
Erotical: Punishment And Reward level up.

"Wait! You are goddess Aphrodite?" Lucas, a 17-year-old virgin, was dumbfounded by the ravishing beauty that slowly revealed her entire body, like a slow painting, as she materialized on his bed in revealing clothes. In just one day, he made hasty decisions that turned his life upside down. Lucas had a rather mundane life, either hanging out with his mom or spending time on the internet watching girls in skimpy clothes. He didn't interact much with people and always preferred to be left alone, especially after his father left. Then Aphrodite had come into his life like a ray of seduction, whisking him away from his home and his mother, who meant everything to him, to a distant land for her selfish reasons - to use him as her right-hand sword. Lucas was granted a system and became as strong as a god, annihilating all of Aphrodite's enemies until there was none left. Everything would have gone smoothly for him, and he would have been able to go back to his mom. However, he made a mistake by rejecting the advances of a goddess. As a result, his wish was granted, but Aphrodite was always there to make things harder for him so he could die faster and come back to her. Lucas has to navigate all obstacles Aphrodite throws at him to survive and also level up using Prime Crystals. "I can't just sit around and play by her rules and constantly fear death... I need to become more powerful. More powerful than even a god." The need to urgently level up arose combined with the looming threat of another planet approaching Gaia Prime. Lucas must survive...will he? ______ ~Kindly support this book with power stones and also leave comments and reviews so I know what you all think! Please note that this book is not going to be solely based on smut as the book has an actual plot.

Marcel_Mercy · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Is that really what you want?

Lucas' face immediately flushed red, to be honest, he had never been close to a lady like this before he had even been a virgin when he arrived here and he still was one, so having Aphrodite pressing her massive chest up against his back just made him very flustered.

"Mmmm…what do you say, Lucas? You can do whatever you want with me for a night." Her honey-coated words were just right beside his ear and then he felt a small tug on his ear as she bit lightly on his ear.

He flinched a bit in shock as he felt his member start to react to her closeness and the way she now rubbed on him and sucked hard on his ear before letting go and blowing air on it softly.

He was very tempted to just throw caution to the wind and accept her advances but his rational mind reminded him that she was probably just doing this to trap him in this realm so he would keep being her tool to use if her position was ever threatened. He had first-hand experience with how cunning she could be over the years.

So with every fiber and strength he could muster from within him, he declined. "My answer is still no."

"Think again Lucas…you would have the ecstasy of your life…" her voice continued as though she didn't just hear his rejection, she probably already sensed his weak willpower and just wanted to push a bit more.

"Look here…" Like a spell, his eyes trailed to her face before dropping down to her massive chest to see the huge opening in her cleavage tempting him invitingly. "Just say yes and you can have it all…" Her hand dropped to rest on his outstretched, strong legs before starting to hitch up slowly.

'OMG! I know I have always fantasized about having her one day but- but not on this condition…' Lucas's thought was in disarray as his hands already began to rise, his right coming to rest on her waist and the other on her hand that had now come to rest on his crotch.

He opened his mouth to tell her to stop but he just opened and closed it, he squeezed the flesh on her waist, and feeling that soft tender flesh beneath he became even more interested.

Her left palm moved to the back of her dress to pull at the robe binding her dress in place tightly.

She tugged at the hem of her dress, her fingers working the fabric loose. The material gave way with a soft sigh, and the dress fell away, revealing more of her supple, tantalizing flesh.

Her skin was a pale, flawless alabaster, and her curves were full and inviting. She stood there for a moment, letting the cool air caress her skin.

"Go on…" Inviting him to explore with a seductive smile.

Closing his eyes briefly he tried to hold on to his sanity as he felt his trousers becoming more uncomfortable as they tightened up painfully, he must be feeling "female starved".

In one quick move, he gave her a soft push, creating distance between them, and jumped off the balcony to land on the outstretched branch of a tree not too far off from where he previously stood.

Aphrodite stumbled a bit before regaining her balance. "You idiot! I offered myself to you and you refused!" Her voice thundered in anger. She was the one who was supposed to reject not the other way around. 

"I made my decision, now don't go back on your words Aphrodite." With that last statement, he hopped off the branch and landed softly on the tiled ground below like it was not almost two hundred feet in the air.

"You!" Rushing to the balcony and looking down, she cursed him as she gazed at his retreating figure.

"How dare he!" She was half bent as she screamed out. Her voice was very loud, like iron scrapping iron. Her anger could be felt as everywhere grew colder this made the servant back in the room flinch in fear but remained rooted to their spots with a blank look.

"Arrrrh!" With a stomp, she turned around and made her way back into the room.

"You, go make sure the preparation for the party is sped up." With a huff, she paused mid-step and let out puffs of air as though releasing her anger before she walked past the servants and towards the door with purposeful steps.

The door was immediately opened up from outside and she walked out like that in her state of partial undress, but the guard didn't even dare to peek else they watched their heads roll.


In a throne room, with Gold sparkling everywhere and white curtains draped all around strategic huge pillars standing around as though taking up most of the space there.

At the very end of the room on a raised platform instead of a chair to represent the throne was a very large bed that seemed to be two king-sized beds joined together.

There was a transparent canopy overhead giving the whole feel of a seductive atmosphere.

Aphrodite lay on the bed on one side draped in only a thin material that enhanced and revealed her curves in all of their glory as she picked and plopped strawberries from a golden goblin into her mouth while two servants each on her sides slowly fanned the huge feathers in their hands.

The silence was loud with only the occasional whoosh of the feathered fans in the hands of the maids.

The sound of clacking heels resonated around as Lucas's form slowly revealed itself as he made his way up the stairs and into the throne room.

Aphrodite never strayed her gaze from his approaching figure. 'Hmmmm he has grown into a tantalizing man, too bad he is so stubborn tsk!' She pushed another strawberry between her vivid red pouty lips as she slowly chewed.

"You sent for me." Lucas stopped in his tracks just a few feet away from the stairs leading to the raised platform.

"Yes, I did. And just so you know, the party was a blast." Speaking lazily she slowly sat upright so she could look down at him properly. A flash of restrained anger flashed in her eyes but was gone as soon.

Seeing as Lucas remained silent she continued. "Well, I have called you here to honor the promise I made to you fifty years ago." 

There was a slight shift in Lucas' expression but he quickly masks it. 

"As I said then I would grant you one wish within my power, so make your wish." She plopped another berry between her lips and chewed as though lost in thought.

"I wish to return home," Lucas replied in a heartbeat.

"Is that really what you want?" Her voice took on a darker hint as a small devilish smile played on her lips and her eyes sparkled.

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