
Empire: ashes of the fallen

Jinzo Watanabe has always felt lost in life, never quite sure of his purpose or what he wants to become. His fellow students and peers all seem to have their paths set, but for Jinzo, the future remains unclear. That is until he dies a gruesome death and is given a second chance at life in another world. From the moment Jinzo opens his eyes in this new world, he can sense the danger that surrounds him. This place is like nothing he's ever experienced before - a twisted, malevolent land that seems to want him dead. As Jinzo adjusts to his new surroundings, he must confront powerful enemies and uncover the secrets of this new world in order to find his true purpose. Will he be able to overcome the challenges ahead, or will he succumb to the darkness that threatens to consume him? The prologue deals with on how the mc got into another world. I'm also going to upload this on Wattpad, Scribble hub, Tapas All rights reserved.

krish_patel · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Ch-5(2): Comrades

Jinzo and Kenji were approached by a large man who towered over them at seven feet tall. The man had broad shoulders and a muscular build, and his rough and intimidating appearance was accentuated by his thick beard and the scars on his face.

The tall man had a yellow glow around him. He carried a long spear in his hand. However, despite his imposing appearance, the man smiled warmly at Jinzo and Kenji, his kind demeanor in stark contrast to his rough exterior.

"Greetings," said the man, towering over Kenji. "I cannot help but notice your sword. May I have a closer look?"

Kenji looked at him sternly and replied, "I will show it to you myself."

Kenji unsheathed the katana with a swift, practiced motion. The curved blade gleamed in the sunlight, revealing the intricate pattern of the folded steel. The hilt was wrapped in silk, and the guard was ornately decorated with a dragon motif.

The man's eyes widened in awe at the sight of the blade's sharp edge. "This is a true masterpiece," he said. "I can see the skill and craftsmanship that went into making it."

Kenji sheathed the katana with equal grace, a sense of pride evident in his movements. "Thank you," he said. "It has been passed down through generations of my family, and I am honored to wield it."

"Would you be interested in joining me and my companions on our expedition?" he said, his voice resonating deeply.

At first, they hesitated, uncertain about the man's intentions. But as they considered his proposal, the prospect of a shared hunt with someone with combat experience was tempting.

Jinzo looked at Kenji, nodding firmly. He knew that they would have to fight together, now or later. So, it was better to agree now and be prepared for what was to come.

"We've hunted monsters before," Kenji said, breaking the silence. "What kind of creatures are you after?"

"We are not going hunting, not for now. We're going to gather resources like wood, herbs, fruits, and other things we can find in the forest."

The man extended his hand and introduced himself, "My name is Valtor."

Kenji and Jinzo reciprocated the gesture, shaking hands with Valtor and introducing themselves as well.

"I'm Kenji," said Kenji, a slight bow accompanying his greeting.

"And I'm Jinzo," added Jinzo, with a polite nod.

Valtor introduced himself and then turned to the woman beside him. Valtor turned to face the woman beside him and said, "This is Lirien,". He gestured towards the beautiful woman with long blonde hair that fell like loose waves down her back.

She had emerald green eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. She was tall and slender, and she was wearing olive clothes that reached her ankles, she carried a bow and arrow.

Kenji and Jinzo exchanged a respectful bow toward Lirien, "Nice to meet you," said Kenji, with a polite smile.

Lirien returned the gesture with a nod and a small smile, but she remained silent. Kenji and Jinzo could sense that she was not one for idle chatter and respected her quiet demeanor.

Valtor stepped in, sensing the slight awkwardness in the air, "Lirien may not say much, but her skills with a bow are unmatched. You'll be glad to have her by your side."

As they exchanged introductions, the group started walking towards the city gates.

As they walked, Valtor turned to Kenji and Jinzo, "So, what type of class are you two in?" he asked, his gaze shifting between them.

Kenji and Jinzo exchanged a confused look, still unfamiliar with some of the terms used in this world. Sensing their confusion, Valtor quickly picked up on it and addressed the issue.

"Ah, you two must not be from around here, right?" he said, noticing their puzzled expressions. "I guess you have different terms for things where you come from. Don't worry; it's not too different from what you know. Let me explain."

Valtor explained patiently, "By classes, we mean the different types of warriors. Here, we have three main types of warriors- Sorcerer, Sentinel, and the War Mage."

Valtor continued his explanation, "Sorcerers use incantations and spells to manipulate the elements and create powerful magical effects. Sorcerers usually prefer to fight from a distance."

Jinzo looked impressed. "That sounds incredibly powerful," he said.

Valtor nodded. "It is, but it comes with a cost. Sorcerers are usually not very physically durable and need protection to avoid being targeted in close combat."

"What about the Sentinel?" Asked Kenji eagerly.

Valtor elaborated on the Sentinel class, "Sentinels are known for their physical attributes, such as strength, speed, and durability. They are frontline fighters and excel in close combat. Although they can use magic, their proficiency in it is not as high as Sorcerers."

Kenji thought in his mind, "So, Sentinels are the tank class."

Valtor continued his explanation of the classes, "Lastly, we have the War Mages. They are the rarest and most versatile of all the classes. War Mages can use high-tier magic like the Sorcerers and have the physical attributes of a Sentinel."

Kenji asked, "So, they are a combination of both classes?"

Valtor nodded, "Exactly. War Mages have the best of both worlds. Depending on the situation, they can fight from a distance or up close. Their versatility makes them a valuable asset in any battle."

