
Chapter 83:

As a person who owes debts, and who wants to continue to write credits in the future, he is destined to not look at the debtor's face.

Wu Ye can only use silence to express dissatisfaction with the system. The system knows that he is not happy, but he is also happy to return points and energy! After hunting the random task of the fourth-level zombies, Wu Ye only got the reward of 1000 points. After receiving the reward, the debt still stayed at more than 14,000, and then counted 30% interest. The system did not even open the portal. Wu Ye did not tell everyone about the worm at the moment, mainly because he could not explain how he knew so much. Even if these people have a loyalty, he is not willing to expose the system to them.

Wu Ye did not say why, Qin Wuhua naturally can not explain this weird phenomenon, only to let everyone be more careful, when the insects can kill and kill.

The lab they are waiting for now has about 100 square meters. Half of the lab is equipped with all kinds of new experimental equipment. Because the house was locked at the beginning, no one in the lab came in, and the things were very well preserved. . Everyone worked together to clean up the lab and the mutant vines crawled through the room.

The zombies in the experimental building were clean, the entrances were wide open, and the zombies outside could flood in at any time. It's already four o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky is getting darker. It's obvious that the zombies are getting more and more active. This is obviously not a good time to hunt.

Wu Ye Xiaosheng said to everyone: "The time is not early, first pick up the meal, and go to the city as planned in the morning tomorrow." At this time, Wu Ye missed the former elevator apartment, and all the facilities and equipment did not say. The entrances were all sealed, and there was no need to worry about the zombies outside the house breaking into the door. Hunting was very convenient. Also, he pulled the wind shell and never went in again!

"Yes!" Despite the good luck today, there was no one injured, but the thing just happened was too thrilling. Everyone was too nervous and now feels very tired.

Wu Ye took out the remaining ingredients in the space ring and handed it to Yang Lina. The big iron pot was left in the opposite office building. Wu Ye had to ask the system for a purchase, and the negative number on the account was 50 more.

Wu Ye poured water into the big pot like yesterday, and the result was a fist-sized 'ice 雹' in the big pot. Wu Ye looked at his hand and whispered: "My ability has broken through..." The huge surprise made him forget to lower his voice, and even forgot to stretch his 'cold high' boss. Out of a hanging ice cone, pulling Qin Wuhua's hand excitedly laughed, "Da Qin, Daqin, look, you see!" Just did not jump.

The zombies outside heard the movement and picked them up.

Qin Wuhua saw that his eyes were finished with a smile, and a pair of beautiful dimples on the white and tender doll face became more and more like a child who did not grow up. He whispered: "I saw it, Aye is really amazing."

Wu Ye suddenly noticed that they became the focus of the whole house, and they let go of their hands and laughed.

Qian Xin silently said: The heart of the head is almost biased to the armpits. He was screaming and whispering. He was so angry that the boss was alarmed by the zombies of the whole building. The head still laughed and laughed. ! The difference in treatment should not be too obvious!

Probably Qian Xin's complaint is too obvious. A special veteran who has always been disciplined is slightly hot, but his skin is dark and his face is blushing.

Others: What Xi'an loves, it's just a flash of titanium alloy dog ​​eyes!

Rabbit boss can take care of the strange atmosphere in the room, pick up a few fresh cabbage, shrink into the corner and hold it slowly, while eating and looking up at Wu leaves from time to time, its white hair flows from time to time a trace of ice blue The light, flashing away, is almost impossible to capture.

After everyone was quiet for a while, the zombies outside regained their calmness. Yang Qi suppressed the excitement and whispered: "Congratulations to the boss and the head to advance to the fourth stage. Later, we can also walk across the city." The fourth-order abilities of the country The number of two slaps came over, and more than half of them were concentrated in the settlements of Beijing. The other nine large settlements, even one can not be divided on average, there are two in the city now, and the news spreads many people. Especially Qin Wuhua, the lightning abilities can compete with the giant zombies to fight against the front, and then there will be giant zombies outside, and I can imagine how shocking it will be. I don't know if he can advance to the fourth stage, will the combat power also increase?

Wu Ye thinks that Qin Wuhua has directly blasted the head of the fourth-level zombies, which looks like a big calf. He patted Qin Wuhua's shoulder and revealed a slightly provocative smile: "Tomorrow is better than watching who is better! The loser, you know." Given the number of people, the second is not good enough to say that the loser is doing the following.

For the first time, Qin Wuhua showed a sharp face in front of Wu Ye. The lips were full of momentum: "If I win, don't forget the last time I promised me." Trying a new position with difficulty, finally let him I have seized the opportunity.

Rao is Wu Ye's cheeky again, and he can't help but blush when he thinks about the things they argued last time.

There weren't a few first brothers in the whole room. Yang Qigao and others waited for a second to understand the eyes. They had already familiarized Wu Ye's attributes of loving hair on certain things. They looked down and looked for things. Let Wu Ye take the lead.

