
Endless light

A young girl who wants nothing more than been loved was subjected to harsh treatment from her mother and sister down to everyone around her, she was like a plauge just because.... she is human. But what happens when she finds her mate..?? Will he also treat her like the others or would she finally get what she wants....??? ....... 'he is so handsome, like a supreme' Valerie thought 'but why.... why was he so scary...??' He was staring at her like a being that found an oasis in the desert. He closed in on her like a predator trying not to scare it's prey, he knew she was scared but why does this little fairy keeps moving away from him..?? At first it was that captivating scent but after he crossed that door his mind was stolen. 'I must have her' he thought. then she suddenly started running which made him more excited and he pounced on her. "Ahhhhhh!!!" she screamed and fell. What happened to Val.....? join me and see how Valerie becomes one of the strongest beings ever!!!

Edo_Elizabeth · Fantasía
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5 Chs

chapter 4 - Five continents

The hall was filled with different creatures, there was elves, faries, werewolves and witches with few vampires.

There's always less vampires, people were still scared of them.

In the past vampires always fed on other creatures even to the extent of killing them, till the last two rulers took over, it's been better ever since but there were still few kills once in a while. It was illegal though.

There were also a few drawfs and gnomes with dragons, but they weren't from here, they flew in from another continent.

You'll find a dozen or so drawfs and gnomes in other kingdoms, but most of them don't stay in this continent.

There are five continents in total, there are Agnon continent, frost font continent, Nightrey continent and orczy continent with Vance continent.

The smallest of all was frost font continent its the coldest place ever, it never stops snowing and is the place for the ice people, the largest was Vance continent that's the home for the vampires, werewolves, witches, elves and faries. 

It was larger than the other four continents combined.

The Agnon continent was home for dragons and gaints then the Orczy continent was home for drawfs, gnomes and orcs. 

While the Nightrey continent was a forbidden land and is the home for demons.

No one is allowed to go there and neither are they allowed here.