
Epic Of Ant

Cain, who is a 30-year-old man, was in a ton of debt from spending his money gambling all the time. This leads to everyone around his life leaving him and never meeting him again. Now jumping from the edge of a big corporate building. Cain gets transported into another world full of monsters and magic. Except for this time he's reincarnated as an Ant. Now under his new nickname, Sain, he traverses the world trying to live a normal life while also leading one of the greatest monster kingdoms. This is the story of an ant who rose to the top of the food chain. This is the Epic of Ant

Powerboy1763 · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Lord of Poison

Alright! I have sought to seek stronger creatures to eat and gain strength from. It's been a while since I defeated the group of worms that have come to avenge their fallen brother. After that, any worm creature I have met has been running away as fast as they can.

My initial reaction was one of confusion. But, after more worms started to run away I kind of enjoyed being a beacon of fear for the worms.

"Yes! Run away, weaklings! Or you will feel the power of my bite!"

Maybe a little too much...Whatever, I started walking through the grassy fields again to look for any creatures to attack or even eat. To my surprise, I found myself in some kind of river. I then looked around to find no one. Huh. Strange...

"This is creeping me out. Shouldn't animals be drinking from the wa-TER!"

I look behind me to find a large snake in front of me. It was staring directly into the depths of my soul and by its stare, I could only guess what it was doing. Soon, the snake lunged directly at me with its fangs wanting to eat me in one huge gulp.

"What did I even do!?"

I look to my left to find its tail slapping the shit out of me and directly sending me to the other side of the river. I stood up again to find myself looking at the snake trying to cross the water with its tail.

"Haha! Good luck passing the river!"

The snake then used its tail to flow to the river and jump to the other side and land behind me.

" This is fucking bullshit..."

I said in a low voice and turn around to find the snake behind me and ready to bite the shit out of me. I then feel my [Danger sense] going crazy in my mind. The snake then strikes again at my body making me fall to the floor in pain.

[Warning! You are in a state of Critical health! Heal Immediately!]

I get up from the ground, but still in pain from his bite using his sharp fangs. The Snake noticed this and prepared to use his tail to end me using a finishing blow. I, on the other hand, will not stand this! I jumped with all the strength I have and bit his eye.

The snake felt the pain surging around its body and became stunned to the ground. I used this chance to bit repeatedly to no end until it dyed.

[You have gained 720XP]

[You have gained the title Lord of poison]

[All Hp has been healed]

"Whew! I thought I was dead for a second. Now, time to eat this bad boy!"

I began taking the snake apart piece by piece. Its meat wasn't the best but it also wasn't the worst. I spent 3 hours eating the snake before I turned it into a skeleton. Ahhhh, now that's over with, time to head home.

[You have gained a new variation to the skill [Ant bite]. [Poisnious Ant Bite] can now be used]

Holy shit! I can now poison others! This will come in handy. First, STATUS!


[Name: None

[Class: None

[Race: Tropical Ant

[Level 3/12 [XP: 800/950]

[HP: 10/10 [MP: 1/1 [Stamina:125/125]

[Strength: 4

[Defense: 3

[Magic: 1

[Speed: 3

[Luck: 0

[Skills: [Compound Eyes] [Ant Bite] [Danger sense] [Ant Strength] [Omnivorous Diet] [Poisnious Ant Bite]

[Titles: [The Outcast] [Lord of Poision]

Hmm...I wonder what [Lord of Poison] does? Huh? in front of me appeared another screen.

[Lord of Poison]

A skill used by those that have any connection to poisonous beings or spirits.

Grants 50% more damage using poisonous skills or weaponry

...This is too broken to be true. Well, whatever if anyone comes to face me they better prepare for a slow and painful death. I then closed both screens and turned around to look around me. I then remembered, how can I return to the other side of the river?

I mean, thanks to that idiot snake I was launched to the other side of the river. Hmmm. Maybe I can walk around it.

I start to move around the river trying to find any way to cross to the other side. The river seemed endless as there was no sight of any item that could allow crossing the opposite side until now.

"huh? What's that?"

I was approaching what looked to be a rock formation that leads across the river. However, a giant creature made of stone was guarding it.

"surely isn't that hostile"

I start approaching the creature, which is soon revealed to be a stone statue of a knight. I cross under the stone statue's legs and use rock formation to cross the river.

As I crossed I noticed something. The statue was a bit unnerving, to be honest, it was shaped like a knight yet its details show huge armor and a large sword.

I decide to put these thoughts away and continue moving-!

"Danger sense! Something is coming!"

I look around to me locate danger. Suddenly a large snake bigger than the last one appears. It hurls over to me, but I dodge at the last second.

"Why does Mother nature hate me!?!?"

I look closely at the snake it has white skin with gold markings and gold fangs. Its fangs secreting a reddish liquid which I guessed was poison. It's also worth mentioning that this snake was faster and stronger than the previous snake.

Each attack by the snake's tail made the ground shatter apart. I had to run. It was the only option right now. [Danger sense] was running rampant that I started getting headaches mid-battle. I dashed away from the snake into the forest.

I turned into every corner and every sharp turn until I was now hiding behind a tree and the snake was still looking for me. I hold my breath and pray it doesn't find me. The snake then turns towards the tree that I'm hiding behind.

It continues heading towards the tree and began to hiss at it. I'm dead. I thought to myself as I waited for the snake to attack...But he never attacked. I turn around and saw him leaving the place while having a disappointed face.

"That was fucking terrifying. I need to head back to my shelter."

I began moving towards the location of my shelter through the forest. It was now nighttime by the time I arrived. But, when I arrived I saw them. A group of snakes...destroying my house! How dare they! I will!...No, I need to control my anger.

That white snake definitely had a hand in this. Fine, they want a fight. I'll give them a fight! You better pray for god to save you now because I'm all out of mercy now!