
Endless Journey Through the Cosmos

In a land full of Unknown secrets cultivation and Rare Bloodlines. Ezra will have to face many challenges and enemies to find out what he truly Is. what his purpose is in this world And what mysteries lie in the endless sky. This is my first time writing a novel. I will do my best to improve my writing style and spelling. Thank you for reading my novel. Also i know that there are some mistakes with the name Spirit Wind sect i accidentally put Wind Spirit but it should be the Spirit WInd Sect If you have suggestions on what i can improve feel free to let me know in the comments

Feartreeko · Eastern
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24 Chs



 Ezra was about to respond when the the front door was open in a hurry by Sara. She was breathing heavily as if she had run for days.


Sara are you ok, what are you doing back so soon Marcus asked with a concerned look. Ezra you're in danger she said before slumping onto a chair exhausted.


In danger Linda Marcus. And Alex who had come in after seeing her in a panic said in unison.


Let me get you water, Linda said getting up. Sara nodded. She then turned to look at Ezra. You are in danger, she once again said.


In danger of what Alex ask please tell us everything.


Sara nodded then started talking. I was on my way to Silvaria. I was only gone for about two days when a group of bounty hunters stopped me and showed me a picture. I realized the person that they showed me was Ezra. She looked at Ezra wanting to see his reaction before continuing. I said no then asked why they were hunting this person. They didn't tell me much, only that the top three sects were looking for this person for some reason.

When I heard that I started panicking. And made up an excuse to leave. When I was sure they weren't watching I rushed back here as fast as I could.


As Sara finished her story everyone was stunned. Ezra, do you know anything about this Linda asked while handing Sara a glass of water.


Ezra didn't speak for a second before looking at the ground and saying yes I know why they are looking for me.


This slightly shocked them. Why are they looking for you? What did you do to offend the top three sects. Marcus asked.


He sighed and then started talking. Did any of you see the light in the sky a while back? He asked.


Do you mean that weird while light if so, then yes Marcus and the rest said.


A few days before I met all of you, I was forced off a cliff by a few disciples of the Spirit Wind Sect. While I was down there, I discovered a few treasures that could help me increase my cultivation. He didn't go into detail about how much it helped him increase his cultivation, He especially didn't want to tell them about his qi method and blood. The less they knew the better it would be for them. He thought.


He went on when I increased my cultivation climbed back up the cliff. Only to realize that the treasure I got was the treasure everyone was looking for I got what was in the white light.


I was chased by three people, one from each of the sects. I was able to beat them all but barely. I was much weaker than they were when I beat them. I guess they told their sect leaders about it, so they want to get what I got. Ezra said with a bitter smile.


So that's why you were asking about the Phantom Mist Forest.


Yes, I wanted a place to escape to.


It's probably for the best if I leave. I don't want to get you all involved in my mess.

He said with some regret.


NO! You can't, Linda said with a stern tone. She had already started treating Ezra as a little brother. Plus, she could tell Ezra enjoyed being part of a family. Stacy also seemed to really enjoy playing with him.


I must go, you can't possibly want to protect as much as your family and daughter. You are part of our family now.


Ezra felt warm in his heart it was a very long time since he had been part of a family. But he knew he had to leave.


Linda Ezra is right Marcus said he had also started seeing Ezra as a little brother. But he knew that Ezra had a point if it came down to his family and daughter, he would pick his family, daughter.


But why can't we just hide you somewhere near here until everything dies down.


Linda be reasonable if the three sects want something they won't stop until they get what they are after.


Ezra got up and hugged Linda, it's fine. "I will be fine he said with a reassuring smile I can't get you all involved I would never forgive myself if something happened to all of you.


But. I will be fine.


Fine Linda Finally relented. Fine, at least let me give you a few things to eat and keep you warm. Ezra nodded. Then She left to grab a few things for Ezra.


He turned to Marcus. Marcus, could I grab another weapon from your shed.

As they were about to walk to the shed Stacy stepped in front of Ezra big brother can I come she looked at him with a cute smile. Ezra wanted to say no but he couldn't, he looked at Marcus for help. He needed to talk to Marcus about where to find the Phantom Mist Forest. And he didn't want Stacy to overhear them.


Marcus could see that Ezra wanted to talk to him about something. Neeld in front of Stacy. No, sorry you can't come, we have important matters to talk about. Don't worry, we will be back soon. Ok she said with a big smile not realizing anything out of the ordinary but big brother be back soon.


I will Ezra said while patting her head.


You want to ask me where the Phantom Mist Forest is Marcus's final said while they were walking towards the weapons shed.



Yes, how did you know. Come on you are kind of easy to read he said smiling.


It's true, I want to know where it is. You know I'm not strong enough to take on the three sects. So, I want to head in that direction so incase worst comes I can try and go into the Phantom Mist Forest to escape.


I know that almost everyone dies or dies after coming out after going into that forest. But I think at some point I will need to make that choice


Marcus sighed I know. If you are really intending, go there, I have a few conditions.


Whatever it is i will do it.


One you can't tell the other that you are planning on going near the Phantom Mist Forest Especial don't tell Linda. She already doesn't want you to leave. The next condition is that you must allow me to guide you there.


What no the whole point of me leaving was to keep all of you safe. But if you come you might shh


 I know the risk that I might get hurt if we get attacked by the three sects but I'm willing to take that risk just like Linda, I see you as a little brother now. Marcus said smiling gently at Ezra


Fine. But I won't hesitate to make you leave if it gets too dangerous, I won't let you die Stacy needs you. Also Please don't tell Stacy about this I don't want her to know about this Ezra said. I see Her as a little sister, and I feel as if I need to protect her.


Ok I will tell everyone to keep this from her until you return no matter how long you take. Ezra nodded


As they entered the shed Enzer walked over two a few daggers hung up on the wall.


You are trying something new I see. Ezra nodded, "as he picked up a dagger he said I have always enjoyed seeing people use daggers so I will try to learn when I get the chance.


Let's head back, we will leave at sunset. Ezra looked into the sky realizing sunset would be in about 4 or 5 hours.


As they returned to the house Linda asked so when are you planning on leaving at sunset Marcus replied oh so you will have time to eat dinner with us one last time Linda asked.


Marcus tried to stop her from saying that last part because Stacy was right next to her. But it was too late.


What big brother is leaving no I don't want big brother to leave Stacy started crying as she ran and hugged Ezra's leg.


Don't worry I won't be gone forever it's just that I need to do something I will return soon. He said trying to comfort the crying girl.


Linda, realizing her mistake said don't worry dear Ezra will eat dinner with us. This seemed to work, and Stacy nodded and let go of Ezra.


About two hours later they all sat down to eat their final meal together.

The atmosphere around the table was somewhat down because everyone knew it would be their last dinner together. For a long time.


As the dinner ended the sun started to set.


We are going to leave now, Ezra said. Yes now is a great time to go Marcus said standing up.


As they were about to leave Stacy hugged Ezra crying. Be back soon big brother I want to play more with you. I will be back Stacy, just wait. Hope your travels go well Alex and Sara both said. Ezra nodded. and smiled 


 He then looked over at Linda who handed him a blanket, clothes, food and a picture. The picture was of her and her family on the back was a separate picture of just Stacy happily sitting in a field of flowers. This is so you Remember us until you return, I want you to remember you are a part of this family now. And you always will be. Don't forget it. Linda said Trying to hold back her tears.


Ezra hugged each of them one last time before leaving with Marcus.