
Erotical: Punishment And Reward level up.

"Wait! You are goddess Aphrodite?" Lucas, a 17-year-old virgin, was dumbfounded by the ravishing beauty that slowly revealed her entire body, like a slow painting, as she materialized on his bed in revealing clothes. In just one day, he made hasty decisions that turned his life upside down. Lucas had a rather mundane life, either hanging out with his mom or spending time on the internet watching girls in skimpy clothes. He didn't interact much with people and always preferred to be left alone, especially after his father left. Then Aphrodite had come into his life like a ray of seduction, whisking him away from his home and his mother, who meant everything to him, to a distant land for her selfish reasons - to use him as her right-hand sword. Lucas was granted a system and became as strong as a god, annihilating all of Aphrodite's enemies until there was none left. Everything would have gone smoothly for him, and he would have been able to go back to his mom. However, he made a mistake by rejecting the advances of a goddess. As a result, his wish was granted, but Aphrodite was always there to make things harder for him so he could die faster and come back to her. Lucas has to navigate all obstacles Aphrodite throws at him to survive and also level up using Prime Crystals. "I can't just sit around and play by her rules and constantly fear death... I need to become more powerful. More powerful than even a god." The need to urgently level up arose combined with the looming threat of another planet approaching Gaia Prime. Lucas must survive...will he? ______ ~Kindly support this book with power stones and also leave comments and reviews so I know what you all think! Please note that this book is not going to be solely based on smut as the book has an actual plot.

Marcel_Mercy · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Aphrodite Temptation.

Standing at the entrance of the room was a captivating figure—a lady exuding an aura of both hunger and thirst for life. She possessed an undeniable beauty that seemed to command attention.

Her most striking feature was her vibrant pink hair, styled in an elaborate fashion. The majority of it was elegantly packed atop her head, creating a stunning display, while a few carefully arranged strands cascaded down, framing her face in delightful curls.

Each lock of hair seemed to possess a playful energy, dancing around her face like tendrils of curiosity.

The lady's fair face was a natural masterpiece, void of makeup yet radiating charm.

Her pointed small nose, perfectly shaped eyebrows, and pouty lips added to her captivating beauty, complementing her oval-like face with a small, pointed chin.

But one couldn't help succumbing to the captivating allure of the lady, her enchanting beauty seemingly enhanced by every captivating detail.

Her endlessly long legs conveyed a sense of elegance and grace, while her flawless skin radiated a soft and ethereal glow.

And it was her generous curves, particularly her voluminous breasts, that seemed to defy containment, straining against the delicate material that dared to confine them, adding to the air of tantalizing sensuality that surrounded her.

"I have found him, he is on the balcony." The servant reported dutifully as she made sure to keep her head lowered to avoid eye contact.

Not even waiting for the servant to land with her sentence, she sauntered off in the direction of the balcony as she brushed the servant out of the way.

"Lucas! Why don't you answer me when I call out to you?" She stepped out onto the balcony and placed her hands firmly on her slender waist in annoyance.

"What do you want again, Aphrodite?" Sounding bored, Lucas spun around nimbly on his feet. From where he was seated, if he were to miss a step it would be a long drop down and into a bloody pulp.

"Well, you should have answered me when I called out to you." Folding her hands underneath her breasts making them push outwards even more as the breeze creased her hair making it flutter.

After waiting for a reply and getting none she was about to make an outburst when she heard him reply to her.

"Is it another one of your enemies you want me to annaliate? Just spit it out." 

"That's why I am here, so we can celebrate! Auccurax was the last on my list and now my position can no longer be threatened and so we have to celebrate!" She threw her hands in excitement as she talked, completely happy that this time she had chosen the right human to pull over from the human parallel realm to help fight for her place.

You see, five years from now the fight for position would take place, it was called the "Crown keeper" This was a contest that took place every one thousand years. In this contest, the other uncrowned gods and goddesses would have a chance to demand a fight with the crowned gods and goddesses for their place and crown since only the strongest could rule.

Well, she had been slacking off in her training and had grown considerably weaker, and not wanting to lie to herself she had cooked up a plan,

_Find a strong vessel with an unyielding will from any parallel realm and gift them an invincible system.

_Assist them in training and leveling up to the point of ascension. Boom! She now had her very own killing machine that would be under her and obey her every command as she was their creator because of the system she had given to them.

And so that was how she had found sweet young Lucas and she had made him so strong and honed his skills for years before sending him on missions to assassinate those who she had gathered information about wanting to fight for her crown.

So this was her reason for being so excited but sadly Lucas didn't seem to share the same excitement.

"So since they are all dead now, when do I get to go back home?" Lucas perked up on hearing her last sentence, his gaze cold, waiting for a reply.

"Why are you in such a hurry? We will have a discussion about that later! For now, we feast and celebrate!" 

"Not interested." Lucas turned her down as he slowly turned his body in the railing to now back her. His gaze roamed over the tall trees and different building structures that seemed to float in the air, very different from back on Earth.

Silence seemed to fall all around as neither of them uttered another word. The only sound is the gentle howl of the wind. Lucas just chalked the silence from behind him to her having left but then he heard her voice again.

"There would be lots of meat and wine…and beauties I know you haven't had any since you arrived here due to training but I would find you the best of the best." Her eyes flashed as she tried to tempt him to give up his idea of returning home as she didn't want him to leave.

"No." Came his clipped answer without even turning to look at her.

"Would you still say no if I offer myself up for one night?" Her soft voice reached his ears and he immediately felt the heated presence of her behind him, her hot breath fanning his neck.

His face immediately flushed red, to be honest, he had never been close to a lady like this before, he had even been a virgin when he arrived here and he still was one, so having Aphrodite pressing her massive chest up against his back just made him very flustered.

"Mmmm…what do you say, Lucas? You can do whatever you want with me for a night." Her honey-coated words were just right beside his ear and then he felt a small tug at his ear as she bit lightly on his ear.

What do you think Lucas would do guys? let me know in the comments! Don't forget to drop power stones if you enjoyed this chap.

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