
The past

As Jason walked down the halls of the Palace he could help but wonder if it would have been better to have died, even though his wounds had already healed what was the point he would be dead soon anyway.

How could he deal with a group of werewolves by himself with no backup, at least if he had died back then it would be less painful than it promised to be now.



(Jason is 27)

Everything was good, I was living life, I had a high position in a manufacturing company that had me sitting around all day doing very little for a lot of money, I may have had no friends or family but I had money more than I knew what to do with and alcohol never failed to be there when I needed it, so I couldn't, no I shouldn't complain but I was never satisfied.

The fact this would come to an end terrified me to no end, what would happen after I died, would I just disappear or would I be punished for the things I have done? God knows I am anything but a saint.

But this was a problem that I thought was still far into the future.

Until one day, I collapsed and I found out I was dying, apparently, all the drinking had taken its toll on me and my body, and there was nothing to be done I was going to die, I had two years at most.

That was when things started going downhill, no drinking fired from work, and penniless after trying to find a way to save my life, I had hit rock bottom no money no alcohol, nothing, just me and my hopelessness that was slowly but surely making its way to the forefront.

A year and a half later I was now sleeping on the streets, nowhere near the life I once had, that was when it happened, a rumor was spreading about creatures that were immortal and could heal from anything, Vampires.

That was the first time I had heard of such creatures, super speed, strength, and healing even if they had to drink human blood It was fine, as long as I lived everyone else could go to hell.

From then on, I Clung on to the hope that the rumors provided, no matter how small the chances of them being true were I had to follow it to the end, it was my only chance at life, an immortal life.

Time passed and my body became weaker and weaker, my life was coming to an end, but I never gave up hope, and maybe that encounter was a blessing but that thought only lasted for a small while.

One night as I was Looking for anything that could be What I was looking for, he appeared walking towards red eyes shining in the darkness as he approached, my instincts screamed at me to run but I knew better what was the point wasn't this what I was waiting for?

"You smell disgusting, you can't even provide me a decent meal, I guess I'll just kill you."

Hearing the man speak I was sure he was a vampire, pushing down my fear I spoke.

"Please, I may not be able to provide you a decent meal but if you make me like you I will obey you forever," I said Kneeling to this man.

"Cain what are you doing?" I heard a new voice it sounded cold a dangerous, so dangerous my body refused to move as I tried to look up.


"Master I didn't know you were here," Cain said as he was now also kneeling on the ground.

"You said you want to become like Cain? very well I will bless you with a bite from me, but it comes with a request. It's simple all you have to do Is light this city on fire."

"I will do anything," I answered not even thinking of what was asked of me.


That was all I heard before It happen, a bite then there was only pain it was indescribably unable to scream to move a laid there fighting to stay awake to stay alive.

"Remember if I don't see this city on fire in the next hour I will come back and kill you."

Left with no other choice when I was finally able to move, only twenty minutes left before I would be killed, I Ran to the factory where there were many flammable liquids, and one by one I moved them throughout the city one by one until out of one hundred that was there before only ten were left in the factory.

I lit the remaining ones before spending off to do the same to the others.




One after the other numerous explosions could be heard throughout the city, it wasn't long before most of the city was on fire, see no choice I ran out of the city only to meet Cain and another man, even after being made a vampire this man gave me an unparallel feeling of fear.

"You really did it, I thought you would try to run." The man spoke.

"Why, why did you want it done?" I asked

"It's simple, the people weren't perfect they deserved to die for appearing before my eyes, listen closely I'm sure you can hear it if you stop blocking it out," he said With a smile.

I wasn't sure what he was talking about, but as I looked back at the burning city It hit me all the screams of pain the crying, it finally hit me what I had done, How could I kill so many people, no it wasn't me, it wasn't me, it was him he controlled me I was too weak to fight back, all these deaths are on his hands, I will avenge them, I may be weak now but if I continue to live one day I will bring vengeance to them.

(Jason pov end)

And so years passed after Jason had convinced himself he was controlled to do what he did, ah he pretended to live and kill in the name of the people he had killed, blaming others every time he killed or feed on a human, but if anything he had become a master of deceiving other and even himself showing others a false persona and even fooling himself to believe to was being controlled and he wasn't a monster.