

He tried to punch one of them but was too slow and ended up falling on the floor when he missed and lost balance.The minions laughed at him causing Lucas' blood to boil.He tried standing up and fight them back but he was kicked across the face causing him to fall back and they beat him black and blue as they mocked him.

"You're a loser.You should go back to the hole you call a home. oh!wait, you don't have a home.Your mother is missing and your dada is in prison for murder.Poor weak Lucas all alone."

Lucas looked to be in immense pain as blood sput from his mouth but even that could not ammount to the pain he felt in his heart.He knew that What the boys had said was true.He was all alone with no family members nearby and the only one who cared about him was an old man who he usually assisted from time to time.He had to work many part time jobs just to put food on the table and pay bills and school work.He felt pity for himself.

"People like you don't belong here,"he heard one of the boys say.

He looked at Nick who just stood there as he got beaten.Lucas called out for help from but he didn't do anything.He just watched.One of the boys noticed Lucas looking towards Nick's direction and walked towards him and order

"Hit him!"


Seeing Nick hesitating, he roughly pushed him against the wall and held him by his collar and said,

"It's either you hit him or you join him and end up in the same state."

Nick could see the seriousness in his face the look in his eyes that held malicious intents of what he'll do to him if he defied.The other boys who had been beating Lucas stopped and looked at him.He pleaded with Nick not to do it but it was useless Nick had already kicked him across the face and stomach causing him to spur out more blood and Nick still continued kicking Lucas untill Lucas blacked out.

A few hours later...

Lucas was lying on a table as an old man was treating him."How can kids be so cruel!".He mumbled to himself in disbelief."Didn't Nick help you he's your friend right?"

Looking at the ceiling in deep thought, I quickly replied,"Not anymore."

As soon as the old man had finished,Lucas sat up and thanked him and got ready to leave when the old man told him to wait and he went to the next room to get something.He then came back with a book which looked somewhat new but still was covered by dust and handed it over to Lucas saying

"Read it.It will help you grow stronger."

Lucas thanked him and then left heading back home limping.

On arrival at home,he placed his bag close to his bed and headed to his little gas stove to prepare supper.After eating he lay on his bed careful not to open up his wounds as he thought of what wrong he had done in his life to deserve all of that misfortune.While thinking,he remembered the book he was given and decided to read it to take his mind of his problems.

He took out the book from his bag and started reading it

'Through hardships and struggles a warrior will rise and from another realm he shall come but only he with the right guidance and heart will he rule over and defeat his enemies' Lucas didn't understand what it meant but continued reading

'In order for him to transform he shall have to say the words...'

As soon as he had finished reading the text aloud,a white light covered the entire room and then everything went black.

Lucas woke up to find himself floating on a shallow pool of water.A mark had appeared on his arm and his clothes were soaking wet.He stood up to look at his surroundings only to find himself surrounded by people who had strange marks or maybe paint on the faces and wore clothes of the ancient times and aimed their spears towards his neck.Lucas while trembling mumbled to himself,"where the hell am I?"