Valtor asked, "Now, does that sound familiar to you? Do you have similar types of warriors in your terms?"

Kenji and Jinzo nodded in agreement, although they were hesitant about hiding the fact that they were from another world. They knew that revealing their origins might complicate things, and they didn't want to cause any trouble.

Valtor smiled and said, "By the way, I forgot to mention that I am a Sentinel and Lirien here is a Sorcerer."

Kenji and Jinzo exchanged a hesitant look, unsure of what class they belonged to as they had never practiced magic before. They shrugged and said, "We don't think we could be Sorcerers. We might fit better in the Sentinel class."

"That's great," said Valtor. As their conversation came to an end, they arrived at the city gates.

As they ventured towards the forest, Jinzo took in his surroundings, never having had the chance to explore such an area before. The dense forest was comprised of towering trees, their trunks thick with gnarled roots that twisted into the earth below.

The dense canopy of green leaves above blocked out much of the sunlight, casting the forest floor in dappled shadows. Jinzo also noticed the thick, tall grasses that rustled in the gentle breeze. Despite the potential danger that lurked within the forest, Jinzo couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of the natural world around him.

As they walked deeper into the forest, Valtor continued explaining their mission. He pointed towards the tall trees and said, "We need to gather some wood for the construction of new buildings in the city. " Then he turned to Jinzo and asked, "Would you like to help me with that?"

Jinzo nodded and asked, "How are we going to cut the trees?" Valtor replied, "We won't be cutting any trees. We'll be looking for fallen ones."

Valtor turned to Jinzo and said, "Listen for cracking or creaking sounds as we move through the forest. Hearing those sounds could mean that a tree is about to fall or has recently fallen."

Jinzo looked around, trying to focus his senses. "I hear a few sounds, but I'm not sure if they're what you're talking about," he said.

Valtor nodded. "Let's head in that direction and take a look. Keep your eyes peeled for any fallen trees or branches that we can use."

As they walked toward the sound, Jinzo asked, "What kind of wood are we looking for?"

"We need sturdy wood that can withstand the elements and support heavy weight," Valtor replied. "Eldeoak is our best option."Valtor pointed to a tree that resembled an oak but had distinct differences. Its bark was darker and rougher, and its leaves were more elongated and pointed.

They scanned the area for fallen trees to gather wood from and soon heard a loud crack followed by a thud. Valtor gestured towards a nearby spot and whispered, "Found one. Let's go."

They approached the massive fallen tree, its thick trunk still intact despite the fall. Valtor examined it and nodded, "This will do. Let's start gathering wood." They grabbed their axes and chopped the tree into manageable pieces, taking only what they needed and leaving the rest to decompose naturally.

Meanwhile, Kenji and Lirien set off in a different direction, searching for medicinal herbs. Kenji tried to hide his nervousness as he realized he was alone with a girl for the first time.

He cleared his throat and asked, "So, what exactly are we looking for?" Lirien, speaking softly, replied, "We're searching for Flameleaf. It's a

medicinal herb with bright red leaves, so keep an eye out for that."

Kenji's keen eyes scanned the dense vegetation surrounding him, carefully searching for any sign of the elusive Flameleaf. As he moved forward, he noticed a faint red glow emanating from a group of plants. Excited by his discovery, he quickly called out to Lirien, "Hey, over here! I think I found it!"

As Lirien rushed over, she saw that Kenji had indeed stumbled upon a cluster of plants with bright red leaves, their vivid color standing out amidst the sea of green.

Lirien's smile grew wider as she walked over to the plant Kenji had spotted. She examined it closely and confirmed, "Yes, this is the Flameleaf we're looking for. Well done, Kenji!" She took out a small knife from her pouch and carefully cut the bright red leaves, placing them gently into a pouch.

As they walked deeper into the forest, Kenji turned to Lirien and asked, "So, what exactly is this flame leaf used for?"

Lirien smiled and replied, "When it's brewed into a tea or crushed into a paste, flame leaf can be used to soothe sore throats and coughs. It also has mild anti-inflammatory properties, making it useful for treating minor skin irritations and joint pain."

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Kenji's eyes were always drawn to the bright red glow of the flameleaf. He couldn't help but ask Lirien about it. "What makes the flame leaf glow like that?" he asked curiously.

Lirien looked at him in surprise. "You can see the aura of the flameleaf?" she asked, her voice tinged with wonder.

Kenji looked at her, confused. "The aura? I'm not sure what you mean," he admitted.

"Aura is the visible manifestation of magic and special properties," Lirien explained. "It's like colored energy that surrounds everything and everyone. I can sense the aura, but only a few have the ability to see it. What about in your terms, Kenji?"

Kenji quickly thought of a random term and replied, "We call it 'Ki'. It's said to be the life force energy that flows within us."

"How fascinating! I've always been curious about other cultures," Lirien exclaimed. Kenji forced a smile and nodded, feeling guilty for lying about the term 'Ki'. He didn't want to appear ignorant in front of Lirien, who seemed well-versed in magic and aura.

As they finished collecting the remaining flameleaf, Kenji and Lirien made their way back to Valtor and Jinzo who were already carrying the fallen pieces of the Eldeoak.

Kenji noticed Jinzo struggling to carry the load and immediately stepped in to help. With a smile, he said, "Here, let me give you a hand with that." Together, they lifted the heavy load and continued on their way. Valtor nodded approvingly at Kenji's kindness, and they all made their way back to camp with their valuable resources.

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