
Endless Journey Through the Cosmos

In a land full of Unknown secrets cultivation and Rare Bloodlines. Ezra will have to face many challenges and enemies to find out what he truly Is. what his purpose is in this world And what mysteries lie in the endless sky. This is my first time writing a novel. I will do my best to improve my writing style and spelling. Thank you for reading my novel. Also i know that there are some mistakes with the name Spirit Wind sect i accidentally put Wind Spirit but it should be the Spirit WInd Sect If you have suggestions on what i can improve feel free to let me know in the comments

Feartreeko · Oriental
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24 Chs

He wouldn't

Marcus How far away is the Phantom Mist Forest. Ezra asked after they left the sight of the house. Marcus thought for a moment. Before answering it's about 10 days East of here.


Ezra was stunned for a moment. Why are they live so close to the Phantom Mist Forest if they know how dangers It is. The more he thought about it the more he realized just how far way they lived from Sylvaria.


Marcus could tell what he Was thinking. Even though we live Kinda close to the Phantom Mist Forest there is no downside to it. Furthermore, People and beast don't want to get close to the Phantom Mist Forest, so we usually live a carefree life without having bandits and Beast trying to steal and kill us.


Ezra nodded, starting to understand more about why they chose to live so close to such a dangerous place.


We will have to go through a smaller forest and village to get to the forest. We can stop there to sleep and get food.


Wait. People actually live even closer to the Phantom Mist Forest.


Yes, who do you think found most of the Cultivators who were able to make it back out of the forest. Most people go there as a resting spot before attempting to go into the Phantom Mist Forst Marcus answered.


What the heck! Where's Ezra? Braidan Yelled hitting a nearby tree knocking it over along with all the other trees in its path. We have been searching the deepest parts of the forest for the past 6 days now and we haven't found any trace of him. Where could he be hiding?


I can't fail another mission. I cannot let the other sects get to him first. He gritted his teeth and was about to yell at the other disciples when a disciple ran over to him panting. Braidan someone thinks they spotted Ezra in the outer parts of the Shadow Forest.


Where tell me everything Braidan yelled in the other person's face. The disciple wiped off some of Braidan's spit before speaking. We overheard a few rogue cultivators talking about him while we were passing by. We asked them to tell us everything they knew. When they refused. We Caught them and threatened to kill them if they didn't tell us everything they knew. They didn't want to die so they told us everything.


We learned that about a day ago they saw two people exiting the side of the forest and heading east. From the description they gave us of the person we are sure it is Ezra. But we do not have any clue about the second person's identity. He said this all-in-one breath trying not to make Braidan angry.


The East side of the forest. Braidan wondered there not much out there except a small-town and. Oh he could not possibly be thinking of trying to escape into there. He started remembered all the stories and myths his parents and peers and elders had told about the Phantom Mist. Just thinking about it made his skin crawl and his face to go slightly pale. The other disciple was shocked to see Brendan's demeanor change so fast.


Go gather and tell all the other disciples to Go out of the forest and go east also send one person back to the sect to tell them about the situation. Braidan quickly wrote on a piece of paper and handed it to the disciple. I will go on ahead. I cannot let him even attempt to enter that place.


If he manages to enter the Phantom Mist Forest he will die, not that that matters much. But we will not be able to learn his secrets. Gather everyone and tell them to use their fasted speed to catch up to me Braidan then turned into a blur and rushed East.


The disciple never expected Braidan to just rush. As he came out of his shock he then did as Braidan asked.


About an hour later in another part of the Shadow Forest. Goji and Xeno had just gathered and were currently talking about a strategy to find Ezra. We do not even know where he is. How are we supposed to find him if we don't even have any idea of where he last was Goji grumbled.


The last place he might have been was by the waterfall. A few people found some of his essence there, but the trail goes dead from there Xeno added.


As they were talking, they heard footsteps coming closer to them as they turned to where they heard the noise. About 4 people emerged from the trees and as the two of them looked closer they realized that two out of the six were from the Spirit Wind sect.


Senior brothers all said bowing respectfully. We caught two people from the Spirit Wind sect. We think they have news on where Ezra is. They didn't notice we were watching them. We overheard them mention Ezras name and that everyone from the Spirit Wind sect were leaving the forest. One of them said to Goji and Xeno.


Leaving the Forest Goji and Xeno were both confused. Why would they leave this is the biggest forest in Sylvaria so surely, he is hiding here.


Goji then walked up to both of the tied-up Spirit Wind Disciples. tell me now why your sect is leaving the forest and where they are going. He said with a stern tone.


Neither of them responded. Tell me Goji yelled this time make the two shutters in fear.


Fine if you will not tell me then I will have to make you he said pulling his sword from behind his back and placing in near one the Spirit Winds disciples' leg as if he was ready to pierce the skin.


Goji was about to pierce the cultivator's leg. Wait! I will tell you if you don't hurt him. one of them finally said he could not just watch as his friend got his leg pierced.


Goji stopped his movements Fine then tell me why your sect is leaving the forest and where they are going. Xeno also stepped forward wanting to hear the answer.


The tied-up cultivator did not say anything, still trying to decide if he wanted to say or not.


Goji was growing impatient and raised his sword ready to cut off the tied-up cultivator's leg.


They went east; they left the forest to head east. The cultivator finally said with some anger. East? why would they be heading east Xeno asked.


He gritted his teeth he didn't want t to tell them anything, but he had two in order to save both from getting killed by Xeno and Goji.


Braidan learned that Ezra was spotted heading East. Braidan went on ahead but before that he told us to all head east and sent us back to inform our sect about the current situation.


East Why east they both thought before realizing what was east of the forest. They both had the same thought The Phantom Mist Forest. You two go inform everyone to start heading east. We are going on ahead. You two You stay here and guard these two. With that they both turned into blurs heading East.


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