
Enjoying my life in Marvel, (BL)

This is a fanfiction i will write at the Side, since i focus more on my other one, that's based on Twilight. You might not see the other one, since i wanna write around 10 chapters first, before releasing it. This is more a way for me to write a fun story with bl elements, i will not take this story seriously and some character will or may act differently than you want. Also you guys know the Typical trope behind transmigration or reincarnation by now. So expect nothing less! This story might be filled with typical stereotypes!

Iced_Red_Tea · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
25 Chs

Chapter 1 Marvel universe

On the Hottest day of summer, you could see our protagonists struggling with the heat, as he laid on the Kitchen floor and was using a crudely made paper fan in hopes to cool him down. "Why must the AC break on the Hottest day of summer?" The Mc complained, a sweat pool on the ground the proof for his suffering. Suddenly he heard his phone ring and reluctantly got up. As he wanted to grab the countertop to lift him up, he slipped on the pool of his sweat and his hands also slipped off the countertop making him fall head first into the Corner if it.

"Fucking shit!" our Mc cursed as his head hit the countertop corner with full speed. His Vision blurred as pain assaulted his head, as he touched his forehead he felt it was wet, taking his hand down, thinking it was probably sweat he saw it was blood. Cursing he tried getting up again, only to slip again and this time hitting the back of his head. "What shitty comedy skit is this?" the Mc cursed and his vision turned dark.

A angry shout was heard in a void. "What? I died because you accidentally broke my Ac? I shouldn't have died such a stupid death?" The shouting voice was clearly from our Mc who just found out his death was a mistake, from an elderly man, who is known as Rob, though his real name is Bob Uchiha! "Please do not spread false information author!" The Old guy complained and looked offended into the Air. Okay okay the name of this Random Old Baldy is "*&©®°^$$¥¢^°©≥¥£$¢" Oh you couldn't read it? Then i am sorry that just means you are to simple minded.

Anyway the Old Guy here is going to give our Mc three wishes and send him to marvel as compensation! "Wait i haven't even decided on that yet!" The Baldy tried to complain, but as Author and way higher being i simply choose to ignore him and force him to do as i say! "You will be given three wishes and get sent into the Marvel world as compensation!" The Old Baldy announced with a forced smile, as his body was controlled by me the Author!

"Cool, any limits?" The Mc asks and as the Baldy wanted to say something, i the author took control of him again. "No, no limits, go as op as you want! It's only a copy of the Marvel world anyway, sponsored by raid-" The Rob sweated and was lucky to have forcefully shut his mouth, before the Author could make him say more stupid shit. "Anyway as first wish, i want the Power of Eris, the one from the movie Sinbad."

The Rob just nodded and approved the Wish. "Secondly I want the Powers of Kindred from Lol" Rob nodded again, not daring to open his mouth and to decline. "Thirdly I want the Power to edit everything how i want it to be." The Rob was forced to nod and agree by the Author, much to his horror. "Good now choose how you wanna look like and off you go!" The Rob was forced to say and the mc thought for a bit.

"Make me look like Aya, from Bitten by Moonlight, the Manwha written by chada" The MC wished and the Rob needed to agree again. "You will be around 18 years old when you arrive. It's a week before Tony's kidnapping and you are a Orphan in hells kitchen. Your new name is Rose Night" Rob said fast, and send the Mc away, in hopes to make the Author leave his realm. But to his dismay the Author decided to stay and annoy the balding goat while watching his new plaything.

Rose woke up in an alley and pretty quickly got his backstory, Parents were part of a gang in hells kitchen, a gang war broke out and they were killed together with the entire gang. As Orphan he was send to the Only Orphanage in hells kitchen, where he was trained since young to be a pickpocket and a thief. Once he turned 16 he was thrown out on the street and since then he was living there.

After going through his new past, Rose felt around a inside his body and soon found out how to use his new powers. Eris gave him a lot powers and the coolest one was the summoning of her children. He could send the kraken on someone! As for Kindred? Well he could summon Kindreds mask and take the role of the Lamb. Gaining strong archery skills and the Lambs abilities, not to mention gaining wolf that would follow him around.

As for the power to edit everything? He could edit everything even himself, but decided to not play around with himself till he had more practice. Not wanting to accidentally turn himself into a different person. Trying to test the Power first and do something simple he picking up a stone, as he did he saw a screen pop up.


Just a normal stone you picked up from the Ground

He edited it and clicking on confirm, the stone changed to gold.


Valuable Gold, you could sell it for a good amount of Cash.

He could do more, like editing properties and could surely turn a brick into a god killing weapon, but where is the fun in that? Instead he looked down at his dirty and damaged clothes and started editing them. Out of a shirt stained with dirt and filled with holes, became a indestructible white blouse. His ripped pants, became good sitting black jeans. His shoes, socks and underwear also all got a huge upgrade. Every part of his clothing was now indestructible, always clean, would cool him down or heat up depending on the weather.

Rose then turned into mist for a few seconds, which made all the dirt and grime fall off his body and then turned back. Now clean and ready to leave hells kitchen.