
Escape from the Alpha Vampire

Plunged from the castle walls, Rosemary found herself reborn, the chilling memory of her tragic demise clinging to her like a shroud. This new life, a shimmering escape from her fated fall, was supposed to be sweet freedom. But the shadow of the Alpha Vampire loomed, his iron grip refusing to release her. Unlike her previous existence as a mere plaything, however, she now sensed something different in his gaze – a flicker of something beneath the surface, a whisper of unspoken feelings. It ignited a spark of curiosity within her. Would this life unfold differently? Would she finally break free from his oppressive hold? What awaited her beyond this life, beyond the next? The questions swirled around her, a symphony of uncertainty promising both peril and potential, painting the unknown canvas of her future with vibrant, untold possibilities. And they seem to be tangoing in the next life... the life after next life...

Car_Li · Fantasía
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35 Chs

Chapter 31 - Angered the Alpha (18+)

Rosemary, her emerald eyes reflecting the cavern's flickering torches, felt a thrill snake through her. Yet, her gaze flitted nervously towards the room just behind the wall. One wrong move, a single misplaced whisper, and their fragile haven would be shattered.

"Vernon," she breathed, her voice a mere tremor against the silence, "the pups… they're asleep."

He, however, seemed oblivious to her concern. His fingers, warm and calloused, brushed against her cheek, sending shivers down her spine. "I think I need to teach you a lesson of how it ends if you ever think about leaving me, Rosie," he murmured, his voice a low rumble that echoed off the cavern walls.

His breath, laced with the smoky scent of campfires and forbidden desire, kissed her ear, sending another shudder through her. His touch, once playful, now held a possessive edge that tugged at her heartstrings, even as it made her wary.

With a desperate surge of strength, she pushed him away. "No, Vernon," she hissed, her voice laced with a newfound resolve. "Please, not tonight, not here. We can't wake them."

Her rejection only angered the Alpha more. 

"Your heart is beating faster, little Rosie." Vernon wrapped his arm around the Omega's waist, unbuttoned the buttons on her shirt, and nibbled lightly on her nipple, "Does this scene turn you on more, knowing I am going to fuck you when the kids are just behind this door?"

Rosemary ignored him and turned her face away. The Alpha covered the young girl's body, a hot, wet kiss imprinting on her lips. The soft tip of his tongue deftly probed into her mouth, tangling with her tongue, sucking and stirring, lingeringly demanding. "Mmm..." the young girl moaned slightly with her eyes closed, a tingling pleasure coming from the nipples being pressed and rubbed on her chest.

He put Rosemary on the teaching table where Rosemary was teaching the pups alphabet a while ago. He had Rosie spread her legs wide, sliding his hand between her legs, he pressed down on the clitoris and rubbed it hard. 

Vernon gently teased the nub in the center of the petal, scraping and rubbing it back and forth with his fingers, causing the young girl's body to shudder. In a short while, her pussy was filled with crystallized lewd water.

He straddled his lap facing outward, pulling out his already elevated alter and burying himself into her. Rosemary couldn't help but let out an impatient whimper when that magnificent huge thing invaded her body.

Vernon held her by her waist and stroked her up and down on his parting. From between Rosie's wide-open legs, it was clear to see how the lurid, murderous weapon, the thickness of a small arm, was penetrating the swollen flesh, holding the delicate hole precariously close to tearing.

Each deep thrust crushed a surge of electricity through her already napped and extremely sensitive flesh, causing her to leak out an uncontrollable moan. But she had to control her moan to not wake the pups up.

"Slower please, you will wake them up…" Rosemary begged.

But Vernon pumped his desire even faster, admiring Rosie's body that was gradually oozing with sweat. 

Although she didn't cry out in lustful waves, from the sound of heavy breathing and her little uncontrollable moan, Vernon knew she was nearing her limit.

"You like it?" He simply braced Rosie's legs up, and pushed his lower body up to thrust against her flesh. He wasn't fast, but each time he pinpointed her most sensitive point, slutting out layers of pleasure where she was most defenseless.

