
Escape from the Alpha Vampire

Plunged from the castle walls, Rosemary found herself reborn, the chilling memory of her tragic demise clinging to her like a shroud. This new life, a shimmering escape from her fated fall, was supposed to be sweet freedom. But the shadow of the Alpha Vampire loomed, his iron grip refusing to release her. Unlike her previous existence as a mere plaything, however, she now sensed something different in his gaze – a flicker of something beneath the surface, a whisper of unspoken feelings. It ignited a spark of curiosity within her. Would this life unfold differently? Would she finally break free from his oppressive hold? What awaited her beyond this life, beyond the next? The questions swirled around her, a symphony of uncertainty promising both peril and potential, painting the unknown canvas of her future with vibrant, untold possibilities. And they seem to be tangoing in the next life... the life after next life...

Car_Li · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 30 - The Alpha is back

Moonlight dappled the moss-carpeted clearing, catching Rosemary's emerald eyes as she knelt amongst a huddle of squirming pups. Their fur, still soft as dandelion fluff, tickled her bare arms as she told them a story about a brave moon moth who befriended a mischievous firefly.

"And then," she whispered, her voice laced with laughter, "the firefly led the moon moth through the labyrinth's hidden paths, painting the way with dancing sparks!"

The pups, their ears perked and eyes wide with wonder, cooed and giggled. One particularly adventurous pup, Luna, tugged on Rosemary's braid. "Did they find the whispering cave, Rosemary?" she asked, her voice a tiny melody.

Rosemary winked. "Only the bravest hearts find the whispering cave, Luna. But who knows, maybe one day…"

A deep chuckle rumbled from behind, making the pups squeal with delight. Liam, his crimson cloak a whisper against the ancient trees, leaned against a moss-covered rock, his emerald eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Whispering caves, eh? Sounds like Rosemary is weaving quite the captivating web for our little furballs."

Rosemary, a blush warming her cheeks, stood up. "Just sharing some moonlit stories, Liam, nothing more."

Liam, his gaze lingering on her, offered a knowing grin. "Stories are powerful things, especially when whispered under the moon."

He turned to the pups, his voice softening. "Come now, little ones. The moon is growing weary, and tomorrow brings adventures of its own."

Luna, eyes filled with mischief, tugged on Liam's cloak. "Liam, will you tell us the story of the shadow warrior who stole the moonstone from the night owl?"

Liam's grin widened. "Perhaps, little Luna, if you promise to sleep soundly for Rosemary who needs her rest."

The pups, with excited yelps, scampered towards the warmth of the den, leaving Rosemary and Liam bathed in the moonlit clearing.

"You're good with them," Liam remarked, his voice laced with respect.

Rosemary, her emerald eyes reflecting the moonlight, met his gaze. "They remind me of myself," she admitted, her voice soft. "Lost, scared, searching for light in the darkness."


Moonlight, a celestial witness, cast spectral shadows across the castle courtyard as Vernon, his crimson cloak a whisper against the cold flagstones, strode towards the Institute. The mission, a blur of shadows and whispers in the labyrinthine depths, had concluded, leaving him weary but victorious. Yet, a gnawing unease gnawed at his heart, a premonition of discord that wouldn't be silenced.

Pushing open the grand oak doors, he was met by an unsettling silence. The usual murmurs of gossip and the rhythmic clack of boots on marble were absent, replaced by a suffocating pall. His emerald eyes, honed by years of navigating the labyrinth's secrets, narrowed. Something was amiss.

He found Violeta's father, Baron Corvus in the throne room, the Baron's face a mask of granite etched with grim satisfaction. The Baroness, an ever-present wraith by his side, gnawed on her bony fingers, her gaze distant and predatory.

"Lord Vernon," Corvus rasped, a false welcome dripping from his words. "You return victorious, I trust."

"The prophecy is neutralized," Vernon confirmed, his voice curt. "The threat contained."

He expected relief, gratitude even, but the faces before him remained impassive. A tremor of concern slithered down his spine. "Where is Rosemary?" he asked, his voice betraying a hint of urgency.

The silence that followed was heavy, a tomb in which his question lay buried. Finally, the Baroness spoke, her voice a dry rustle of dead leaves. "Gone, Lord Vernon. Exiled by the Blood Committee."

Vernon's world seemed to tilt on its axis. "What?" he snarled, disbelief twisting his features. "Exiled? On what grounds?"

Corvus, a cruel smirk twisting his lips, stepped forward. "Her connection to the prophecy, deemed tainted by whispers and deceit. You, Alpha, were blinded by misplaced affection."

Vernon, emerald eyes blazing with fury, slammed his fist against the throne. "Blinded? I saw through your viperous lies, your attempt to frame an innocent Omega!"

The Baroness let out a sharp bark of laughter, a chilling sound that echoed through the chamber. "The Committee deemed the evidence damning, Alpha. Even your favoritism couldn't sway their righteous judgment."

Vernon paced, a caged tiger trapped in a gilded cage. He knew Rosemary's innocence, had felt it in the depths of his soul. The Committee's decision, reeking of Violeta's venom, was a blatant mockery of justice.

