
Chapter 84:

After the resumption of the battle, Wu Ye's points have become positive five digits when the work is completed in the evening. This time they brought enough gun and bullet food. Wu Ye needs to exchange the system with only the zombie eviction agent. All of them are concentrated in the two houses facing the direction of Cao Nan Street on the fourth floor. They do not need to collect materials, but at the same time they have too many people, 28 abilities and a mutant beast, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua. And the rabbit bosses are advanced to the fourth order, and the low-level repellent can't cover their taste. 1.5 bottles of intermediate repellent and 10 bottles of low-level repellent have only one hour of effectiveness. Therefore, during the battle, the average hourly Wu leaves is 1600 points, 3 orange crystals, 20 crystals.

A three-level zombie has only 100 points, and 1600 points is 16 pieces. The third-level zombies are more sensitive. It will not stand in the same place and kill you. It is not easy to hunt them. So one day, Wu Ye's points were rushed, but he added the rabbit boss, plus Qin Wuhua and the completed system random task, which only cost 1 to 8 hours to exchange the expulsion agent.

At this speed, I should be able to buy a copy of myself and Qin Wuhua. At this time, Wu Ye thought of binding comrades.

He is now 4th-order, and there are already 3 comrades in his place. It has not been a long time to be so empty. During this time, he has been secretly paying attention to the seedlings with good potential and good heart. After comprehensive evaluation, Zhao Qianyu has the best potential and progress is very fast, but people are too gloomy and militant. Qian Xin's potential is slightly lower than him, but his potential talent is better than others, and his heart is determined to be honest and a good candidate. Yang Qi brothers and sisters and Su Jianbang's heart are not bad, but the potential is still inferior to Qian Xin.

If you don't first bind with Qian Xin, the other two candidates should consider it carefully.

Wu Ye really does not want to see the opportunity to earn points lost, even if he can only get half of the points of his comrades, with Qian Xin's combat power, one day can say that you can kill 100 three-level zombies, the equivalent is 5000 points. In 20 days, it is a cheaper way to buy more books!

With the speed of practice, the speed of cultivating skills can definitely be improved. Maybe they can add one or two fourth-order abilities when they leave Qingyi County. Wu Yeyue wants to brighten his eyes, and the more he wants to think, even if he is taller in a short scorpion, he must first go out with one or two places!

No, I will discuss it with Daqin for a while.

Finally settled for a while, the dinner is rare and rich. No longer a simple hot pot stew, four fire abilities are fully mobilized, one is responsible for steamed rice, one is responsible for stewing braised pork, and two are responsible for the wok. Among the newly added abilities, He Dasheng, a soil abilities, is a cook, and the skill of cooking is better than Yang Lina. The two of them worked in a division of labor. After a short time, they made a dozen dishes. There were cooking, cooking, and aromas. The rabbits were turned around the pot and they were not too shameful.

The fresh pork and fresh chicken used for cooking are all taken from the space by Wu Ye and are very fresh. The food for this mission was prepared by Yang Lina. The meat that was brought over was treated with bacon, sauce, dried meat, etc. The vegetables were mainly potatoes, sauerkraut and pickles. The staple food was sweet potato and rice. . Dong Dongling and Xu Hanwen were prepared to carry some cabbage, radish, broccoli and other seeds. The two joined forces. After a while, they gave birth to a dozen fresh watery cabbages. This is a problem of completely eliminating vegetables. .

After a meal is finished, everyone is satisfied. After a short break, Wu Ye distributed a part of the crystal nucleus to them according to the needs of each person. Now that the Craniotomy has the ability to automatically record and identify the crystal nucleus, each data will be directly transmitted to the control terminal, and the daily crystal nucleus income will be directly counted, without additional points. The fly in the ointment is that the cranial number of the car is still too small, the body of the two medium-sized low-level isolation box welded, because the built-in intermediate isolation box, can only hold a maximum of 5,500 crystal nuclei.

In order to prevent the crystal nucleus from falling, as long as there are enough 4,500 crystal nuclei, the cranial number will automatically send the information to the control terminal requesting clearance. Therefore, the craniotomy will be collected every other hour. It takes more than ten minutes for the whole process to be collected and received. The craniotomy requires high-intensity work and intermittent rest and rest. Therefore, every time 'clearance', everyone has half an hour of rest and recovery time.

The last time everyone rested, they also needed to throw a burning bullet to clear the body downstairs. Now they don't need it. Before they finish their rest, the mutant worms that come out in all directions will eat them all, and only pile up. One layer after another. Although some of the incendiary bombs have been saved, these are obviously not good phenomena for survivors.

The only thing that makes Wu Ye happy is that he now has a space ring to store the crystal nucleus, no need to exchange the isolation box, or else he will die.