She struggled until she was suffocated. Tears dripped from her misty eyes, and her pupils, which were originally transparent and ice-like, transformed into a shimmering lake, as Rosemary's will collapsed, sobbing in a phantom sob at the pleasure that far exceeded her body's capacity to withstand it.

That sense of fragile doll-like vulnerability made Vernon's desire swell with excitement, feverishly biting the back of her neck, pressing her upper body against the desk, and picking up her hips and thrusting them violently.

Rosemary's fingers gripping the corner of the desk haphazardly, gouging her knuckles white. Her breasts were pressed tightly underneath her, the fat flesh spilling out and jiggling with the violent thrusts behind her. Already horribly sensitive from being played with, her body began to go into a series of orgasms during the intense assault.

The honey hole that was tightly twisted around the rod became so juicy that every thrust caused the lustful water that filled it to splash out. The hard blade stabbed through the soft flesh that contracted during those orgasms, and hit the center of the flower again and again.

In the end, before Rosemary completely lost consciousness, hot semen was shot into her flower chamber. 


The first tendrils of dawn crept through the narrow window, painting the tapestries in the gilded chamber with a muted gold. Rosemary stirred, her emerald eyes blinking open, expecting the familiar moss-carpeted clearing and the scent of pine needles. Instead, she was met with the opulent decadence of the Institute, the air thick with the scent of polished marble and stale incense.

A pang of disorientation shot through her. Where was she? Panic clawed at her throat, a cold serpent coiling around her heart. Memories flooded back – the clearing, the firelight, Vernon's mocking words, and then… darkness.

She sat up, her silk nightgown whispering against the sheets. The chamber door creaked open, and Vernon, his crimson cloak a stark contrast to the morning light, stepped in. His emerald eyes, usually filled with playful charm, were unreadable, a mask of granite concealing his thoughts.

"Welcome back, Rosie," he said, his voice devoid of its usual warmth.

Rosemary's anger, a caged beast awakened, roared within her. "What have you done, Vernon?" she spat, her voice trembling with fury. "Against my will, you brought me back to this gilded cage?"

Vernon, his gaze unwavering, met her defiance with a cold resolve. "The Blood Committee's decision was overturned, Rosie. Your innocence… proven."

His words, though laced with satisfaction, held a shadow of something else – regret, perhaps, or the weight of a bargain struck. Rosemary, her heart a tumultuous storm, pushed past the confusion.

"Proven? By whom?" she demanded, her voice rising.

Vernon's jaw clenched, but he held her gaze. "The evidence, the whispers… they shifted. The Committee saw the truth."

Rosemary, her mind racing, knew the truth was a slippery serpent in the labyrinthine halls of the Institute. Violeta, cunning and ruthless, wouldn't have let go of her prize so easily. There was more to this, a hidden agenda woven into the tapestry of Vernon's return.

"And what is the price, Alpha?" she asked, her voice low, dangerous. "What do you want in return for this… my freedom?"

Vernon hesitated, his gaze flickering. Then, with a sigh, he met her eyes, his voice a low rumble. "I want you to be safe, Rosemary. Safe from the vipers, safe from the shadows that still lurk within the Institute."

His words, laced with a vulnerability she hadn't expected, caught her off guard. Was this the same Alpha who had mocked her defiance, who had offered only gilded cages and hollow promises?

"Safe?" she echoed, her voice laced with disbelief. "Safe in this den of vipers, where every whisper carries venom and every shadow conceals a blade? My life was safe before I met you."

Vernon, his emerald eyes filled with a mixture of pain and determination, stepped closer. "I know the dangers. But I also know your strength. You belong here, not in the forest with the werewolves."

He reached out, his hand hoering over hers. "Stay, Rosemary," he pleaded, his voice husky. "I will bring you on the next mission, so you won't be alone here anymore."

Rosemary, her heart a battlefield of conflicting emotions, stared at him, her emerald eyes reflecting the dawn's uncertain light. Was this the path she was meant to walk? Could she, with all the changes in this life, be able to save herself from death?