
Endless light

A young girl who wants nothing more than been loved was subjected to harsh treatment from her mother and sister down to everyone around her, she was like a plauge just because.... she is human. But what happens when she finds her mate..?? Will he also treat her like the others or would she finally get what she wants....??? ....... 'he is so handsome, like a supreme' Valerie thought 'but why.... why was he so scary...??' He was staring at her like a being that found an oasis in the desert. He closed in on her like a predator trying not to scare it's prey, he knew she was scared but why does this little fairy keeps moving away from him..?? At first it was that captivating scent but after he crossed that door his mind was stolen. 'I must have her' he thought. then she suddenly started running which made him more excited and he pounced on her. "Ahhhhhh!!!" she screamed and fell. What happened to Val.....? join me and see how Valerie becomes one of the strongest beings ever!!!

Edo_Elizabeth · Fantasy
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5 Chs

chapter 3 - The ball 2

Valerie walked into the bathroom to quickly freshen up, she was given just twenty minutes and she dare not miss a second after that. 

she would be safe for now, since her father was home, but that didn't mean she could slack off or she would be in trouble whenever her father leaves the house.

she stared at the weak girl in the mirror and felt sorry for her, she wasn't that bad looking just dark circles under her eyes indicating she was stressed out.

she didn't sleep throughout the night, she tossed and turned till dawn because she was scared and nervous about the ball.

Lots of people will be there and they'll all stare at her and curse her, if it wasn't for her father she'll prefer to lock herself in her room till the party was over, but she couldn't.

" I want you by my side" her father had told her last night. " I haven't seen you for over a month and I miss you. Don't you miss me sweetie??"

He smiled at me with love and care in his eyes.

I really love him I couldn't tell him no.

" of course I miss you too Dad" I said with a weak smile of my own.

dad always travel to different places, I really don't know what he does but he would sometimes rush of and takes time before coming back, he would look sad and tired whenever he comes back, and looks at me with pity and sadness.

I didn't know what that look meant, I somewhat assume it was because of how everyone treated me, he knows what mom and Becky does and would scold them whenever he gets back, and that always results in more beating and work whenever he leaves.

that's why I try my best to look Ok whenever he returns. It's really tiring though.

she wore her dress quickly, it was a pale blue long sleeve evening dress that stopped at her ankle, it had a really simple style and was plain enough to not draw attention, just as she liked it.

the dress complimented her pale and snow white skin and slender waist, she left her hair down so she could hide her face when she gets there, it gave her a little sense of security, she hardly cut her hair and she really didn't want to anyway. It'll just grow back after a year, that's the only difference she had.

her hair was really long, it went past her butt and stopped at her mid thigh.

her father said it was beautiful that way, oh and yes her eyes. It was rather unique he says.