"I will not stand for this!" he roared, his voice echoing through the silent halls. "Rosemary will be recalled, the Committee's verdict overturned!"

Corvus, his eyes glinting with malevolent amusement, met Vernon's gaze. "The Committee's word is law, Alpha. And you, despite your victory, are still bound by their chains."

A cold fury settled in Vernon's gut. He knew their game, their veiled threat. His fight against Violeta's grip on the Institute, his growing affection for Rosemary, had made him vulnerable.

But Vernon, Alpha of the Institute, was not easily cowed. The labyrinth might hold him, the vipers might hiss, but the fire of defiance burned bright within him.

"Then consider this a declaration," he announced, his voice ringing with unwavering conviction. "I will find Rosemary, clear her name, and expose the truth behind this charade. And when I do, the Institute will tremble under the weight of my wrath."

With a final glare that left the room shuddering, Vernon stormed out, his crimson cloak a whirlwind of defiance against the oppressive silence. 


The moon, a sly accomplice, played hide-and-seek with shadows as Vernon, his crimson cloak a whisper against the moss-carpeted clearing, approached the flickering fire of the werewolf pack. His emerald eyes, honed by years of navigating the labyrinth's secrets, searched for a single emerald amidst the pack's sapphire glow. 

And there she was, Rosemary, the Omega he'd failed to protect, in the woodhouse, teaching a rambunctious pup the alphabet of shadows.

His approach was silent, a predator stalking its prey. Rosemary, however, sensed him in the way a moonbeam notices a cloud's passing. She looked up, her emerald eyes widening in a flicker of surprise, then hardening into defiance.

"Little ones, I think it is nap time, let's go to the room next door." She led the pups into the next room and put them on the mattresses on the floor. Then she went back to the room and closed the door. 

"Lord Vernon," she greeted, her voice a cool breeze slicing through the air. "What brings you to the humble haven of outcasts?"

Vernon stopped a few paces away, his gaze sweeping over her, taking in the roughspun cloak and mud-caked boots, a stark contrast to the silks and jewels she once wore. A sardonic smile twisted his lips.

"Rosie," he drawled, his voice dripping with false sympathy, "just checking up on a lost lamb who strayed so far from the Institute's gilded fold. Come back for another taste of freedom, have we?"

His words, laced with mockery, stung like viper venom. Rosemary, however, refused to flinch. She stood tall, her chin held high, the firelight painting her defiance on her face.

"This pack," she stated, her voice ringing with newfound strength, "has offered me more than mere freedom. They've offered acceptance, respect, and a purpose this gilded cage could never provide."

Vernon laughed, a harsh bark that echoed through the clearing. "Purpose? Teaching shadows to pups of the night? Is that what satisfies your Omega spirit now?"

His eyes raked over her again, lingering on the calloused hands, the dirt smeared across her cheek. A flicker of something crossed his face, a shadow of regret battling with his feigned scorn.

"Rosemary," he said, his voice softening just a fraction, "you deserve more than this. The Committee's mistake can be rectified. Let me take you back. You can reclaim your place at the Institute."

Rosemary held his gaze, her emerald eyes reflecting the fire's dancing flames. "My place, Lord Vernon," she stated, her voice firm, "is wherever defiance echoes and shadows whisper truth. My purpose lies not in gilded cages, but in standing with those who dare to break free. Tell me, if I go back, will you revenge me and promise I will not be in this kind of situation anymore?"

Vernon, his jaw clenched, stared at her. He saw the fire in her eyes, the unwavering resolve that had blossomed in the darkness. "Rosie, trust me, I am eliminating all the shadows haunting us but it needs time."

"So, that's it?" she asked, her voice a whisper laced with disappointment. "You come here, mock my haven, then offer a hollow promise of returning to a gilded cage that offers nothing but stifling expectations and viperous lies? This is about freedom, about refusing to be a plaything in your gilded cage."

But Vernon wouldn't listen. His anger, fueled by a cocktail of hurt and jealousy, blinded him to the truth. He saw only the pack, the firelight dancing in Liam's crimson eyes, and the whispers of a bond blooming in the shadows.

"Liam," he spat, his voice laced with venom. "Is that it? Is that why you threw away everything I offered, for a dog?"

Rosemary, her heart clenching, met his gaze with a mixture of pain and defiance. "Liam is my friend, Vernon," she said, her voice firm. "A friend who offered me refuge when you, blinded by the Institute's gilded bars, couldn't."

Vernon, his anger boiling over, lunged forward, his crimson cloak a blur of fury. He grabbed her arm, his grip tight enough to leave bruises. "Don't you dare!" he roared, his emerald eyes burning with something that chilled her to the bone. "You belonged to me, Rosemary!."

Vernon, his crimson cloak a whisper against the rough stone, cornered Rosemary against the damp wall. The air crackled with unspoken desires, fueled by stolen glances and moonlit walks with the werewolf pups. His emerald eyes, usually brimming with playful charm, burned with a feverish intensity that set her heart racing.