
Eons of Evolution: I Am God

God descended on the most ancient barbaric earth and primeval seas. He is the beginning of everything, he created wisdom and life, he is the Creator of all living beings. In the passage of time, stories turn into epics, epics become myths, and finally myths are buried in the years. God alone is eternal. Fanfic/Translation

Damon_Gray · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Chapter 13 The Gift of Power

The young Yesel exuded charm and passion that overflowed from his words, and everyone could feel it. He raised his arms and shouted that thousands of people were following him, which made everyone's blood boil.

"Follow me!" he said. "Together, we will conquer the sea and become masters of the ocean. We will build a new city comparable to the God-given city, a new paradise where we can fulfill our ambitions and ideals. With God's gaze upon us, we will create the future!"

Crowds of young people cheered violently and surrounded Prince Yesel's mansion. These young people, with an adventurous and pioneering spirit, hoped to follow Yesel to the deep sea and open up a new home, conquer the ocean, and achieve far more than their parents.

Meanwhile, a man rushed to the palace of the King of Wisdom and confronted Ledliki, despite the guards' obstruction at the gate. He was Ledley eldest son, the man who had once come to God with Ledley, joyfully holding his offspring in his arms.

He stood under the throne and looked at the tall male Sanye man standing next to him with his back to the throne, hysterically shouting at him.

"Father," he said. "Why is it always Yesel? Why was he chosen to become a priest? Why was he given the fusion monster? And why did he get to go and open up the new city?"

He clenched his teeth tightly, and his pupils gathered and trembled violently.

"Do you know how long I have been preparing to open a new city in the deep sea?" he continued. "Do you know that I've been waiting for you to tell me that I'm the person you chose?"

Ledley slowly turned around. Unlike his impatient and angry eldest son, he looked majestic and calm. He first looked at his eldest son and then spoke slowly.

"Boy!" he said. "I am your king first and then your father. Is this how you speak to your king?"

This time, his eldest son was completely different from before. When he heard this, he stopped himself and seemed to have touched the most painful scar in his heart. There was some unpleasant laughter, which seemed to be directed at himself.

"Boy this? Boy that, shut up!" he said. "You won't even call me by my name? This isn't how you talk to Yesel. My great King of Wisdom, you gave me a name. My name is Ens!"

Ens was actually means gift. For Ledley, his eldest son was a gift from the gods. When Ens was born, Ledley was the happiest he had ever been. He was full of expectations for his eldest son, thinking that he was his future heir, his own will, and his ideal companion. But as much as his expectations were high, his disappointment was just as great.

Ledley's eldest son looked up at his father. "You haven't called me by my name since I was born, but since Yesel was born, you've always called him affectionately. I'm also your son, your eldest son," he said. "Father, how favored God and you are. You gave everything to Yesel. You gave him the power that God gave you, and you gave him the fusion monster that God gave you. Why can't we have these things? Why can't I?"

When Ledley heard his son mention God, his eyes suddenly changed from indifference to fierce. They fell on Ens like a knife.

"Oh?" he said. "Are you questioning me or God?"

Ens shook his head. "I dare not."

I dare not, but I don't agree with you.

The air became silent.

Ledley gazed at his son Ens, who stood motionless. Despite Ens' offense, Ledley forgave him, maintaining his regal demeanor as a king. Speaking in a commanding tone, he declared, "I do not show favoritism towards Yesel. I will give you the same opportunity." Ens eyed his father with suspicion but eventually left without saying another word.

Earlier, Ledley had engaged in a heated argument with his eldest son, who had expressed something that left Ledley both disappointed and saddened. This confrontation motivated him to initiate his plan sooner than anticipated. His eldest son's words also made him realize that he had been overly partial towards Yesel, neglecting to offer the same chances to his other children.

"It's time to act," Ledley thought, as he ascended the temple stairs. This time, instead of praying for guidance, he beseeched the gods for assistance. "Gods!" he cried. "I implore you to grant some of my children with my mythical blood, so that they too can become priests with divine power." He petitioned Rico to endow his offspring with the gift of divine power.

Although Ledley claimed to have no favorites among his children, he still cared deeply for all of them and desired to see them excel. As the aging king of wisdom, he had grown less confident, which did not go unnoticed by the god on the divine platform.

"Ledley," the god addressed him. "Giving enough will not satisfy the void of desire, and favoritism cannot erase the mountain of resentment."

Ledley did not fully comprehend the god's words and smiled up at him. "I have faith that my children will become your most loyal servants. They will become great talents, opening new lands and leading our people to become the masters of the sea and land."

Rico, the god, smiled but warned Ledley of the consequences of bestowing divine power upon his children. He cautioned that once he relinquished the power, he could not retrieve it, particularly the power of the King of Wisdom, which was the supreme authority and the only divine power that can cause mass destruction.

Despite the warning, Ledley pledged to bring his children to the temple the next day. However, Rico declined, telling Ledley that he could choose who would receive his power.

Placing his hand on Ledley's head, Rico delved into his memories and knowledge, imparting what he deemed necessary to Ledley consciousness.

Ledley's eyes glowed white as he received the power and magic taught to him by the god. It was the first magic in the world and the supreme secret of the royal family.