousers and a large shirt. "Sorry if I took too long, Myung do you mind helping me in the kitchen".

"Let's go" they both went into the kitchen to cook, well Myung would just assist her. Cooking with Myung was fun. They talked about how good each member of LTG was when it came to cooking.

Out of Seven members only 5 members are allowed in the Kitchen, one can at least boil water perfectly and another was banned from the kitchen and the rest are good cooks.

They laughed and made fun of the members that weren't allowed in the Kitchen and the members that were being made fun of would yell at them from the dining.

They all had dinner together, the dining was filled with laughter and praises of how Emma is a great cook. They all thanked her for dinner and helped her with the dishes.

They played a little game, and the boys asked about Ling Yao's school, if she was being bullied or if she needed their help. She told them about Lucy Kim and her squad.

"What about other students, I mean that could potentially end up being your friends other than your dance partner" Yong looked at her with a questioning look.

"No, it's only my dance partner and two other students who haven't given me weird looks so far. It's Han Li and Fu Pei and my dance partner Cheng".

HJ and GiJeok suggested that Emma keep them as her friends. And also that she should get their numbers soon, so that if she got into trouble they (Han Li, Fu Pei and Cheng) could inform them and they would come rescue their sister.

This really touched Emma and she couldn't say no, even though she could handle her bullies herself so she just said "I'll work on it".

"Ok I have to school tomorrow morning and I need to wake up early tomorrow to cook for us, good night everyone"

"We're also going to bed now, sleep tight dear" she watched them all go to their different rooms and she left with Haru to their room since they both shared a room.

Haru pecked her head and wished her good night. She closed her eyes to sleep but couldn't sleep thanks to her nightmares, so she visited Sarah after making sure Haru and the other members were asleep.