After registering the number of crystal nuclei that each person left, the abilities took the expulsion agent to clean up the other two houses on the top floor, quickly packed up the secret room, planted the mutant vines, and negotiated to allocate the room and return to the house. Practice and rest. At this time the weather was cold, everyone squeezed a bed and it was warm, except for the only female Yang Lina who had a small single room. Qin Wuhua and Wu Ye still lived in the master bedroom where they lived last time. The other three or four people squeezed one. Bed. If you really don't want to sleep with others, go to the living room to sleep on the sofa.

The abilities of the abilities are very sensitive, and they can be heard in the room and whispered. Wu Ye simply put the opinions of the bound comrades into the brain, and let Qin Wuhua help him to participate in the details. He has to go back home.

Qin Wuhua quickly read the information left by Wu Ye and entered it on the brain: Be careful, pay attention to safety, go early and go back early. love you.

Qin Wuhua is introverted, rarely in the Wu Ye face premise love ah likes the words, Wu Ye suddenly saw, returning home is still red.

At home, Wu's mother Wu is eating dinner. Wu Yezhen remembers the things of wheat. When she goes back to the simple question, she asks directly: "..., Dad, did the ID card have been received? Has the wheat contact been contacted? Waiting for you to finish the meal, we go to the factory and put the gold in the first place."

Wu Fu has already eaten almost. He put down the tableware and said: "I have already received the ID card. I had a day with your mother. I have already let the little prince correct all the identity information. I went to the foreign market today and put a few banks. The bank card was all down. Your mom contacted several seed companies, and I handled it at the warehouse. The fastest one can be delivered tomorrow. Wait until your day lily is cold."

Wu Ye didn't expect his father and mother to be so capable. He saved him a lot of time. He muttered: "Isn't that something important to hold on?" He was chased by the giant zombies and chased him out. He I won't say it!

Wumu cares and asks: "What? No danger?" Wu mother always remembers that another world is fighting, although her son said that he occupied a small base there, she is always not at ease.

Wu Ye hits haha: "Not all said, only a few nuisances have been sent on it? Can there be any danger? Let them get out of my territory sooner or later." Wu Ye will be very devilish, directly grafting Zhou Wencai's things. Come over, half-truth is more convincing.

Wu's father glanced at him: "If you still do something, you will know how to speak loudly and carefully give your tongue a flash."

Wu Yefu said: "I know, I have a few in my heart."

Wu's father knows that his son has matured a lot now, but he is afraid that he will give birth to a light enemy. On the way to the factory, he is asking him the specific situation there. Wu Ye secretly complains but has to say Zhou Wencai's best things. . Guoji Bank's hegemonic behavior has also been slightly revised, and it has been told to parents. Both of them are actively helping him with his ideas.

The food factory has not yet been officially operated, and some skilled workers have already been accommodated in the factory. Wu Fu told the guard at the gate that he had something to fall into the office. In the past, he looked for it. He took his son and his wife to look around the factory. He didn't have to follow him. The security guard thought that the boss had to sneak into the inspection, and immediately ensured that he would never tell anyone where they were, and he was stunned by the way. Fortunately, he did not open the gap.

The security guard is there to make up for someone to be unlucky tonight. Wu's father drove the car into the parking shed and took Wu Ye and his wife directly to the entrance of the innermost underground warehouse in the warehouse. The entrance is two small iron gates that are fastened to the ground. They are locked with a large iron lock and look very inconspicuous. Open the door, revealing a long corridor, there is a switch at the entrance of the corridor, open it, and it will be brightly lit.

The space underneath the warehouse is large, about two hundred square meters, originally used for canning in the summer. Now pile up a lot of boxes, it looks like a mess, full of spider webs everywhere. Wu Ye found an inconspicuous little corner and removed all the gold from the space ring.

The density of gold is very large. The volume of 1 ton of gold is only 0.05 cubic meters. The area of ​​20 tons of gold is only a little more than 1 cubic meter. It is not obvious that a small group is placed in the corner. However, Wu and Wu have never seen so many bricks in their lives. The white light of the porcelain shines, and the glittering gold reflects the splendor of the entire basement, which is even more dazzling.

When Wu's father was the most brilliant, he had three or four billion net worth, but he never had so much money in his bank account, let alone a neatly colored brick. Rao is the person he and Wu mother have seen in the big world. Now they really see so much gold, so many gold belonging to their home, can not help but touch the red bulging hands on the gold brick touch and touch, metal-specific The cold touch reminds them that it is not a dream.

Many times, gold has more visual impact than soft sister coins.

The son's self-proclaimed words did not hear them until they hid the gold, walked out of the underground warehouse, locked the door of the warehouse underneath, and Wu's mother Wu was immersed in the shock.

Holding the key to the underground warehouse door, Wu's father never felt that something was so hot. He bit his teeth: "I will find someone to come back and buy the villa tomorrow!" 20t gold is placed here, he can imagine, In the next few days, he and his wife don't want to sleep well.