
Endless light

A young girl who wants nothing more than been loved was subjected to harsh treatment from her mother and sister down to everyone around her, she was like a plauge just because.... she is human. But what happens when she finds her mate..?? Will he also treat her like the others or would she finally get what she wants....??? ....... 'he is so handsome, like a supreme' Valerie thought 'but why.... why was he so scary...??' He was staring at her like a being that found an oasis in the desert. He closed in on her like a predator trying not to scare it's prey, he knew she was scared but why does this little fairy keeps moving away from him..?? At first it was that captivating scent but after he crossed that door his mind was stolen. 'I must have her' he thought. then she suddenly started running which made him more excited and he pounced on her. "Ahhhhhh!!!" she screamed and fell. What happened to Val.....? join me and see how Valerie becomes one of the strongest beings ever!!!

Edo_Elizabeth · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 - The ball

" answer me, where did you hide it??"

Just then someone spoke from the doorway.

" What's the matter Becky??" a young woman asked, she looked like an older version of Becky. With more makeup and bigger jewelries adorned on her neck and hands.

" Mother it's nothing, just putting this slave in her place " she glared daggers at Valerie. 

Although she called the woman mother, she looked no less like an elder sister,

Her daughter inherited her Amber colored eyes. and those eyes were looking at Valerie with disgust, like she was the most hateful thing ever, which she was in their eyes.

" Don't waste precious time on unnecessary things dear, it's not worth it. Come now, the ball is about to start, we have to greet the guests" then she turned to Valerie and said with irritation laced in her voice.

" I want to see you out in the next twenty minutes, I don't want to listen to Edward's complains, I don't know what he sees in you, you're nothing but trash, your existance is a mistake and you should not even be in this world to begin with if not for Edward's sake". 

she spat at Valerie before turning to leave with her daughter.

" yes mother" Valerie replied with her head hung low, staring at her feet with sadness and hurt in her eyes, her mother never forgets to remind her she was an unwanted being, and she couldn't help but feel heartbroken Everytime, she should have gotten used to it by now, but it still hurts, she sometimes wonder if she really gave birth to her.

Edward her father and the only one that loves her for who she was always showers her with love and always reminds her she is special and should love herself, he is the only reason she was alive and still able to tolerate living, Him and the fact she haven't found her mate.

And she sometimes doesn't want to meet him, what if he was like the others??

Then she'll really not want to live anymore...