There was no dream overnight, and the next morning, the zombies outside were much less. Simply ate some dry food, and everyone quickly moved to the city according to the original plan. Wu Yewen system purchased a monitoring time of 10 kilometers within 10 kilometers, and determined that there is no level 4 zombies in the monitoring range, leading everyone to choose the route with the least zombies and quickly go downstairs. At the same time, Qin Wuhua issued instructions from the control terminal of the cranial number, and the cranial number ran out of the hiding place. The mechanical leg leaped gently and slammed the small truck designated by Qin Wuhua. Soon, everyone went to the building and went back to the building and then got two small trucks, moving towards the direction of the city of Qingyi County.

The number of zombies in the county is still so many. The difference from the last time is that the number of third-level zombies is obviously much more. It is no longer a few shadows in the corpse, but a long list of followers. Crazy chase, visually occupy at least one-fifth of the entire corpse, the second-level or above including the second-level zombies has occupied 2/3 of the total, and the lowest-level first-class zombies have become the smallest.

Twenty-eight people face hundreds of thousands of corpses, and even if the firepower is full of injuries, it is absolutely inevitable. Fortunately, in the end, everyone finally took the things and rushed into the elevator apartment. Four of the six injured were newly recruited. They did not know that Wu Ye had a vaccine, and they were all scared. Successfully used the zombie eviction agent to cover up the odor. The points that Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua had just hunted on the road were not enough. The debt increased by 5800 points on the original basis. The purchase of six vaccines is another 3,000 points of debt. After the newly joined players saw the virus vaccine, the respectfulness of Wu Ye was greatly increased.

The system deliberately popped out the control panel, very serious reminder of the stupid host, the total debt has more than 50,000 points, the system on the control panel will be clear of all the details listed, stupid host wants to deny.

Wu Ye went all the way and ran wildly. He only rested for less than twenty minutes. Under the silent reminder of the system, he silently slammed the sniper rifle and strangled the three-level zombies outside.

The system then released a random task: [x kills x d-only virus x-level infected person in x minutes. ]

The task is more restrictive, and it is very challenging for Wu Ye, and the reward is also a rare rich, from a few hundred points to a few thousand points. After a few rounds of brushing, Wu Ye almost turned into a war machine. It only mechanically fired, aimed, and fired. After a few times, it was almost impossible to complete the task. He driven the ability at the last minute, and directly condensed the ice cone or lowered it. Hedgehog, which is slightly smaller than basketball, is trying hard to solve the task of hunting. As time goes by, Wu Ye is slowly able to use it once and for all, the cooperation between hot weapons and abilities is getting smoother and smoother, and the combat power is raised to the extreme.

The rabbit boss is the contracted beast of Wu Ye, and the result of the hunting can be directly counted on his head according to the system. So the rabbit boss was forced to stand on the edge of the window and rushed to the outside to spit out the hail. After Wu Ye's ability broke through to the fourth order, the rabbit's variability also broke through to the fourth level.

After the rabbit boss vomited for half an hour of hail, he finally got tired and looked at his unscrupulous master with tears in his stomach. Wu Ye was also a little tired. He continued to shoot the zombies. When he faced Qin Wuhua, he said, "Stop! Stop! The game is over."

Qin Wuhua took the gun in a crisp and neat manner. Wu Ye slammed and killed a zombie before stopping. He called out the control panel and looked at the above data dumbfounded. The number of the zombies that he and the rabbit boss killed together were the number of points converted. They are less than Qin Wuhua.

This is simply unscientific!

Qin Wuhua knows Wu Ye too. He looks at his face and knows the result of the game. He smiles and licks Wu's hair: "Hey, I'm willing to lose."

"Hey, your sister, this time is not counted!" Wu Ye was so angry that her face was bulging. That kind of posture, how can humans get it?

Qin Wuhua pinched his cheek and deliberately said: "No swearing. If you dare to confess, I will say the bet."

Two less: "..." qaq bastard!

The rabbit boss is staring at Qin Wuhua, and then look at the owner. Although it can't understand the dialogue between the two, it can faintly sense the frustration and grievances of a master, and it is exactly the same feeling as it is to fight and lose!

I can beat the bad guys without doing anything, so I am so tired! The rabbit boss looked at Qin Wuhua's big eyes and did not remember what he had done with lightning before.

Half an hour, Wu Yetuo boss and Qin Wuhua's full fight, the points in his account finally lost from five digits to four digits, but the time limit of the zombie eviction agent has passed, Wu Ye had to Continue to purchase the expulsion agent with the system.

The debt has changed back to five digits, and the second is less than a big breach: [Grave, you are more powerful than a loan shark! ]

System: [No, even if it is, oh. ]

Two less: [... No, I am jealous. ]